Beasts of Beyond
where do we go from here | JOINING - Printable Version

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where do we go from here | JOINING - pallid-i - 02-21-2019

MR. GLASSMAN— Okay, so far, he had gone to two places. He left after waiting too long for people. He was rather impatient, and Glassman should really work on having more patience, really. His paw pads were bleeding due to walking to several places because of his impatience, so it was a serious issue.

Anyways, the hot sand felt nice on his paws, and the male sighed in relief as he slumped down and waited. He just wanted a resting place, and a place to call home. Was that too much to ask for? Well, yes, and it was all because of himself. —HE'S REALLY SOFT SPOKEN


Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - trojan g. - 02-22-2019

The soft scent of blood was something that drew Captain over, his ears pricked and nose wriggling as he searched for the scent, before coming across another creature, no actual blood in sight. He assumed then it had to be a small thing, a small scratch of some sort or something and it frustrated him. "Can I help you?" He would gruff out, eyeing the other curiously before a small roll came about his eyes.

//all character opinions <33
* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *

Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - Jervis - 02-23-2019

Following behind Captain, Jervis walked in with a facade of a smile on his lips. An exhausted huff left him as he stopped. So far their endeavors were... lacking. Nevertheless, the fox felt obliged to show up. Glassman was a stranger that needed his attention, even if he didn't want to provide it.
tags - penned by orion

Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - pallid-i - 03-28-2019

MR. GLASSMAN— /Late af reply lmao
Glassman looked up and stared at the two, his whiskers twitching. "You can, actually. I'm looking to join, and maybe get something for my bleeding paw pads." With that being said, he slowly brought his paw up to his muzzle and licked it, ignoring the stinging pain. He might as well clean them up, you know? Just to look a little bit presentable. —HE'S REALLY SOFT SPOKEN


Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - Jervis - 03-28-2019

Ah yes, a joiner. Their newest predicament. With The Typhoon on their behind and Tanglewood looming also, they had closed off their borders. Anyone in or out was not recommended. This included joiners. Jervis wasn't very fond of the idea when it came to letting someone in, so he obviously tensed up in annoyance. 'Everyone should of known by now,' he would of said, but he very well knew that if no one was leaving, the news wouldn't get out. Fucking pitiful. Why couldn't there be a happy medium? Still, he felt obliged to be angry.

The fox huffed in disagreement. "What makes you think you can stay here?" he shot back. Surely they would need a reason to stay or else they'd be chased off.
tags - penned by orion

Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - pallid-i - 03-29-2019

MR. GLASSMAN— This was to be expected. The Pitt was hostile after all, and anyone who would be surprised by this kind of behavior were fools.
Glassman stood straight and stared at Jervis blankly. "Well, I can offer muscle, and if you don't have herbal knowledge, I know plenty." He said, giving a small smile. "I can also mess around with fire and make glasswork." With that being said, the tom gestured to his earrings, which upon closer inspection, were made from glass. Maybe something of use could come from his glasswork. —HE'S REALLY SOFT SPOKEN


Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - Jervis - 04-01-2019

Jervis huffed. That was a very good argument. They provided material that he desired and the strength The Pitt very much needed, but so far not much on the opinion and loyalty side. Those could come with time though. Jervis, though not totally convinced, was willing to take the risk with one stranger that could offer them an advantage over their associates. As long as they didn’t go running off to one of their enemies after gaining some very important information, the ardent would be satisfied. Loyalty to him was key.

The fox loosened up. Captain was here if he needed any further assistance anyways. ”I’m sure you could be a wise addition to The Pitt. Welcome,” came his comment, ”But we still haven’t caught your name.” As if that was important right now.
tags - penned by orion

Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - pallid-i - 04-01-2019

MR. GLASSMAN— He got what he wanted, and now all he had to do was give a name. "My name is Glassman." He said, eyes glowing with excitement. The feline stood up and winced, tail lashing. "Have any burdock root, by any chance? Or a medicinal storage for that matter." He mumbled the last part to himself, though it could still obviously be heard if one concentrated on listening to his words. [color=#778899]—HE'S REALLY SOFT SPOKEN


Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - Jervis - 04-02-2019

How ironic. Someone who made glass was named 'Glassman'. Jervis snickered to himself, making sure that their newest member wouldn't hear his chuckle. He kept his stature upright though. His smile just persisted. "It's a pleasure to have you, Glassman," he pointed out. The fox's head dipped in greeting. "My name is Jervis, your ardent and leader of The Pitt." Royalty, per say. No wonder he was so cocky. That was obvious to most though, as it was always his aura.

Interesting. They were already set on doing something. Not even a tour or perhaps awaiting a few others to introduce themselves. "What is it needed for?" he questioned suspiciously. "We do and I can gladly show you the way there."

//private thread maybe, yeah??
tags - penned by orion

Re: where do we go from here | JOINING - pallid-i - 04-03-2019

MR. GLASSMAN— His blue eyes narrowed and the male hummed small acknowledgement. "Nice to meet the Ardent." He mused idly before casting down a quick glance at his paws. "I've been walking for a while and my pads got soft. Touching the hot sand made the skin burn up, hence the bloody smell." Glassman also had a tendency to work a lot. It helped keep things off his mind, for the most part.

/hell yeah fool —HE'S REALLY SOFT SPOKEN