Beasts of Beyond
Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - Printable Version

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Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - WATCHKEEPER - 02-20-2019

✯ — remember the taker
Title really doesn't do this plot thread justice, because I have a lot in mind for this character. All of his information is linked in this template and my signature, but to summarize, I'll leave a brief overview of him below.

Father Time is a mysterious, wolf-like creature that roams the outskirts of Tanglewood, where he tempts unsuspecting travelers into buying one of his many antique clocks. He promises his customers that his clocks will equip them with infinite power, but only if they do his bidding. After successfully wooing the stranger, he will use his powers to manipulate their emotions until they're nothing more than a brainwashed slave, willing to satisfy his every command. Eventually, I would like this to lead him to starting some sort of cult filled with his "puppets".

He is open to:

-Manipulating your character
-Enslaving your character
-Being outsmarted by your character
-Kidnapping your character
-Interacting with your character
-Consuming your character

he is closed to:

✯ — male. no group. 8.5/10 difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - Character Graveyard. - 02-20-2019

He could manipulate and enslave Zack! He’s a member of Elysium atm. :0

Re: Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - WATCHKEEPER - 02-20-2019

sounds like a plan to me! he'll gradually manipulate your character over time, while he assigns them tasks that become increasingly more barbaric in nature. this will be his way of testing them to see how he can use them to his benefit. if that's alright with you, then i can create their thread tomorrow!

Re: Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - Character Graveyard. - 02-20-2019

Mhm, sounds good!

Re: Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - Orion - 02-23-2019

going to track this for a future character
e y e s

Re: Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - WATCHKEEPER - 02-25-2019

stealthy bump initiated

Re: Have your character manipulated by this wicked traveler? - Ghost Gal - 03-18-2019

He could manipulate and possibly enslave ida! Shes a member of snowbound rn