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The Club Isn't The Best Place;; Sepiroth Missing - Printable Version

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The Club Isn't The Best Place;; Sepiroth Missing - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-18-2019

He had been quiet for too long, no screams of anything nor orders being shouted from the insane lion which made things incredibly difficult. Sure, the draconic hybrid was happy nothing was going wrong at the moment, but his silence was more concerning than his shouting about some unheard mother. Worrying about the safety of her group in the wake of anything bad his silence could bring upon them? Jiyu had quickly decided to make her way through the location to find his quarters.

Ink blackness filled her vision for a brief moment as a crow flew out of the room and her mismatched gaze feel to a pile of black feathers. His scent was here, it went no where, and yet Sepiroth was not here. "Strange." she spoke the comment with her voice of ice, padding forward to prod at the pile of large ebony feathers almost taller than she was.

Re: The Club Isn't The Best Place;; Sepiroth Missing - candorosa - 02-26-2019

[align=center][div style="width:80%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px;"]Kimu had been in the area when Sephiroth disappeared. Although the cub rarely showed his face publicly, he made sure to keep close to his father. Even so, he rarely entered his dad's quarters, nerves holding him back. Nerves of what? Kimu wasn't sure, but he knew that they were silly fears. Kimu knew that if he wanted to grow as an individual, he needed to get over those silly fears. Mind made up, the cub would scramble over to Sephiroth's chambers.

Once he arrived though, his green-blue gaze locked onto the pile of feathers. They were pitch black, and a lot taller than he was. And his dad—where was his dad? He could smell him but he couldn't see him. Kimu tore his eyes off the pile, looking around the room for familiar white fur. Panic welled within him when he couldn't find head or tail of his father. He caught sight of Jiyu. The cub more or less scrambled over to the female. Strange, she had said. What was strange?

"Um, J-Jiyu, do you know where my dad is?" Kimu stammered, turning his head to continue his search for his father. Maybe he was invisible? Was this a prank? A test? Maybe that was it. Sephiroth was fine, he was okay, and this was just a small test. Kimu needed to calm down, it'd be fine.

Re: The Club Isn't The Best Place;; Sepiroth Missing - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-26-2019

She was always in the area when she happened to be present in the territory. For the longest time her only job was to protect her group from any danger and shockingly Sepiroth was one of the biggest dangers if he had been left entirely alone. With the pride he held? The male thought of what was best for the groups image instead of the meat of the group, its members. He had proved it to her with the events that ended up causing the fights with The Thypoon, but she never held it against him, sometimes you needed someone like that to inspire others. Fear seemed to be something above the emotionless vizier but deep inside that was the only thing that motivated her! Jiyu never got over her own fears, simply learned to mask, avoid and fly. She could fight until her last breath, but she couldn't let them love her for who she was, because she fought everything to hide the scared kitten she'd never outgrown. Maybe that was why she wanted to protect children like Kimu so badly.

How could someone just go missing like this without a trace? Teleportation of some sort likely, she had the ability herself so she knew it didn't exactly leave a tangible scent trail. "Kimu." what had happened was less important right now. Loosing someone you loved young as the lion cub was? Jiyu knew how damaging that was, especially if you didn't have anyone to fall onto during that time. Looking down at the male cub she extended one of her wings to bend somewhere shortly behind him shading him from what was around them. "I don't know at the moment, but I'm going to send search parties and search myself after I take you somewhere I know is safe. Alright." she couldn't leave him in the same place his father had vanished from, lowering her head encase he wanted to climb onto her, shifting easily from hybrid to full dragon.