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touch of vintage | character storage - Printable Version

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touch of vintage | character storage - SAXAR - 04-26-2018

cairos [ tanglewood ]
khaol coratio [ the typhoon ]
noctis lucis caelum [ the ascendants ]

Re: touch of vintage | character storage - CAIROS - 04-26-2018


name. Cairo
has shortened his name to kai to blend in with "modern ages"
gender. male
age. appearance wise he looks to be 13 months

like amun, cairo is a jaguar, though their pelt greatly contrasts amun's black counterparts. while cairo used to be of normal coluring, a warm sandy brown with darker brown markings, his pelt is now almost white with beige markings. through their journey to follow amun, a great deal of stress was placed on their shoulders, having lost not only a lover but also their best friend the stress eventually caused their pelt to change colour. their eyes are almost haunting, and while are generally viewed as a hazel, sometimes seem to change to a warm purple, but this is never for more than a flicker of a moment.

cairo, much like a teddy bear, is warm and strong, at least, they used to be. there's a part of kai that has always cared for others, cared for life in a way that many are incapable of understanding. they absorb things in a way many cannot. they have a habit of picking out small details, an odd stitch in a rug or an old scar on a leaf. the way someone's tone or movement has changed, for some reason, unbeknownst to even them, they are always able to pick up on it. there's something about kai that makes him incapable of detaching himself from emotions, he easily sympathises with others, but this also leaves him easily hurt. it is when someone he has begun to care for seems to be in the way of harm that another side of him begins to stir, see, in his quest of locating his lost love, he was forced to take measures he had never wished to. he had absorbed a part of Sekhmet's soul. this gave him not only his immortality, but it also gave him the strength to do what he must. when those he cares for are threatened, he becomes violent and unstable, a part of himself that claims to be sekhmet rising to the stage, although, in reality, it is simply a different personality he has developed in order to deal with the stuff in life he can not. as of late, he has become increasingly unstable and sad, at first this is not noticeable but after a while it becomes obvious.
disorders. multiple personality disorder, bipolar

cairo grew up in ancient Egypt, he was a scholar and a soldier, someone who wished for peace but was left no choice but to fight for his ruler. it was during this period in his life where he met amun. cairo had never felt love before but, it wasn't long after they'd met, that he did. he fell hard and fast, though it was when amun grew sick that he began to change. while cairo assumed that his alternate personality is sekhmet, it actually developed during this time. scared of losing the only one he'd cared about, he went to great measures to find an old ritual that would bind amun's soul to one of the gods/goddesses. though this ritual required sacrifice, and cairo was not the sort of man to kill another for something like this, and thus, the alternate personality was created. a defence mechanism against the evils he wished he did not have to commit. though it seemed that, even after all his troubles, that cairo would not be able to see amun again. cairo was heartbroken, but, his love was still strong and he vowed he would find a way to follow amun. it was during these times that his alter-ego became more prominent, more and more blood being stained onto his paws. in search of a solution, he'd become a serial killer, and perhaps that was why it was Sekhmet who came in his time of need. in exchange for a hundred hearts, he was offered the chance to take part of Sekhmet's soul. absorbing that amount of power though changed the jaguar's body and very nearly killed him, but, afterwards, he was able to follow Amun to the world he inhabits now.

Re: touch of vintage | character storage - KHAOL CORATIO - 04-26-2018


name. Khaol Coratio
gender. male
age. about 11 months

black panther
that describe khaol with his glistening pelt and slender body. as a black panther his grace is seemingly endless, his body long and slim. his coat always has a clean shine to it, the sun's rays only exaggerating this fact. his paws are somewhat large in correspondance to his legs, his tail just a little crooked and the scar across his neck a little too noticable. his eyes are bright, a swirl of yellow and green locked in an endless dance.

khaol is a mystery, though not of his own accord. he speaks nothing of his past, though he's always thinking of it. a smile is always slung across his lips as if it was always meant to be there, but he hides fear behind the mischief in his eyes. it's like he's hiding inside a cell of his own making, forever trapped in the prison he placed himself in. though no one would be able to tell this, for all they see are the bright, cheery eyed smiles and the obnoxious laughter. they see the casual swagger in his step and the excitement in the way he swings his tail. they see khaol for who he wishes to be entirely, they see only the sun in the bottomless darkness. but that darkness is all too real.

endlessly bright smiles often bless the male's lips making him incredily easy to approach. those bright smiles alongside his confidence and charisma make for a frightening combo. often more than not others find themselves liking khaol even if they wish not to, his positive attitude and laughter often rubbing off on those around him. of course, that doesn't mean that those people are constantly fond of him. khaol can often come across as obnoxious and annoying, his "trickster" personality being quite in your face and out there. though even this tends not to deter him, a smile almost always remaining on his face and his long, long list of "dad" jokes always at the ready.

despite his obviously "joker" style personality, khaol harbours a deep loyalty for all those that he comes to ackowledge as friends. while he doesn't always have the best methods of presenting his affections, his sense of duty and loyalty to them often makes itself clear in some way or another. he lacks the capability of understanding how to properly comfort those around him so when faced with a troubling issue concerning his friends he often responds with either humor or anger depending on the situation at hand. his loyal and caring affections may sometimes come across as clingy. after his past he wishes to remain close to and protect those that he values, even going so far as to lay down his life.

khaol sometimes comes across as cocky and prideful with his blunt nature. he generally likes to say things as he sees them and if he believes someones idea to be faulty or lacking he will let them know. this also goes along with criticism. if khaol believes that something or someone could improve he will let them know and offer them pointers even if said person possibly does not wish to recieve his criticism. while this is often interpreted as something else, khaol is used to a life where criticism is freely given and believes that he is helping. it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that he may get into some altercations in response to this straight-forward method but it's likely that he would quickly apologise and attempt to diffuse the situation.

having moved around for the majority of his life, khaol can be seen as adaptable. he's quick to get used to the situation around him whether it's territory, friends, whatever, he's quick to adapt. when he first moved to sunclan he was quick to adjust despite his arriving during a seemingly permanent solar eclipse and the aftermath of a war. khaol quickly adapted to the people around him and to the new routine that he was eventually pushed to follow. during battle his adaptions are even quicker. as the situation changes, so does khaol. he'll go from dodging to attacking in moments and is able to think freely whilst fighting which makes a good mind for strategy in the heat of battle.

suffering from losses in his past, khaol is unwilling to lose anyone else. unfrotunately, this leaves him vulnerable. khaol takes his loyalty seriously and would, without hesitation, sacrifice himself for his clanmates. he could be about to wipe out an opponent but see a clanmate in trouble and run to their aid, leaving his opponent time to recover and leaving himself open to attack. not only that but his past and friends leave his mind vulnerable. chances are that if he were interrogated about or memories from his past were resurfaced he would easily break under the weight and have something akin to a nervous breakdown. khaol's mind has sealed away most of the worst of his memories, or at least dulled his emotions towards them but with enough pushing the wall could be broken down.

with a past he wants no ties with, khaol can be considered secretive about his origins. he will often answer questions about his past vaguely or change the subject entirely. when faced with the flashes of memories of his past, khaol becomes anxious and all too alert of his surroundings. this makes him incredibly unstable seeing as no one knows when or what could trigger a flash back. while he chooses not to put a label on it, this could be recognised as a form of PTSD. while during the day, these episodes are near non-existent, if one were to sit by his door for long enough at night, they would hear the uncanny sobs of the boy within.
disorders. ptsd


Re: touch of vintage | character storage - NOCTIS - 04-26-2018


name. Noctis
gender. male
age. 15 months

bengal tiger
a melanistic bengal tiger with a lean, tall figure. as an attribute to his royal past his posture is typically rather good and sometimes may make him seem almost arrogant. his eyes are a solid blue colour with a strange red glow beneath them.

reserved, introvert, fussy, sleepy, laid-back, reckless
disorders. none


Re: touch of vintage | character storage - ANDREAS - 04-26-2018


name. Andreas
gender. male
age. 16 years
home. griffingate
relation. biological child

faceclaim, diego tinoco
like his father, andreas has black hair that he tries to keep well-maintained, though in comparison, andy's features are more prominent. while his father's eyes are blue, his own are a shade of brown passed down from perhaps a grandparent or older generation in his family. on several occasions, he has thought of dying his hair in hopes to look less like the father he despises so much. his brows are strong and defined and his eyelashes are surprisingly long, making his eyes the most prominent feature on his face. while his father's skin is pale, andreas' time in the sun has given him a healthier complexion.

neglected as a child and lead to believe he is only as great as his achievements, andreas has adjusted by becoming overly ambitious and competitive. he doesn't like being outdone and will go to dangerous lengths to out do others, originally this was in order to gain attention from his father and it has now become his method of feeling valid. he's a people pleaser and will try to say what he thinks others would like to hear and becomes easily insecure when he is lead to believe others aren't interested in him or what he has to say. aside from this, he has an air of confidence about himself and doesn't show fear in disobeying what he's told to do by anyone other than mordecai. when he is around his father, this facade disappears and he becomes what could be explained as the equivalent to an obediant puppy.

andreas has been threatened into complacency by his father and now harbours a quiet hatred of the man.