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Alone and affraid//Joiner - Printable Version

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Alone and affraid//Joiner - Maikoh - 02-18-2019

He had been wandering for God only knows how long,hopping to find someone,anyone. Though he had managed to find food and water enough to keep him alive he was still quite hungry and could use some well needed rest. So he continued to wander,his master having dissapeared quite a while ago with no warning, and he hadn't taken Maikoh with him. That had hurt the most so far,believing his master no longer wanted him. So he continued to wander and maybe he could find his master and join him, or at least ask why he wasn't enough and how he could change. Maikoh had come upon the border some time arround mid day and had been walking it's length before eventually deciding to walk in. Maybe if he was lucky he would find his master or a new one. His master wasnt he worst but sometimes could be quite cruel when he messed up. "Hello? Is anyone here? I'm lost....and hungry....hello?"He was beggining to be affraid now. What if these people were murderers or very cruel....he could only hope they would at least take him in.

Re: Alone and affraid//Joiner - teef - 02-27-2019

the young girl would watch from the shadows, her eyes narrowed and tail flicking. she wasnt in the best mood today and her injuries were aching, which made it even worse. she was still young and unsure of her place in the grand scheme of things.

"who are you." she would demand, letting her position be known from directly behind Maikoh.

Re: Alone and affraid//Joiner - Kenna - 03-02-2019

The little ball of fluff was following after her scarlet macaw as the bird flew low to the ground having circled back to tell her if found something interesting. "Good find Ember." she praised the avian as the big bird settled between her shoulder blades as she prowled the rest of the way over with a pep in her step.

With the only other creature here being young she decided not to start in hard with the flirting right away, considering she couldn't exactly tell the age of the wolf perfectly. She'd let Ramona talk while she tried to figure out if she could try to get this wolf back to her place.

Re: Alone and affraid//Joiner - Maikoh - 03-05-2019

He visibly flinches and jumps back in surprise. He hoped not everyone was so mean or mad. master was mad too a lot so he was used to it but it wasnt always enjoyable when that happened"H-hi im Maikoh Wh-who are you?"

Re: Alone and affraid//Joiner - trojan g. - 03-06-2019

Captain was curious as to who was at the border and why - a good thing to be curious about considering recent events and what was said at the meeting. Upon seeing it to be a stranger, the male would tilt his head slightly as he listened to the words exchanged, ear tips flicking once in annoyance before making himself seen as well. "That information doesn't need to be known to you, considering you're the one tresspassing." The caracal would speak, his tone of voice calm and steady, no emotion showing through. "Now that you're hear though you can't leave, see we have this ban - no one in, no one out type deal - so looks like you'll be staying whether or not you want to." He would speak, once more calm and steady. The main issue was that the male got in in the first place.
* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *

Re: Alone and affraid//Joiner - Maikoh - 03-09-2019

The runt backed away skittishly away from Captain, bumping into kenna in doing so on falling to the ground.[color=red]"wh-what are you going to do to me?"

Re: Alone and affraid//Joiner - trojan g. - 03-10-2019

Captain would roll his eyes at the comment and the scene that was before him, letting out a small sigh as he did so. "Me? I won't be doing anything to you, I don't really need or want a slave for that matter. Someone else might do something to you though, but it's usually just work. You could be rewarded eventually of course, if you do well enough. Become an actual member." He didn't know the rules and stipulations for how that happened however.
* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *

Re: Alone and affraid//Joiner - teef - 03-12-2019

moving to block any chance of the runt escaping, the young femme barely pulled her lips back from her teeth, staring at the wolf in case he tried to run. she would let the adults talk now, she had learned that the hard way with a few cracked teeth to show for speaking out of turn. growling lowly she stayed close and ready to spring if he wanted to fight, knowing she was fast. after all, uncle had trained her before he had died a grisly death.