Beasts of Beyond
evil eye [ disappearance of ninazu and stryker ] - Printable Version

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evil eye [ disappearance of ninazu and stryker ] - Jervis - 02-18-2019

The silence throughout the territory was unsettling. There was no ruckus, nor any troublesome acts happening lately. It was almost as if The Pitt had shriveled away and faded into the shadows without a word. Just the thought of their cowardliness gave other groups the opportunity to take advantage of many of their members and take control of the clan itself. Seeing an opportunity before him, Jervis had pawned away what they had left. He promised to end slavery for the good of their clan and allowed for their enemies to take free shots at their former rulers with no consequences. The Typhoon, out of all, was the most pleased. They even supported his future reign. All he had to do was succeed at his promises.

Soon enough, Jervis happened to finish his first promise to The Typhoon. With Stryker and Ninazu in his grasp, they were thrown aside and into the depths of the underground caves where no one could find them. For the longest time, their whereabouts would be unknown.
tags - penned by orion

Re: evil eye [ disappearance of ninazu and stryker ] - trojan g. - 02-18-2019

Captain had not been in the Pitt for too long, but he had been there long enough to notice that something was off. Of course, he wasn't aware of who the leaders were around here, seeing as he hadn't met them at all, but he was pretty damn sure that Jervis wasn't it, despite his strange aura about him.

He had gotten used to the small amount of noise that was around the group with the past couple of days that he had been there, but now it was silent - something that he had gotten used to during his time alone, but didn't really miss if he was being honest. Upon seeing Jervis, the caracal would pad over, eyeing the fox for a moment before deciding to speak. "Quiet seems nice." He'd gruffly offer before sitting down, waiting for something to happen.

//rushed a bit <33
* captain * the pitt * caracal * 3 years old * powers * template © Orion *