Beasts of Beyond
phase 1, lost [✦] distant star - Printable Version

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phase 1, lost [✦] distant star - suvi. - 02-18-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Curiousity killed the cat.  Not the dire wolf, although the dire wolf did suffer from a rather strong case of wanderlust.  Indeed, the whole of the Typhoon seemed to look different to curious eyes.  A perdicament requring immediate re-exploration of the whole island.  The bay.  The turtle.  The tavern.  The temple.  The railroad tracks.

And beyond?

Was that their land too?  Chocolate hues danced and flickered, golden fur glowing a soft blue.  Even if it wasn't... What was beyond?  The pup had arrived here by sea, an unfortunate boat crash.  Landing on the soft shores of the bay.  Cold.  Scared.  Alone.  A frightening memory, but not one that held the child back.  Furrowing her brows, a small step forward.  Then another.  And another.

Until the island grew small.  A speck of dust in the distance.  Too distant a star to follow back.  No fear of growing lost -- not yet -- golden paws continued onwards.

[ Phase 1 of a development.  She should be back fairly soon.  Until then she's just missing because she got lost after wandering off a little too far. ]
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: phase 1, lost [✦] distant star - elijah - 02-20-2019

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]He loved to adventure. Or at least...he used to love it. His pastimes had always been made up of travelling, running off with a severe case of wanderlust, discovering and filling his mind with fantasies. While Elijah still enjoyed adventuring, exploring his surroundings, it was all habit now. Adventuring no longer filled him with the same childish bliss he remembered. Sometimes he wonders if his sense of wonder had actually been artificial, existing because he wanted to love fantasy and magic, he wanted to feel like a child who had all the freedom the world could offer him. After all, mama always had to keep a watchful eye on him when he was a young kitten. He was too sickly and frail, his heart weak and incapable of supporting him like the way his sibling's hearts could support their own.

Elijah shudders a breath. None of his rats had managed to find Suvi, the boy remembering to keep the girl in the back of his mind because he remembers Raziel had been looking for her. He still hasn't seen her despite the memories of her appearance he projected to the minds of his rats. Maybe the way he remembers her is now very outdated. Still, a haunting feeling seems to wash over him. His rats haven't seen anyone like her.

The boy stands at the shore, stepping back when the tide comes in and furrows his brows. It's as if she has vanished.