Beasts of Beyond
An Odd Cat in a Big Brown House - Printable Version

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An Odd Cat in a Big Brown House - PuppycatMocha - 02-17-2019

Setting: Mansion like house isolated near a pond full of fish.

Plot: (Y/N) stumbled upon a medium sized three floor brown house as it seemed somebody was inside. Curiosity takes the best of (Y/N) and decided to satisfy this curiosity by knocking on this door. Whatever fates await you is based on your choices. Be careful of what you say and do, you may find yourself in trouble or fallen in a deep pit of theories and Fever Dreams.

Starter: Puppy, awaking to a new cloud covered day, she levitates to her lovely third floor window, staring forward at the isolation before her. So nice and serene.~ No terror, no hallucinations, no ghosts, no murderers, no nothing. Today seemed just so peaceful~.... Too peaceful. Puppy left her third floor leaving to the bottom basement where she kept many upon many things, she doesn't have to explain whats down here to you, better safe then sorry. Coming to the third floor she placed, incenses, holy water, knives, and many other things on a table, just in case. She was not gonna risk being possessed or just all around stalked. The place she lived in was prone to sightings, hauntings, and just targetings. But maybe for once she can have somebody nice visit her!... Maybe.