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LORD KNOWS I'M TRYING / joining - Printable Version

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LORD KNOWS I'M TRYING / joining - spacexual - 02-16-2019

priscilla "sil" rosario — female — the pitt — tags
light paws carry a small figure into this unfamiliar territory, tired blue eyes looking around in a gentle silence. this place...smells gross. not like home, but that doesn't smell good anymore, either. that is why he ran away so long ago. da and ba had died...she had not seen it, but she had been told. she'd not gone to look. death is something she could not quite understand, though she's sure she's felt it. pa, as far as she knew, was not dead, but he was not there anymore. and her siblings all deal with it in their own ways. she doesn't know anymore where they are or what they're doing. she misses them, but she can't go back. she'd not stuck around to see the death, but she could smell it, and it wouldn't go away. she felt as if she was drowning every time she even turned her head to look towards the distance island.

but, she couldn't survive on her own.

she could hunt, she could heal herself, she could sustain herself, but this isolation is too much. ari is her only companion and she is so cold all the time. she couldn't fight. ari tried to teach her, but she isn't good at it. she doesn't get it. she doesn't like it.

being in isolation so long, she'd lost touch with what any outside group may be. names jumbled together and even the name of her old home faded away sometimes. the typhoon. did she dare ask for directions to go back? she couldn't. living someplace else felt like betrayal and for months she would fight with herself. not just over the place of living, but who she is, too. priscilla rosario, but she doesn't feel that way. when she looks at herself, something is off. she feels wrong. something feels wrong. maybe, she thinks, she just needs to find a home. that's what ari is telling her. and so, she listens. he'd not been wrong before, even if he is mean.

this is what brings her here, in this unfamiliar territory. she needs to be with someone. maybe she can visit her old home again someday, but she is not ready yet. ari says to find a home and that's what she's doing. whatever this place is, she's sure it will be good enough for now. it's the closest group she could find. "hello?" her voice shakes, soft and timid. her wings are ruffled slightly, long fur sticking upward as she tries to maintain her breathing. "can someone tell me where i am?"
you'll be happy all the time, i know you can make it right

Re: LORD KNOWS I'M TRYING / joining - Jervis - 02-17-2019

The sound of helplessness drew the leech closer. Jervis prowled throughout the underbrush, reaching the female's position soon enough. The fox observed for a few seconds, looking her up and down. Nothing stood out to him, proving that she was no threat to his well being. Her wings, though, could prove to be an advantage if he could take advantage of her helplessness and sway her to his side. For now he remained polite.

Jervis straightened out. His nose pointed towards the sky, a smirk upon his lips. "Why hello there," came his shrill voice. "You're within The Pitt's lands." And if she knew that name, the female would know that she was not within a desired position. With their famous cruelty, she was bound to be dealt with... Unless she succumbed. "Not a preferred situation for many, as some of us tend to be rather rude..." His hazelnut gaze shifted behind him momentarily to see if anyone else was approaching. For now, it seemed to be just him. That was no surprise. "Why do you ask, dear?" he prodded further. "Looking for some salvation?" With the idea planted in her mind, all he needed to do was let the idea fester and grow into reality...
tags - penned by orion

Re: LORD KNOWS I'M TRYING / joining - spacexual - 02-18-2019

priscilla "sil" rosario — female — the pitt — tags
her eyes quickly flicker to the male as he approaches, head rising as she observes him. there is already something off-putting about his entire demeanor, but she cannot quite place it. even the mention of where they are, it felt...threatening, in a way. she cannot place that name anywhere in her head, though. it was ironic, she is in the same place her da had been captured months before, but she'd no way of knowing. this is all strange to her.

"rather rude?" she'd repeat, sort of quietly, in a questioning manner. what an odd thing to say to a stranger. was it a warning? she takes a few steps away from the fox, ears perked in alertness. ari, albeit invisible to all but sil, would move in front of her, in an almost protective manner. there is something odd about the golden crow's posture that she'd never quite seen in him before. "ut nos relinquo?" she'd whisper towards ari, eyes flashing downwards towards him for a split second, giving an illusion she was just glancing to her paws. hopefully the stranger didn't hear her, and if he did, hopefully he did not understand latin. the ghostly crow wouldn't respond immediately, simply staring at the fox in front of them. finally, though, he'd speak up to her, not caring so much about whispering since he would not be heard or seen by any except for sil, anyway. "no."

she wonders what is going through his head, he seems so focused on something. however, she cannot ask right now. she sighs quietly at his response, blue eyes blinking at the stranger. "i'm just...looking for a place to call home." there is a clear exhaustion in the young girl's soft voice, something sad in her expression, perhaps even pathetic.
you'll be happy all the time, i know you can make it right