Beasts of Beyond
A missing piece - Printable Version

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A missing piece - Ignis ex Luna - 02-13-2019

It had been a normal night. he had been dreaming of swinging through the trees on a warm summers night, moon bright and full. The warm air rushed into his lungs as he swung, exileration pumping through his veins.suddenly within the dream something hit him in the head and he woke, screaming in pain as his head felt like it was on fire. "HELP ME PLEASE SOMEONE AAAGGGHHH, IT WONT STOP AAAGGGHH"[color=teal]He slowly began to rise, grunting in pain, images flashing before him, quicker than he could understand. he was able to snatch an image of a face, one that seemed important before it was snatched away. he was slowly able to stumble his side, groaning and screaming in pain the entire time. it was too much he needed to stay awake he needed to find help.[color=orange]"PLEASE  UUUGGHHH ITS TOO MUCH"[color=teal] He could feel himself on the verge of collapse. his only hope was to stay awake an hope someone found him in time.

Re: A missing piece - arrow - 02-15-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
Damn, this place was cursed or something. Nightmares and pain out the ass, but in some sick, sick way, it made the shadowy swamp lands more interesting. 

Arrow jumped to her feet when she heard the call, the pained whining of someone who sounded legitimately hurt, the only problem was that if she was the only other person awake, medical aid would have to come later. Fuck. But she could always...try?

"Hey! Easy, easy!" She rubbed the side of her head, ears ringing from the yelling, vision cutting through the dark to try and make out who was going off, but the voice finally registered in her head to match the appearance of Ignis, wandering about looking quite lost and quite hurt, though she couldn't tell what was causing him so much distress. "What's the problem, what's wrong?"

Re: A missing piece - Ignis ex Luna - 02-15-2019

Ignis sees her and begins trying to walk towards her but collapses to the ground, paws holding his head in pain, whimpering and groaning."Please uugghh its too much it hurts uughhh its all coming at ones ahhh help please hhhh"His vision began to swim with his mind attempting to absorb everythig. it was all too much a few more images flashed before his eyes as he was able to pull them from the storm assaulting his mind but he shoved them away later, trying to shove everything away for later but it was all too much he couldnt handle it he could begin to feel everything slipping, getting darker and further away......

Re: A missing piece - Morgan - 02-17-2019

Morgan headed toward the pained sounds coming from nearby, motioning for Arrow to get closer to Ignis.
"Hang in there!"
yelled the samoyed, sprinting to his fellow Tangler as quickly as he could.
"Come on, Ignis -- what's going on? What's wrong?!"
He pulled a wave of cold water forward, attempting to soak Ignis in an attempt to snap him out of whatever was ailing him.
"I think we'll have to get a Medic or two, Arrow!"

Re: A missing piece - Ignis ex Luna - 02-17-2019

Ignis' eyes clear slightly as hes soaked, though he continues to groan in pain. The splash of water kept him conscious. conscious and in pain as the white hot pieces of compressed memory continued to assail him in the whirlwind of torment. He falls to the ground on his side, paws holding his head as he looks up slightly at morgan, a whimper joining his groans. "P-please its too much.....hurts ughh....images....memories i think uggh.....too much all coming at once....please morgan help please....ughh close to ugghh....passing out dont much more can take.....please help stop......dont know what....will happen if i.....if i pass out uughh"

Re: A missing piece - arrow - 02-18-2019

[glow=black,1,400]I GRIEVE IN STEREO, THE STEREO SOUNDS STRANGE ! — 。+゚.[/glow]
"Sound's like a nasty ass headache." Arrow muttered, moving up to stand beside Morgan with a frown. She felt bad for not getting as worked up as Morgan, but someone had to stay calm during all this right? Ignis was in too much pain to stay focused, and Morgan was already worried enough as it was. Her ear twitched. A medic is what he wanted. What could a medic possibly do here? "There's nothing to treat besides pain, d'you think we outta knock him out with some drugs or something?"

Ignis continued to squirm and it made her agitated the longer she had to look without being able to think of a proper solution, not on his part but on hers. She was useless here, and he was obviously in a lot of fucking pain. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

Re: A missing piece - Crow Roux - 02-24-2019

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
[div style="background: linear-gradient(to right, #464C5A, #757f96, #464C5A); width: 500px; height: 2px;"]

The feline was there in a blur of monochrome and a sour expression on his face. Upon arrival, he lowered to his haunches and tossed his satchel off of his shoulders to empty its contents to the floor with a clatter. Bottles, vials, and crude medical instruments to the likes of bandages and scissors landed in a disarray, and swiftly Crow turned over several amber hued jars before selecting one. Peppermint. It was known to relieve tension. He unscrewed the cap, dripped some onto a cloth he held, then appeared to breathe icy water into it with his paws, a quirk he had picked up with practice.

"This is gonna be cold, Ignis," he warned with a grimace as he firmly placed and held the cloth to the back of the guy's neck so that he could not squirm away. "Just bear with us. You're gonna be okay."

- ★ -

Re: A missing piece - Ignis ex Luna - 02-25-2019

Takao gasps and jerks slightly as the freezing cold is pressed against his neck,his groans quiet a bit as he relaxes and the cold allows him something physical to anchor to and the flashes begin slowing down."Th-thank you i-its helping... less flashes hurts less..[color=teal]The flashes continue to slow untill they stop fully and hes left sweating, the bandage having become heated and he passes out, burning up with a fever