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and clinking chains / MINI MEETING 2/11 - Printable Version

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and clinking chains / MINI MEETING 2/11 - sephiroth - 02-11-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]He was tired.  Tired and confused and emotionally drained.  Mother hadn’t spoken to him, no signs of where to take his life, his own emotions a muddled mess at the current time.  After his call to meeting the male lion’s head would be hung a little lower than usual, his eyes as downcast as he would allow himself to show as he slipped into the main temple.  His expression strengthened a bit as he entered however, paws carrying him to his dais and throne, seating himself quickly and regaining a confident posture.  Weakness wasn’t acceptable in his eyes, especially as the leader of the Rosebloods.  His alien turquoise eyes sharpened as his members walked in, making himself look strong and mighty instead of the quiet and lonesome feeling creature he was on the interior right now.

”Rosebloods, we have a few new members to greet this time around.  Fleetfoot and Machiavelli, welcome, and everybody else make them feel welcome in the group as well.”  Sephiroth’s eyes would flicker down to the named pair, inclining his heads the tiniest bit.

Sephiroth would exhale, his gaze shifting downwards slightly.  The shell cracked for a moment, and suddenly his voice seemed even the smallest bit softer.  ”The Aspects have been silent for a while.  I have not seen or felt a strong presence of them since the first week or so we arrived here.  I encourage everybody to pay attention to the land.  Silence does not comfort me.  Any unusual activity is to be reported to me immediately, and it shall be dealt with as I see fit.”  Despite his silence on the matter regarding his own godhood, he still saw himself as capable as dealing with the trouble of gods and beasts.

”Bai Shi is hosting a festival for the Lunar New Year, and there are prompts this week as well if you wish to participate.  I hope these will keep you entertained for the time being.”

Sephiroth heaved again slightly, taking a pair of steps off his throne.  ”That is all for the time being.  Take my word seriously, I wish to see more activity in the group very soon.  Dismissed.”  The lion would look a tiny bit tired, as much weakness as he allowed himself to show.

-welcome to [member=3542]FleetFoot[/member] and [member=3538]Machiavelli[/member] !!!!
-no word from the Aspects recently, searching for signs of them are encouraged!
-lunar new year festival and ooc prompts!

sorry for very short meeting this week, stuff is gonna start happening very soon though!)

Re: and clinking chains / MINI MEETING 2/11 - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-11-2019

Silence was deafening but so was noise, it was something where they would never win and it seemed that Sepiroth still didn't get that. He was slowly becoming more capable, but some things could be learned only by an incredibly long life. The noise of war was no better or worse than the calm before that storm, even the joyful white noise was corrupted by the fact it would all be taken away the second the melody changed.

Jiyu waited for a second after he descended the steps of the throne before she opened her wings taking off from her normal perch on the second step from the throne, flying low to the right of him. "We should check the caverns briefly to make sure there's no unsual activity there." of course, it was just an excuse to get him alone down in the caverns far from the others where hopefully she could get his tired looking ass to take a nap. Of course, Jiyu didn't know why she wanted to prompt him to care for himself when she could care less and didn't even take good care of herself, but that was a whole other story.