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dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - Printable Version

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dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - Jervis - 02-11-2019

Sluthing about on The Typhoon's island, the fox with a flare for selfish mischief remained careless about his apparent trespassing. The trip across was long and rather boring. It was almost as if he saw waves for miles when taking a boat over. In reality, he was over exaggerating. Nevertheless, sitting silently and trying to remain patient on the crowded boat was not his favorite. Immediately coming off the boat, he found himself where he was now. Without a care in the world as he wandered.

Finally he grew impatient (once again). Jervis let out a frustrated huff and let a snarl rip loose from the back of his throat. With a deep breath, he settled down on the shore. In almost seconds, his entire mannerism changed. One might call it one of his finest facades. The fox's back straightened and fluffy tail wrapped around patient paws, as if he was unbothered and polite. "Typhoonites," he cooed. "Anyone out there?"

tags - penned by orion

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - pallid-i - 02-11-2019

[Image: c9nmQG4.png]
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The baby made his way over, babbling and sneezing. How he managed to get past the watchful gazes of his clanmates, the world may never know, but Twigglesticks was here now and making his way over to the stranger. He stopped in front of Jervis and looked up at him, giving the fox a rather cheeky smile as he lifted all four of his arms and waved them around, squeaking excitedly.

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - bubblegum - 02-12-2019

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - SÉAMUS - 02-12-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]shouldn't have done it now there's blood in the water
Typhoonites? Really? Raising a brow, the feathered vulpine seemed to materalize out of the shadows of the nearby (or what remained of the) jungle, following Goldie's arrival.  He huffed quietly then relaxed, sitting nearby.  A rather indifferent expression crossed his face, the narrowing of his sea-green eyes the only indication he might be the slightest bit intrigued by this stranger.

A talon flexed absently as he waited for an explanation, patient for the time being.
[align=right]word of mouth, there's a snake in the garden — SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁIN ☠

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - Jervis - 02-12-2019

Upon Twiggle’s arrival, the fox watched in curiosity. What a strange creature. Obviously this being wasn’t sentient or was what many considered ‘special’, but Jervis chose not to judge to harshly. Of course he could be wrong. Instead of acknowledging Twigglesticks strange antics, his dark gaze just followed their movements in silence as he awaited another’s company. Though, if this was one of their finest, he’d be disappointed. Thankfully, another arrived. The bengal scooped up the skinnier creature and placed him upon her back it was nothing, prompting a small smirk to curl upon his lips. Obviously the newborn was at a disadvantage. Thankfully, that situation had ended quickly. As their newest arrival finished up, they began to speak. It was just the woman he wanted to see.

His head dipped low, signaling his facade of respect. ”My name’s Jervis,” he introduced. ”I come from The Pitt-“ Before she reacted harshly, the fox held up a paw to stop her injection. ”-but I do not agree or speak on their disgraceful behalf.” It was obvious to his fellow Pittians, and even himself, that the clans that surrounded them despised many of their aspects. Their current leader was headed down a dark path. Silent murmurs reminicised of their possibly disappearance or their lack of care for the group, fueling Jervis’ purpose. Along with this, many groups despised Ninazu and her counterparts. While Jervis did not know Goldenluxury’s predicament with Stryker, he figured that there had to be some advantage to taking down an enemy clan for The Typhoon. Meanwhile, slavery had begun to rub others the wrong way. While the practice was kept undercover to the outside world, the normality of it in The Pitt was astonishing. Only now did the other clans realize their truest intent.

His head craned, eyes narrowing upon Goldenluxury. ”I have come in hopes of seeking The Typhoon’s assistance.” While the possibility of overthrowing Ninazu after her decisions was rather high, an army behind him would perhaps persuade the rest of his groupmates to follow in his footsteps. ”Would you be willing to assist me on my endeavors?” For a moment, he held out his paw. Only seconds later did he pull it back dramatically. ”I cannot leave you without a reward and my graces though.” After all, why would Goldenluxury agree to his plans without proper payment. They were greedy pirates. Charges were expected. ”Our days of slavery will end on the spot as I ascend to the throne. Your members under our captivity will be released accordingly and will be allowed free passage.” His offered sounded fair. Nevertheless, Jervis threw in an extra offer to spice up the deal. ”Plus, if you wish, anyone you would like to be served on a pike will be dealt with accordingly.” That obviously implied Ninazu and her right hand man.

A crooked smile met his lips. ”All you have to do is agree.” If they were to accept his offer, their planning would begin immediately.

tags - penned by orion

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - bubblegum - 02-12-2019

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - pallid-i - 02-12-2019

[Image: c9nmQG4.png]
[div style="background-color: #4b4d5a; height: 2px; margin-top: 4pt; text-align: justify;"]
He made a surprised grunt as Goldie picked him up and put him on her back. He blinked before making a tiny squeak and pawing weakly at her back. It was his way of whining, really, since his little vocal chords were still developing and whining just sounded weird.

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - Jervis - 02-13-2019

Lovely. Though her chuckle was small, it held a strong significance to Jervis. It signified Goldenluxury was loosening up. She was once full of tension, obviously annoyed, but now she was pleased by his words and was presumably willing to work with him. ”Sometimes you just need a miracle, dear,” he enthused with a smile. ”All it takes is your assistance.” Either way, he’d attempt to overthrow Ninazu’s regime but he help would definitely go a long way. All he had to do was persuade her. ”I have no qualms with you or your people,” he continued on, ”My promises will stay true. They will remain safe for as long as I lead.” His paw fell over his heart dramatically. Admittedly, he hated saying such a thing but he had to be persuasive. ”Trust is to be earned. I do not expect you to bending the knee right away, nor should you.” How noble of him.

A flare of mischief and achievement flashed within him, unknowing to the pirates nearby. ”How gracious of you.” His paw moved away from his chest, returning to its previous position underneath his fluffed out tail. ”I do not disappoint. I thank you for your help along the way, especially in this time of dire need.” Jervis’ snout lifted high in the air. His jaw was lined with a confident sneer. Admittedly, he was trying to value the Typhoon for more than they were truly worth in this situation, as he considered himself to be top priority. His kindness was only a courtesy. While he was being polite, Jervis was obviously referring to himself a lot more than others and kept starting off with his perspective. ’I,’ he would say with a smirk. Usually the fox would pat himself on the back, but in this situation he had to pertain to them. Disgraceful.

And finally, the confirmation he needed. The pirate was already introducing herself formally and had a plan in mind. The Typhoon two steps ahead as always, no thanks to their intelligent leader, but Jervis was only a few more in front of her. ”It’s a luxury to be in your presence, Miss Golden.” Once again, he dipped his head. ”Tell me, what do you have in mind?”

//mobile in class ahhh
tags - penned by orion

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - SÉAMUS - 02-13-2019

[div style="width: 450px; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; font-family: georgia; font-size: 8pt;"]shouldn't have done it now there's blood in the water
The faerie had a mind to send the vulpine to hell at the mention of the Pitt.  A cold sneer flashed on his face, eyes darkening.  The Pitt deserved to burn.  There was no forgiveness for taking a member of his family.  Séamus had gone to great lengths -- infiltration specifically -- to return his daughter to her home.  Anyone willingly associated with the clan of slavers deserved a slow and painful death.

"Tch." He refound his passive expression quietly, albiet one accompanied by a frown.  So a Pittian desired to conquer the Pitt.  How dreadfully dull.  It honestly didn't surprise him.  Nor did it appeal aside from a potential opportunity of revenge admist possible chaos.  He'd rather see them all perish than simply transition to new leadership, however much he promised to change their ways.  A pathetic argument for common ambition.

He huffed, shaking his head in exasperation, raising a brow.  "Nor will we ever bend the knee," he cautioned.  Trust no one.  Ever. The pirate rolled his shoulders back, lips thinned.  Oh well.  Utilizing this fox's ambition for their own gain would be a smart move, all things considered.  No risk, no gain and Séamus never trusted anyone anyway.  He still worked for his crew dispite that.  Mutual benefits and all.

"I see no reason to trust you, nor any to waste an opportunity," he pointed out, inclining his head to both the Pittian and his captain, words for both.  Though waying waste to the Pitt is more appealing than "improving" it.

// Mobile
[align=right]word of mouth there's a snake in the garden — SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁIN ☠

Re: dark days ahead [ leader needed ] - bubblegum - 02-15-2019