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Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - Printable Version

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Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - miss ririchiyo - 02-11-2019

The world was never meant to end like this, with all human civilization dying and leaving behind the pokemon that once belonged to them. Some of the pokemon weren't adapted to wildlife, suffering and having to lean on those who were born into it.

Timedancer was once apart of a family, but one could never truly stay in a family unless you knew you could protect them, and the other way around. Family was fragile, but Time had the heart to keep track of it- to protect it, to love the family she had found now.

The gardevoir had managed to scout out the city thanks to the help of a few stray pidgey families, but from there, herself and her newly made family (actually her guild- but she doesn't call it that) had travelled a long way to Tokyo, Japan. A ruined city, old and rusted, but the large structures was perfect to make a home in.

There was enough space for everyone, and Timedancer had felt that maybe, just maybe, she had found the right place.

A home for Eclipse to stay in, before they went off and traveled more dungeons.

With the dark-colored Greninja walking up behind her, she let a single eye gaze over the fallen televisions where advertisements once were, the broken, crumbled skeletons of humans basked the surrounding area- she almost felt bad for them, weak little beings as they were.

"This will be our new home. We'll start by scouting the area. Any dead bodies you find will be buried properly. Am I understood?" Timedancer spoke with a calm mannerism, her hands crossing each other as she walked with purpose down to the ruined city of Tokyo.

"After you've settled yourself in, we'll have our first meeting."

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - emil - 02-11-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Valentine found himself somewhat saddened by the humans' extinction. With each skeleton or decaying body they passed, he found a particularly upsetting thought intruding upon his thoughts. To think... his owner was among those dead. Maybe not in this place, but somewhere, she lay among the deceased. A frown tugged at his lips at the thought, and the sylveon gave a shake to his head.

Large ears twitched at Timedancer's words, and a small sneer curled over his maw. Val did not want any part in burying any of the dead; it was far too dirty a task for him, not to mention the rank smell of rot. No, he would leave the dirty work to the more brawn than brains of the group. In the meantime...

The shiny sylveon's attention turned to the TVs strewn about, and the glass littering the sidewalk nearby. With a soft hum, he broke off from the small group and came to stand before a large shard of glass, wide pink eyes gazing down at his reflection. A soft, disgruntled noise escaped Valentine upon seeing a smudge of dirt across one of his white cheeks. He seated himself neatly beside the glass and lifted a paw, lapping at it a few times before bringing it up to clean the grime off of his pretty pelt. It didn't quite occur to him that most of the others were moving on without him, but then again, such things didn't matter to him at the moment. He just needed to clean himself up some before continuing forth.

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - Cakie ! - 02-12-2019

>> (anybody up for pair scouting? going together in groups of 2 or 3 can make rp smoother and offer some bonding development)

aggron - male
Along with the group of misfit Pokemon followed a battlescarred iron-clad Aggron, taking in his surroundings with a bright blue stare. They were finally setting up camp, huh? Permanent, rather than temporary, this time? The buildings around them had once stood tall with pride- now they looked almost sad, slumped and collecting nature's wrath at last. He wouldn't mind making a home in a place like this. Whatever buildings weren't safe enough to stay in could be knocked down from top to bottom to minimize dangerous collapse. Material from within the walls could be utilized for makeshift weaponry and tools, should they find any aggressive native groups. That, and the fact that metal was a large portion of the Aggron's diet.

Gunther hadn't been raised in human captivity, but his mother was. She had been released due to her trainer not being able to afford the care she needed. She had found his father, who was willing to help ease her back into the wild. They ended up falling in love and raising him. A hand lifted, brushing against the tattered cloth tied around his left arm- his last physical memory of them. The warrior wasn't sure what happened to them when disaster fell. Chances are, they were still alive, just separated from him- but that was a long time ago. Gunther understood it was time to move on, and he had done just that.

Pulled from his reminiscing by Timedancer's call, he listened to her every word before offering his gruff reply. "Understood. Would you like me to make individual graves or a mass grave? Should we bury the humans and Pokemon together or separately?" Gunther was a good digger - possibly the best in the guild. He certainly didn't mind a bit of hard work here and there. He was itching to do something.

umbreon - male
A foul tempered and admittedly tiny Umbreon was dragging his feet at the back of the group. Stupid Timedancer and her stupid shit, making him come along. He didn't want to be in another stupid group. A barely disguised glare was fired at the shiny Gardevoir's back before returning to jet-black paws. His paws were sore. His legs were sore. Everything was sore. Why wouldn't they just let him sit down? Why was everyone here so annoying? Why were they travelling so far? He could name, like, thirty places that they could have stopped and made camp in. But no. Timedancer had to keep going, and drag him along too on her stupid fantasy trip. Adrien didn't want to deal with another group. They were all going to die anyway, so why couldn't they just leave him alone?

When Timedancer announced they were stopping (finally), Adrien flopped on his side with an exaggerated groan. "This place is stupid," he whined. "And I don't want to bury bodies. They're gross and heavy and smelly. Just leave them there. It's their own stupid fault for dying anyway. Bunch of weaklings." He then glared into the distance, purposefully ignoring everybody else.

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - miss ririchiyo - 02-12-2019

Timedancer fiddled with the megastone around her neck as Gunther spoke, as if in thought for a moment before she finally nodded her head and spoke.

"Bury the dead pokemon together with their trainers if you can find that out somehow- Some of them must have died protecting their trainers, at least." She replied calmly, emotion in her usually leveled voice. She had never had a human trainer, only ever living with fire types- she was raised by fire types. She sighed when she heard the groan of Adrien behind her, turning around finally to glance back at him. Lavender eyes seemed to stare down the child with a sense of masked pity, her feet touching the ground soon after.

"Do you want me to carry you? I know it was a long journey. You must be exhausted." Timedancer spoke with a motherly mannerism, unbothered by the attitude being given by the Umbreon. He would understand one day. "Each and every human deserves to be buried with their pokemon. If they aren't with one, then bury them alone. With respect. It's how we would want to be buried. The bulk of the guild will help with the burials unless anyone else wants to help- ground and rock types would also be helpful in digging holes." She mumbled to herself, her hand idly brushing over the burn scar over her right eye before she stood up.

"Gunther, you're in charge of grave digging. I'll collect some food with the children- We can meet back at the train station ahead of us- Uh.. Valentine, will you help me collect some berries from the old stores here if you can find some that are still good?" Time muttered the rest of the words to herself, still glancing down at her apprentice. This could be a good way to get him adjusted to this life. She had so much to do.

"Finish the graves, then come and meet up with me at the railroad."

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - toboggan - 02-12-2019

It’s crazy to think that it had to take take the destruction of the world, as well as humanity’s extinction, to force society to realize how numb they were to who they had been and what they had.

Wistful treads along through the cityscape, the Watchog’s glare oft caught itself fixated on a broken piece of technology, occasionally shifting to a mangled corpse resting soundly neath the rubble. For Tokyo, a utopia of lights, machinery, and civilization, the metropolis was looking awfully dreary. Without all the flashing advertisements and music blasting from speakers, it was yet another corpse, another skeleton, in a very similar fashion to the humans that lay unobtrusively on the crumbling asphalt. Even the atmosphere smelled dead; he never anticipated that it would ever come to this, but Quincey actually yearned for disgusting, commonplace scents such as car exhaust and garbage.

Another stride. Another body.

An additional tread. An additional cadaver.

Negative inklings birthed in his complex mind, thoughts of failure and hopelessness casually replacing the encouraging messages that played over and over like a broken record. How long would they actually hold out like this? By the way affairs currently ran, food would run out in a few days, give or take, and resources would uncontrollably dwindle if not kept in line.

Sighing, he’d come to a halt in unison with the bunch, lending an ear to Timedancer’s words. This area right here was their ‘new home’, and right now, the guild was going to help with clean up work. Something about burying the dead, or another thing along those lines. Yeah, it seemed ethical and all, but why? To scour the legions of carcasses and strip them of any belongings would act as a boost to lift Eclipse off the ground, for now - and bone is an excellent material for crafting. The most beneficial route is the best route, and the direction Timedancer wanted to go (the wasteful route), was perhaps the worst choice to be made in this scenario.

The Umbreon made some observations that Quincey could definitely agree with. This place was stupid; urban areas in apocalypses were hotspots for trouble, even children knew this. And the bodies - well, Adrien’s thoughts nearly mirrored the Watchog’s.

Tail held stiffly in the air, multi-coloured eyes gazing skeptically towards his superior, the councilist coolly remarked, "Wha’ever you think is best, boss", and got to work on the blasted graves.

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - Cakie ! - 02-12-2019

aggron - male
Gunther had been a part of Timedancer's group for a while- among the Veterans of the Eclipse, as it could be put. He fully respected their leader, and would likely follow her unconditionally. She cared about those around her, and would probably put her life on the line if the situation called for it, as he saw it. That, in of itself, was plenty of reason to respect her.

The Aggron held up a hand as a signal that he heard and understood. He followed a few paces behind Quincey, who appeared deep in thought, and began to look around for a good place to create a graveyard. Never in his long life had he expected he would put his skills to use in this way, but there was a first for everything.

A pile of rubble that was likely once a market and a parking lot caught his eye, and he began to pull up cracked chunks of asphalt, revealing the dirt underneath. "Over here, Quincey," he called. "This lot should be big enough for a graveyard. I'll clear the rubble, you start digging." He stuck his arms under a particularly large piece, and, with a mighty heave, lifted it up and flipped it over, where it cracked into several pieces. Even the dirt seemed parched and lifeless. A sense of sadness brought a frown to his sturdy jaw. Never mind that- he had to finish the task at hand first. Piece after piece, he began to clear away the parking lot and expose the earth beneath.

umbreon - male
The scowl on his face deepened as the presence of Timedancer grew closer. He continued glaring into the distance, pointedly ignoring her as she spoke to him. He was silent after her first question's pause, as if he were thinking about her offer. At that particular moment, however, there were no thoughts in his mind. A soft growl rumbled in his throat. "Don't touch me." It would be pathetic if he needed to be carried. What kind of a joke did she think he was? Did she think he was weak and needed to be protected?

Eyes darkened with hostility turned up to look at her, but he made no move to get up. "Why do these particular humans and Pokemon deserve to be buried? What about all the others around the world? What makes these people so special?" he spat. "I don't need to be buried when I die. Leave me to the Mandibuzz." Adrien huffed, head tilting to stare at the ground.

Berry collection. He looked over at Valentine as Timedancer called to him. Timedancer was weird (she was blue), but so was this freaky and egotistical Sylveon. Since when were they blue? He never did anything to help out, the greedy bastard. His face twisted into a sneer, and Adrien stood up. "What, just so he can stuff all the berries he finds down his fat face?" he challenged, staring directly at Valentine. He tossed his head. "Good luck getting help from him. Just look at him! We're surrounded by filth and all he worries about is his freak-colored fur!" At that moment, for whatever reason, he felt like crying- but it didn't show through his sneer. He stormed over to the Sylveon, kicking away the makeshift mirror. "Come on, then! Say something!"

>>(honi if u fight a fairy ur gonna get ur ass kicked)

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - emil - 02-12-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 600px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 550px; padding: 0px; line-height: 13px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]Through a majority of the dialogue between the others, Valentine kept his attention on himself. There wasn't a great deal of dirt sticking to his fur, so it didn't take a horribly long time for him to finish his grooming, but the sylveon still kept his gaze focused on his reflection. He was truly the epitome of beauty, wasn't he? He was sure if his owner were here, or perhaps any of the past judges, she and all others would agree. A sight to behold.

Upon hearing his name on Timedancer's tongue, though, his focus was dragged away from the glass and set upon the gardervoir. A smile slipped easily to his lips and he offered a dainty nod. "Of course, love," Valentine cooed to her, however his smile soon faded as a rather grumpy umbreon came waltzing over to confront him. Words spit from his mouth like venom, and while the child certainly had a harsh tongue, Val could only stare with an invisible brow raised. Who did he think he was, yelling such profane things in his face?

Valentine returned the sneer and tipped his chin upward, straightening himself to make it easier to look down upon Adrien. "And what have you done for us aside from gripe and groan the whole journey? I don't see you providing for Eclipse." A soft blue paw raised and touched the show pokemon's chest as he continued. "Whereas I have been assisting our darling Timedancer hunt for those delicious berries and other luxuries rattatas like you have been taking for granted."

He stood then with his head held high, and with a small 'hmph,' the sylveon strode forward to meet with Timedancer. Not before, of course, attempting to flick Adrien's nose with his downy blue tail. "Where shall I start searching, miss?" Valentine purred. "I am not opposed to splitting off from these... heathens. Perhaps a shopping center is nearby?"

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - miss ririchiyo - 02-13-2019

Mathias tensed when he heard the Umbreon's snappy tone with Timedancer, inwardly cringing as he got to work on helping Gunther with lifting. He wasn't too useful with digging since he was a water type, but he could lift the bodies. "If you haven't noticed, anywhere she found human bodies before she got here, M'lady buried them herself. She would do the same for all of us." Mathias spoke up stubbornly, rubbing the back of his head after he tossed a large rock out of the way. "This is nothing." He scowled at the child, almost seeming offended in a way. He felt similarly to Gunther on the level of respect that he had for Timedancer, but his was more from watching her off to the side. She did more than people gave her credit for, but she wasn't perfect. He knew that she couldn't even look at her own reflection without crying- He wished he could convince her that she wasn't disgusting, like she believed.

With a sigh, Mathias stood up to carry a human child that held a deceased Pichu tightly in her arms, carrying the two over to a small grave to place them inside.

"Make yourself useful, kid. We'll be able to sleep tonight."


Timedancer merely stared as the two Pokemon argued, tilting her head a bit as she frowned. Children were complicated, but she could understand the stress they must be under. Having to move away from everything they ever knew.

"Alright, alright. Be kind to one another- Do you want to join us then?" Timedancer spoke, yet again not bothered by the attitude that Adrien showed her- it must be that time of his life. She wouldn't blame him for being grouchy. "A shopping centre might be the best place to look. I think if we can get some potions from the shops, we might be able to stock them- they should have some pokefood there if we can't find any meat or berries." Timedancer chimed as she waved over to her Councilist- "Quincey! Pokefood should still be good to eat if it's canned or dried, correct?" She called out to the male, tapping her chin in thought as she levitated herself off of the ground again, gesturing for Valentine to follow.

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - tricky - 02-14-2019

[div style="width: 100%; height: 30px; overflow: stretch; font-family: arial; font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; background-color:#1c1b1b; padding-left: 20px;"][ nox ] [img width=40][/img]
[img width=40][/img] [ ailani ]
    He could've cared less about the apocalypse. Meteors plummeting from the sky like the Gods themselves accidentally spilled over their cup of space rocks? Big deal. The surface would handle it as always, and his family would be oblivious as ever, relaxing peacefully in their caverns each with a carbink cocktail in their claws. Of course, the subterranean paradise was never truly safe from nature's wrath, and a chunk of fallen rock managed to speed up just enough on its descent to poke a hole through their stone umbrella. Dozens of other fiery pebbles followed suit, pummeling the ceiling to bits. The fabric of their reality crumpled... literally.

    He didn't quite know how he survived; his fellow sableyes and underground neighbors were probably smushed like ants beneath a cruel hand. Yet Nox didn't evade fate unscathed. His misfortune was evident by the limp and mangled arm tenderly hung at his side as he blindly stumbled through the bright air -- sunlight was certainly a harsh environment to adjust to. By the time a parade of survivors happened to pass by the collapsed maw of the tunnels, the gem-eater was desperate enough to follow.

    The progression of movement around him slowed and halted. Nox gladly seized the opportunity to plop down onto the ash-caked earth, tilting his head to keep the bothersome sun's glare from refracting off the crystals forming his eyes. At least he could somewhat discern the shadowed silhouettes of the other pokemon, yet he directed his focus to the slim, flowing shape of a gardevoir when Timedancer spoke. A new home? What made this place so great compared to all the other sites they turned their noses at? Maybe he was alone in his opinion, but any sheltered nook to dig out a burrow would have satisfied his standards. Cradling his mending arm closer to his tiny frame and gingerly flexing his claws, he listened to her words in silence. At the discussion of corpses littering the area, the sableye perked. Grave-digging sounded more interesting than sifting through rubble. Plus, maybe he could snag himself a couple of jewels from whatever human accessories that weren't completely obliterated. A diamond set in a wedding ring, perhaps, or a tacky quartz necklace, he wouldn't mind either way. Plain rocks were flavorless after all. And, dammit, he deserved to celebrate his unlikely survival and treat himself after the world went to hell.

    Picking himself off the ground with his good arm, Nox swiveled his head to locate the looming figure of Gunther admist the foot-weary crowd. The towering beast of metal wasn't hard to miss, fortunately. He, along with that uptight watchog, already sauntered off and Nox hurriedly scrabbled after. "Mind if I help?" the sableye offered as he caught up to Gunther's side, flashing a sharp-toothed grin, "I was born to dig." Sure, his arm may still need time to heal, but one set of claws was better than none.
    Not too long ago, if her imminent prey gathered the guts to ask her where she saw herself in a month, she would've never answered with dry land. Yet here the toxapex was, crawling her way over rock and grass rather than sand and coral. It was a miracle she hadn't completely shriveled up without water -- she had to thank the few other water pokemon traveling alongside them for that. Despite their efforts of hydration, Ailani wasn't designed for long distances across sun-baked terrain. All twelve of her figurative feet ached with the unfamiliar feeling from hard earth, and while she bit back complaints -- the whining brat known as Adrien provided enough of those for everyone -- her miserable attitude worsened with every step.

    When Timedancer stopped their exodus, a hissing sigh slipped past crooked teeth and Ailani gratefully took a moment of ease. Attempting to balance on two tentacles to relieve the strain on the rest, the toxapex tried to focus on the discussion as she wobbled. A difficult task when a fight was possibly brewing. The two eeveelutions' squabbling provided a welcome distraction. Part of what the umbreon spat was true, albeit shrouded in anger. There were certainly quite a few... what had the humans called it? Shinies? A handful of genetic mutants accompanied the group. Her theory for the phenomenon was that they found safety in numbers since they couldn't camouflage as well as their brethren -- she was overthinking things again.

    Giving her head a dismissive toss, Ailani turned her gaze back to the pair only to see the gardevoir breaking up the dispute and setting off to gather. Scarred features twisting into a mock pout, the poisonous creature dropped back down onto the rest of her limbs, keeping two raised in order to properly view the remaining pokemon. "A'ight, anybody wanna do somethin' productive with me? Like, somethin' useful," she suggested in an admittedly quiet voice, unsure of what exactly to do in the first place.

Re: Pokemon: Dungeon Adventures || Roleplay Thread - toboggan - 02-14-2019

Not even five minutes would pass in Eclipse’s newfound turf before colourful personalities clashed. Though, what could he expect from eeveelutions? Each and every one of them are exactly the same, with a ten-metre pole shoved up their ass in one way or the other, rendering them devoid of any likeable qualities.

Adrien and Valentine’s back-and-forthing birthed a headache of sorts in the male. With much hope, if all went to shit, one of the deuce could be sacrificed for the sake of something to eat. The pair’s bellyaching irritated him so that when Gunther summoned him, the Watchog promptly obliged, and toddled after the hulking Aggron alongside the Sableye. Very much like the ghost Pokemon, burrowing was definitely a strong suit, as Quincey’s species was practically bred for the act of digging.

But circumstances could never stay simple anymore, could they? Once given a job, there was always a new rule to change it all up, or a distraction to fluster whoever was trying to get a good load of work done.

Scarcely after he had relocated himself from his companions, the executive waves for his aid. Mildly scowling under his breath, Quincey rapidly released what he had picked up, the dirt accumulated in his blanched paws finding itself collapsing to the earth below. From there, he’d straighten up his posture, and proceed to Timedancer’s location. Whatever perturbed her must have been crucial, seeing that it was enough to have mobilizing Quincey for the job.

Oh. She inquired about food. Quite crucial, indeed.

"Depends, really", the Councilist responded, an undertone of annoyance engulfing his tongue as he tailed the boss, ”food’s food, it’s always edible. The stuff you’d find in stores is generally manufactured to last a long time - it’s got a whole lotta preservatives and stuff - so I’d say yes, it’d be safe to eat.”

Such an amount of thought was put into his answer, that Quincey realized not that he ditched his prior post and tagged along with the Gardevoir and Sylveon. At least, not until it was too late.

Ah well, a change in directive never hurt anybody that was important - that is, if the group can manage to avoid bandits, traps, thieves, falling debris, the elements, poisonous fumes, toxic waste, explosions, and hooligans. If the small amount of listed hazards could be averted, then everybody may very well get out alive.

+ i should point out that all posts ever are mobile thanks for coping