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Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - Printable Version

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Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - Eclipse - 02-11-2019

(plz dont respond before kade)
Eclipse had been walking a long while when she had found the cave entrance, she was hungry and cold  so peeking her tiny foxy head in "H-hello a-any body there?"Not waiting for a response due to wanting to get out of the cold she continued down and entered the cave.Wild ones had killed the one that raised her. She had told Eclipse that she was not her mother but still raised her as if she were her own. Continuing down the hallway her stomach rumbled loudly as she walked.After what seemed like hours she begin to slow down her walk, her little legs getting tired and getting very sleepy. she had found streams but only ever a few bugs under rocks and she never seemed to be able to keep them fully down. so she continued until eventually she couldn't continue anymore and curls up leaned against a random wall,shivering hungry and cold she falls asleep.

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - teef - 02-16-2019

a tigress would be the first to stumble across the fox kit, her head lowered to sniff the child warily. "wake up, youngster. you're safe now." her voice was rough and worn, not used often, not for anything more than a battle cry or soothing the dying. she was no motherly figure, just another warrior who found the spoils of ear and the left overs that hurt to observe.

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - Eclipse - 02-16-2019

Small emerald eyes slowly cracked open and looked up to her wearily. her body was exhausted along with her mind and she was half delirious due to lack of nutrience."M-mother i-is that you?Wh-where am i?I-its cold a-and hungry hmm. Can i sleep more?"[color=#0f52ba]Her breathing stutters slightly and she shivers, Kade and anyone else who sees her might notice that the majority of her form is just fur, her body is lean and pencil like. Her stomach rumbles, bloated slightly and she sighs, leaning against the wall she curls into a ball looking up at her, eyes slowly beggining to drift ever more closed.

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - PHOENIX - 02-16-2019

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"] /mobile!!

Wow, people sure liked to abandon their children in this plane of existence, didn't they? It was a rather natural thing to do, since nature was pretty fucking metal, but these animals proved to be more sentient than many humanoids she had ever encountered. Approaching shortly after Kade, the maned wolf quietly came to a stop alongside the tigress. "Hey, uh, no - no, stay awake kiddo," Phoenix fumbled over her words, sundrop eyes flicking between the fox kit and Kade. The ill or injured usually felt tired before they died, Phoenix knew that much, so she had doubts rest was opportune in the middle of the snow. "You have a name? We'll take ya somewhere warm and get you some food, 'kay?" Could it even eat solid food yet? It was old enough for form full sentences, but Phoenix had no idea how foxes aged. Hopefully Kade was a little more experienced with the natural world than Phoenix was.

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - Eclipse - 02-16-2019

She wearily cracks open her eyes and looks up at the wolf body shivering slightly. she just wanted to sleep right now, a few tears came to her eyes and she rolled up more as a memory flashed before her and she let out a sob,her stomach grumbling shortly after. she just wanted to sleep and be warm. her eyes slowly began to drift close again and she opened them again mumbling wearily and almost sleepily "They came and killed Sarah I-i had to run...Hungry....Food and warm would be nice.....Sleepy, very tired Eclipse...[color=#0f52ba]Her eys drift close and her breath evens out a bit as she begins to fall asleep once more.

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - teef - 02-17-2019

exchanging looks with Phoenix, kade sniffed the kit once more. "eclipse, I need you to stay awake. We're gonna get you some warm food and a nice cozy place to sleep" she rumbles, stepping forward to pick the kit up by the scruff, drawing in her scent.

"I'm kade, but you can call me ariside. or ari. this Phoenix, my groupmate." she introduced them both, filling her head to the other woman there.

//sorry mobile//

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - Eclipse - 02-17-2019

She continues to shiver slightly and is much easier to pick up and lighter than she should have been. She let her legs dangle slightly but tries to nuzzle a bit against the one who is currently carrying here "Why can't I sleep i-I'm so tired,I've been walking too much I think hmm just want to sleep...where are we going? Are the wild ones there? Fear begins to tinge her voice as she weakly hangs there and her tail is allowed to hang limply below her not really moving."P-please don't take me to the Wild ones they killed Sarah a-and I don't want to be killed too..."Her eyes widen and her tiny heart begins audibly pounding against her ribcage and worry along with great fear takes over her form and voice "w-wait a-are you wild ones too? P-please don't kill me l-like you did Sarah i-I can clean a-and I can learn t-to cook or anything you need j-just please don't kill me p-please don't...."[Color=#0f52ba]Any past weariness or exhaustion seems to have left her as shes now just clutched by cold hard fear

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - tikki - 02-17-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; text-align: justify; color: #111111; font-family: arial;"]Curiosity was not something that had been in Solarpup's mind until after he had joined the Elysium with his sister. He found living in groups to be odd, and didn't know what to do about it if he was being honest, which was why he found it easy to wonder around and look at things, maybe ask questions if he felt up to it - which he usually didn't if he was being honest.

Having heard the sound of a new animal, however, and seeing two older members in the snow by the border caused Sol to come closer, curious with his head tilted slightly. "What happened?" He would speak, blinking once before looking up towards Kade then Phoenix. One of them would answer him, right?

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - teef - 02-19-2019

"darlin', I might look like a wild one, but I promise I'm not. I'm sorry about your Sara, dear, but you're safe here. you dont need to worry about learning things more than a child should, because you are a child first and foremost." she would drawl, voice heavy and as thick as the heat that radiated from her fur. "ah, solarpup. this is a youngster named eclipse. can you go to my den and grab some warm furs from by the fire?" she asked, tipping her head slightly to look the canine over.

"we just found her in the snow, how about we bring her somewhere warm?" she would hum, looking back at phoenix. the child needed to be looked after and she was more used to patching up battle wounds of her crew and herself. she wasn't medically trained, not properly at least, but she knew the kid needed warmth.

Re: Lost in a Labyrinth//Joiner - tikki - 02-19-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 450px; text-align: justify; color: #111111; font-family: arial;"]Looking up at Kade as she spoke, listening to her words, the pup would nod his head for a moment before letting out a small 'um' making sure to fold his wings over his back before turning around and running off, ready to go find Kade's den by scent to get warm furs that were by a fire? That's what she said right?

He was pretty sure that he was in the right when he finally grabbed what was wanted, making his way back - slower than he wanted to but the furs were big and he was small - before standing there ready to pass them on to whoever wanted to take them.
