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Exhausted flight//Joiner - Printable Version

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Exhausted flight//Joiner - Umber - 02-10-2019

He didn't know how long he had been flying for. First he had seen a deserted theb a jungle and bow trees but he couldn't find his family he was traveling with. He was so hungry and tired,his small tummy hunger ed and his mouth thirsts. He had been flying over the water for so long. Maybe he should just sleep. No he couldn't fall not now, even though his wings were so tired. His vision slowly began to be rimmed by black and his mind grew cloudier. Slowly the black crept over his vision until it completely obscured it and he was falling, falling then nothing. He fell unconcious,getting swept up by the water and washed ashore,his runt of a limp bat body laying in the sand.

Re: Exhausted flight//Joiner - bubblegum - 02-12-2019

Re: Exhausted flight//Joiner - Umber - 02-12-2019

He had been fully unconscious,barely alive and with hardly any room in his lungs to breath, but it seemed enough so that someone didn't think him dead and he could still somehow live, though the state of his brain due to lack of oxygen was yet to be determined.As he was shifted the water in his lungs sloshed around enough for him to get enough air to slowly wake up with a groan, his head pounding like a bunch of stones were being thrown at it. As he came to consciousness he began sputtering and coughing up water,too weak to lean over it just spilled over him. at least it wasn't in his lungs anymore. He slowly looked up at his rescuer with big sapphire eyes, full of innocence and pain. "W-who are you...wh-where am I? A-am i dead i-is this heaven? Heaven sucks..."[color=pink]after saying this he begins sputtering once more and coughing up more water with a wheeze as his lungs continue trying to expel it all

Re: Exhausted flight//Joiner - elijah - 02-16-2019

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]It was a good thing Elijah had stumbled across the scene before his rats did. If it weren't for the fact that he was now living in The Typhoon again, he probably would have also viewed the poor creature as a free lunch, vision clouded from the possibility that the unconscious male had in fact been sentient. The boy scrunches his nose, wordlessly watching Goldenluxury moving across the beach to look at the small mammal laying limply across the ground. His eyes shift towards the gulls and other winged scavengers that stare curiously ahead, cautious because of the invisible game they called survival. Hesitant, he draws himself closer. He is being pulled by an ethereal force, a warm and glowing sense of compassion wraps about his heart. As he walks, paws sinking into gentle sands, Thirteen watches from above his head - the large rat idly assessing the two in front of the young demidemon as if in a protective manner. There is no danger here and yet there is an anxiety that rattles Elijah's bones, his rib cage expanding with his discomforted breaths.  While he does not think of The Typhoon as dangerous, he has grown to be weary of traps. A limp body could simply be bait.

The exchange, however, is harmless. His brows soften when he hears the bat cough up water, face morphing into that of concern when he recognises the exhaustion painted over the animal's features. His eyes were like jewels, twinkling the sunlight above him, untainted by the merciless sea. Elijah holds his lips together, pressing his wing against his side when he sees the creature's own appendages - the thin membrane which stretched from body to arms. He must have flown here, Thirteen deduces to the ragdoll. The rodent freezes for a moment, calculating a few more thoughts before relaxing his posture: Well? Go on, Elijah. Talk to the poor thing. Elijah quickly glances towards the Captain, jaws parting but the child unsure if the fem would be okay with him speaking up. After a few short moments, he takes a cold breath before expressing a warm smile. His blue eyes glimmer. "You're in The Typhoon," the demiangel begins, curling his tail behind him, "On an island, to be exact." He wonders if the unnamed stranger even knows what 'The Typhoon' means. He is sure any total outsider would be confused by the sound of it. "My name is Elijah and, uh, no. You're not dead... You're very alive, actually. Promitto!"

The beta takes a step back for a moment, seriousness washing over his smile. The bat is conscious and somewhat aware of his surroundings, coughing up the water he had swallowed. Elijah has very little knowledge on how to help victims who had almost drowned. He was amazed the creature was still alive. The boy tilts his head to the side, using his powers to begin manipulating the air around the bat to keep as much of a concentrated flow of oxygen as possible. It was the only thing he could think of in assisting the creature. If he were to try and rid of the water, he was afraid of causing more harm than good. "O cara..." he murmurs, wincing at the intensity of the splutters. The more he watched the bat cough and struggle, the more he thought about how lucky the creature was. Then again, maybe the stranger had wanted this. Maybe the stranger had had enough of living. He feels his own hairs rise at the back of his neck, the young Rosario shaking his head in an attempt to clear his mind of negativity.

He exhales another calm breath before glancing back at the unnamed mammal. "Do you remember what you were doing before you got here? We can help," he offers, though is unsure if Goldenluxury would agree. A lot, after all, had happened during his absence. He wasn't sure if the golden tiger was the same woman he had known when he was still a mere kitten. The fact that the former Quartermaster was now a golden tiger and the island's Captain already suggested how much she had experienced. Still, the boy continues the same compassion: "I've told you my name so what's yours?"

Re: Exhausted flight//Joiner - Umber - 02-16-2019

The little bat boi continued to expel water until it was completely gone,and he leaned back with an exhausted sight, lungs sore and head hurting"I-im Umber...I was flying and i got lost and i couldnt find my way home so i kept flying trying to find it and flying and i found myself over water so i kept going and then everything got dark....A few tears began to slide down and he shuddered slightly, his stomach growling at them very loudly and desperately

Re: Exhausted flight//Joiner - elijah - 02-16-2019

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]His lips quiver in mild concern for the small critter as he continues to manipulate the air currents around him, careful not to be too forceful. While Elijah had originally learnt to control wind in a passive matter, the feline had also been recently using his abilities offensively. It was necessary, after all, for his escape. He might have never managed to return to The Typhoon, let alone find freedom, if he hadn't managed to conjure more violent bouts of wind. It was only now that the boy was begin to realise the intricacies of gently manipulating the flow of oxygen, wary of his precision in separating heavier molecules so that breathing would come easier. When the young bat finally seemed to stop coughing, visibly relaxing from fatigue. For a moment, while Elijah was lost in his thoughts, he had wondered if bats counted as pests. After all, Elijah's demon blood had an overwhelming connection to infestation. It was the reason as to why the boy was always swarmed with rats, rodents crawling around him in a protective manner, always looking and keeping him safe as if he were royalty. The rats were his guardian - linked to him from a young age. But, as he continued to allow his mind to wander in spirals and other tangents, he felt nothing supernaturally special between himself and the stranger. It would appear that bats were not pests.

He definitely feels his own expression evolve into that of a sympathetic pout, hearing that the bat named Umber had been lost for quite some time. It would explain how the creature managed to wash up on the beach and Thirteen had been right about the bat flying to the brink of exhaustion. Elijah couldn't help but feel tragically sorry for the poor thing. Cibus, the winged boy notes to his rat, twitching an ear when he hears Umber's rumbling stomach. And, following his instruction, the rodent leaps off his head to be accompanied by another mass of rats, scurrying off to find anything suitable for the bat. "Well in the meantime you can stay here. We can be your family until you're ready to try and find home again," the feline continues, "That being said, I don't think it's a good idea you set out immediately. The fact that you fell into the ocean means it's too dangerous to try it again and it must be extremely far by now." As Elijah speaks, he allows a few moments to pass as he looks through his bond with Thirteen, checking how his rodents' food gathering had been going. He wasn't exactly sure what bats ate. He rarely took the time to get to know other species and their diets.

Seeing that the boy was shuddering from the water, the older male moves closer. He lifts his feathered wing and wraps it around the small bat, trying to keep Umber warm. Elijah holds himself there until one rat begins sprinting towards him, carrying a small chunk of meat it must have found in the tavern. It drops it in front of the demiangel who telekinetically raises it towards the young bat. "Would this help your hunger?" he asks before lowering his head and releasing a small nervous laugh, "If you eat insects then I'm afraid it might take a rats are ravenous at this sort of time so, knowing them, they'll eat any insect they come across. We were actually about to have lunch before I came here."

Re: Exhausted flight//Joiner - Umber - 02-16-2019

He nods and begins weakly gnawing on the piece of meat, only getting a bit of it gnawed off before he weakly falls back and his eyes begin to drift and he begins to shiver a bit more"T-tasty....very sleepy and cold...'[color=pink] his stomach begins to rumble again but his wings flop tiredly and his eyes begin drifting close as his breathing begins to slow and settle.

Re: Exhausted flight//Joiner - elijah - 02-17-2019

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 9pt;"]A breathes a sigh of relief, glad that Umber had so willingly taken the piece of meat to eat. He was worried for a moment he might have guessed the bat's diet completely wrong. He wasn't familiar with his kind of species. He understood the diets of different pests but he never paid much care about other creatures. It had never seemed to matter to him until now. The boy flinches slightly when he sees the small bat begin to relax and then fall, hesitating to make a move to catch him because he is suddenly distracted by the enchantment that seemed to wash over poor Umber. 'O cara... He's not dying, is he?' Thirteen chitters curiously, attention grasped by the mammal's words. Elijah shifts forward, lowering his head to get a better look Umber's chest, waiting to see the rise and fall of the other's chest. From the looks of it, Umber was fine. He was still alive and Elijah wasn't a liar. "I guess I can take him down to my place and have him sleep by a fire," the ragdoll murmurs to the Captain, nodding to the fem in acknowledgment. It would be difficult to find an unoccupied hut considering all the repairs that were currently in motion. It was easier to let Umber temporarily rest in his hut before deciding what to do with the young bat.

Elijah attempts to gently lift the omnivorous bat and take him back to his place where he'll settle Umber down in front of the fire with a pillow to rest on.