Beasts of Beyond
keep yourself alive [ o p e n ] - Printable Version

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keep yourself alive [ o p e n ] - Jervis - 02-10-2019

Elegant winds brushed past through the crimson fox's fur as he sat aloft on one of The Pitt's many jungle trees. A dark gaze stared out onto the horizon, observing those who passed throughout the area and wandered into the nearby leader's temple. There was a lack of thrilled attitudes he noticed these days. No one held the same pompous and overarching outlook that Jervis held, but perhaps that was because he was better than any of the miscreants that roamed the jungle. Nevertheless, to suit his own needs for attention, there definitely had to be a change in perspective. With no one invested in the group, there was little to do these days and that got him down. Ninazu and Stryker had wandered off to who knows where, probably fucking in the depths of the underground caves, and the rest have well... died off.

A paw raised to his pointed chin, rubbing it lightly. For now, the previously thoughts was fermenting in his mind but not the main interest of today. He'd much rather entertain himself elsewhere. With that, he lowered himself to the ground floor of the jungle and began to slink throughout the underbrush. Eyes of burning fire searched the area. So far no one or anything seemed particularly interesting to him, causing him to divert elsewhere. To the river he went. Many called it 'The Bloodbath River' which he found utterly generic for a river than only turned red once in a blue (actually, a harvest) moon. If only the name had a deeper meaning to it. Luckily, there was potential.

Once reaching the edge of the water, he engulfed a paw into the water. A shiver ran down his spine from the freezing temperature, but it felt strangely homely. Satisfied, a hum left him. Deciding to settle down near the shore, Jervis curled up near one of the larger boulders with some hefty underbrush and watched as the stream went by. He found little glory in it's current appearance. Soon enough, an idea sprung within his mind. Not long after he settled down, an unidentified limb floated past the shore. An outstretched paw grappled onto it's drenched pelt and pulled it into shore. A crimson haze followed the limb as he dragged it, staining the waters red. Upon closer observation lied the front leg of a wolf before him. Uninterested, he pushed it back into the stream. Luckily he had managed to gain a very influential idea from the situation...

Watching the trail of red, he sat silently with a sneer upon his lips. If someone, or rather more a group, had approached him at the right time and managed to watch his endeavor, he would not give a care in the world.
tags - penned by orion

Re: keep yourself alive [ o p e n ] - Kenna - 02-16-2019

She slept in tree's occasionally through the day for short naps since she didn't really 'rest' at night in favor of other things that happened under the moonlit skies. When she wasn't enthralled in a nap she wandered the territory looking for whoever would be her company for the night, if she had something solid arranged she would just enjoy the day. As of current? She had no confirmation someone was coming to her bed tonight, so that was her main concern. While she functioned through the day? Kenna really didn't do well in life if she didn't get that nightly attention, started doubting herself to an extent.

Violet eyes caught sight of the beautiful view of Jervis with his confidence and security sitting around pondering. Damn that fluffy fox was extremely attractive! Kenna smiled watching him, while she would never claim to be 'in love' with him, she did absolutely love spending time with him the confidence he held was contagious. If she could get him to come spend the night with her? Maybe she could spend a few days without, perhaps the activity would imbued his confidence into her slightly meeker personality. "What are you thinking about Jervis, sir?" she asked the comment sweetly walking up onto the stone next to his with some degree of difficulty considering her size.