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the inferno | open, joiner - Printable Version

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the inferno | open, joiner - Felibri - 02-06-2019

Machiavelli's tongue lolled lazily from his parted jaws as he trotted through the vast expanse of desert. His ears tipped back, finally catching scent of a group of animals nearby. If he squinted hard enough, he could see the Egyptian town on the distance. It had been a long time since he had contact with another group. Having been forced out of his own pack when his father was killed by a rival male, Machiavelli resorted to life as a loner. It had taken a toll on him. He was skinny and rather small, his coat wasn't as glossy and smooth as it used to be, but his fierce yellow eyes were still sharp with life.

Why not give it a try? The Italian wolf thought to himself as he realized he was at the edge of the border. He knew some groups could be hostile to a newcomer, but he'd take his chances. Machiavelli wasn't much of a fighter, he was more streetsmart and ratty than anything. "Hello? My name is Machiavelli." The young male called out, waiting for an answer.

Re: the inferno | open, joiner - teef - 02-07-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a while would pass before the sand shifted close to the male, what could have passed for a sand dune slowly falling apart in a rush of sand and grains of dirt. a long serpentine body would free itself from the piles of sand, slithering slowly as the sun caught on the being's body, glancing off the bright patches and gleaming dully on old scales. a pair of pale blue eyes would slowly open, a pair of long red backward facing horns would emerge from a wild blonde mane of fur. before the male, had been a napping oriental dragon, their sinuous body twining through the sand.

"hello machiavelli. welcome to the territory of the rosebloods, i am bai shi, third in power. are you looking to join our ranks?" the wolf would be met with a voice that sounded like sand itself, raspy and dry from lack of use and lack of hydration. they blinked their eyes, eyelids sliding in a serpentine way. blowing out a breath through the nose, their whiskers twitched as they raised their head from the ground to get a better look at the male upon the border.

Re: the inferno | open, joiner - Felibri - 02-09-2019

This was taking a long time. Maybe he should turn back and find another group. Maybe this one was deserted. He practically jumped out of his own skin as the sand shifted to reveal a snake-like creature. "Merda!" He cursed, fur standing on end and prepared to get himself the hell out of there before anything bad happened.

He only paused because when the creature spoke, he seemed welcoming. Machiavelli was only accustomed to wolves and dogs, and the occasional cat he saw while roaming cities. "Uh, yeah. Yeah. Joining." So this place was called Rosebloods ... it sounded nice at least. However, he couldn't believe he would be accepted just like that. There had always been some sort of initiation in the wolf packs Machiavelli was used to. "What do I have to do?"

Re: the inferno | open, joiner - FleetFoot - 02-09-2019

Fleetfoot blinked padding out of her home she stared at the other wolf talking to bai shi she perked her ears watching them

Re: the inferno | open, joiner - teef - 02-10-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a laugh rumbled throughout their body when he startled, "apologies. it seems i napped too long and the sand covered me. it was pleasantly warm. mhh. initiation? well, our leader, the pharoah, will introduce you to the rest of the rosebloods. you are asked to drink a red liquid to prove your strength and ability. it's a rite of passage I suppose, all of us who climbed rank are required to do the same. it is also encouraged that you find a flower to symbolize you and/or your family name. my personal flower is the sunflower, and my family flower is the cactus, symbolizing endurance."

turning their head they would notice fleetfoot, another recent joiner. "are you thirsty? we have water within our territory, made safe by our water users."

Re: the inferno | open, joiner - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-10-2019

Soaring through the sky she missed most of the new animal joining only really descending because her wings were tired. Due to not having gotten to eat proper food in a while, the calico dracocat could feel herself weakening occasionally as her body began to use what little reserves she had. Just a little rest, that's all she needed, so the female chose to hover near them. "Bai Shi, mind if I tag along, only laying on your back instead of flying. I've been going since yesterday." only that was a lie this time she had only been going since this morning, praying she would eventually have time and chance to heed her bodies warnings that she needed to find another dragon. Apparently lizards didn't work well as she hoped they would. 

Re: the inferno | open, joiner - Felibri - 02-11-2019

Machiavelli was obviously transfixed at the other wolf who joined Bai Shi. His tail wagged slightly in greeting, appearing much happier to see one of his own species. "Hi." He did a careful little bow in front of Fleetfoot. He stood up straighter and nodded at the dragon's words. The liquid didn't seem too bad, and he sort of liked the idea of the flowers, quite unique. Machiavelli recalled how his wolf pack had family symbols they scratched into rock and wood of their territory. Though, with the usurpation of his father ... those symbols might be forced to change. "Alright thanks." He said smoothly, only to be startled again by another dragon like creature. "And what are your names?" He asked the two females who had came over.

Re: the inferno | open, joiner - FleetFoot - 02-16-2019

''I am called Fleetfoot'' she Replyed looking at the male wolf she sat down titling her head