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anybody got tips on how to get back motivation? - Printable Version

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anybody got tips on how to get back motivation? - tricky - 02-05-2019

basically the title
i've been in a motive-less slump lately, mostly because i'm extremely lazy, but i still have the muse to keep going. it's just frustrating when i open up something to write or draw or even make a simple pinterest board and i can't focus on accomplishing anything. y'all probably struggle with the same thing, so any suggestions on how to break out of this?

Re: anybody got tips on how to get back motivation? - vellichor - 02-05-2019

something that always helps me a ton is redoing profiles/switching up exactly how i do things i guess if that makes sense?? like recently for clarence my muse was sorta struggling and so i took some time to make some new graphics for him and thought about how i could make his style a lil more immersive and now i have +1000 muse n motivation.

another big thing for me is i have a specific playlist that's for 'work' (or writing or whatever else i need to concentrate on really) and it's specifically designed to help me focus. for me that p much means it's all p mellow instrumental music. i find that music in games is pretty great for this because it's usually designed to help you focus. i love the nintendo soundtracks bc they tend to be pretty chill but also help me focus. another one i use is any of sleeping at last's instrumental music

another big thing is finding new plots/threads that i really enjoy and take time to oocly chat n plot it all out with the other person! that always helps me a ton with getting some motivation