Beasts of Beyond
NOT WHAT I'VE BECOME && joining. - Printable Version

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NOT WHAT I'VE BECOME && joining. - miss ririchiyo - 02-03-2019

Just focus, and everything go how you wish for it to, Saeran. You look intimidating enough.

The white doberman wasn't too happy about having to move, but it had been so long since he had enjoyed doing something. He was a fighter naturally, but with his sickly composition (which he didn't like to tell others about, mind you), he just enthused the idea of joining a clan and just screwing off from then.

"I'm here to join." Saeran announced loud enough for those around him here; introductions could come eventually.

"WAVERING LOYALTIES" —-- saeran choi / the pitt / misc. / -miss ririchiyo

Re: NOT WHAT I'VE BECOME && joining. - teef - 02-07-2019

a small girl would watch the male from the shadows, her head tilted to the side slightly, blinking before she padded outwards, "you're here to join, sir?" she asked politely, her eyes fixated on the ghostly looking man before her. the rather large golden brindle borzoi pupwould shake herself out only to wince and nibble at a scar on her thigh, one that was still healing and cut into the meat of the muscle.

there were similar marks on her fur, the result of an NPC finding out that she had helped former prisoners escape when she thought it had been a game. the big dragon smelt like her father, and she wanted to have some memory of him again, and it had seemed like a game to the youngster.

Re: NOT WHAT I'VE BECOME && joining. - Jervis - 02-10-2019

From the background appeared Jervis with a swagger in his step and a smirk across his curled lips. He followed Ramona to the border. Conjoined to her side, he watched the stranger momentarily as they exchanged a conversation. They seemed to have little interest in joining for the Pitt's mischievous purpose from what he could tell, especially with what a lanky figure the doberman was made of. Perhaps he was reading too much into it though. Nevertheless, another member wouldn't kill anyone. It was another body for the higher-ups to take advantage of.

His gaze shifted sideways towards his fellow Pittian. "I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem," he enthused towards Ramona. "Not like we have much to go on anyways..." That was a lash at everyone, truly. No one happened to meet his standards just yet, including Ramona and their newest member. "It'd be our pleasure to have you within The Pitt."
tags - penned by orion

Re: NOT WHAT I'VE BECOME && joining. - Kenna - 02-16-2019

She hadn't been far behind jervis today, her bird resting peacefully upon her broad back between slender shoulders buried in her sheer mass of fluff. Sultry smirk stuck across her face the red panda looked up at the new joiner, appreciating the muscle and scars she saw, a rugged type, she could use one of those again. "Since you're new, you could stay in my bed tonight." the female 'purred' the comment out, holding a paw to her chest as she spoke and licking her maw. He did look rather tasty, she'd much rather have Jervis comfort her tonight, but she'd take anything she could get. Kenna wasn't the sort to wait for someone special when anyone could make her feel special for a night.