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play children of this griffingate a-hole? - Printable Version

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play children of this griffingate a-hole? - mordecai - 04-25-2018

uuhhhh howdy i'm redacted, this is mordecai, and he's got kids who are probably not having a great time.

so, currently the backstory i have in place for mordecai, his late wife, and these children is set up to allow for plotting in the future. where the plot goes is something i'd love to figure out once/if people have actually shown interest in having a kid, haha.

tw for mentions of negligent/abusive parenting. mordecai is not a kind man nor is he a good father.

mordecai cîrstea was a well-to-do man with a beautiful wife and a peaceful home life, according to public opinion. in actuality, elvira cîrstea both bored and disgusted him (hard to please a man who only cares for himself) and his children weren't quite up to par with his nigh impossible expectations. life was dreary. boring. when the rebellion started, splitting kalopsia in two, he took advantage of the chaos to rid himself of his wife by killing her and taking care of his children by either ensuring they wouldn't return to griffingate (presumably leading to them joining in with blackfall) or confirming that they wouldn't tell a soul about what he did. whether this confirmation was by making sure they didn't know what he had done or threatening them into complacency is your decision.

1.) i’d be pretty bummed if you weren’t active with your kid. i won’t breathe down your neck about it (especially because human rp is just now kicking off) but please don’t take a kiddo if you’re not sure you’ll be able to devote at least a little time to them.
2.) so, you can play a biological child, one that was adopted, or one that elvira conceived during an affair (in the interest of not having people stress over matching appearances) but i’d appreciate it if it could be kept to only one child from an affair and two, at the most, adopted children.
3.) these kids will be 10-18 years old
4.) this is first come, first serve, and the form is ffa. just give me their basic information and a lil blurb about them. you don't have to dress it up if you don't wanna.
5.) these kids can be in either blackfall or griffingate
6.) i don't bite & i just wanna have a good time so if you have any questions or suggestions then i'm all ears <3

slots & information
1.) andreas
2.) open
3.) open
4.) open

so far as appearance goes, mordecai is a man of average height and weight with pale skin, blue eyes, and black hair. i have no specific appearance in mind for elvira and plan to work it in once these children have roleplayers just to avoid putting limits on faceclaims/appearances.

on that topic, don't worry about having faceclaims or appearances in mind that might conflict with what someone else has. i have a blurb ready for the possibility of mordecai and elvira adopting a child/children as well as elvira getting pregnant from an affair specifically so that you can have your character look how you want them to look, so you really don't need to feel too pressured. just let me know if your character is adopted, or if their biological father isn’t mordecai.

below is just some information on the relationship mordecai would have had with his children just so you have an idea of how they may be starting off.

mordecai and biological children:
mordecai and the child of an affair:
mordecai and adopted children:

Re: play children of this griffingate a-hole? - SAXAR - 04-26-2018


name. Andreas
gender. male
age. 16 years
home. griffingate
relation. biological child

faceclaim, diego tinoco
like his father, andreas has black hair that he tries to keep well-maintained, though in comparison, andy's features are more prominent. while his father's eyes are blue, his own are a shade of brown passed down from perhaps a grandparent or older generation in his family. on several occasions, he has thought of dying his hair in hopes to look less like the father he despises so much. his brows are strong and defined and his eyelashes are surprisingly long, making his eyes the most prominent feature on his face. while his father's skin is pale, andreas' time in the sun has given him a healthier complexion.

neglected as a child and lead to believe he is only as great as his achievements, andreas has adjusted by becoming overly ambitious and competitive. he doesn't like being outdone and will go to dangerous lengths to out do others, originally this was in order to gain attention from his father and it has now become his method of feeling valid. he's a people pleaser and will try to say what he thinks others would like to hear and becomes easily insecure when he is lead to believe others aren't interested in him or what he has to say. aside from this, he has an air of confidence about himself and doesn't show fear in disobeying what he's told to do by anyone other than mordecai. when he is around his father, this facade disappears and he becomes what could be explained as the equivalent to an obediant puppy.

andreas has been threatened into complacency by his father and now harbours a quiet hatred of the man.

Re: play children of this griffingate a-hole? - mordecai - 04-26-2018

✧・゚:*  whoosh! he is accepted!!

Re: play children of this griffingate a-hole? - SAXAR - 04-26-2018

thank you!

Re: play children of this griffingate a-hole? - Keeekeeey - 07-27-2018

TW for self-harm (hair pulling) in personality--
General ---
Name ;; Iris
Age ;; 15 years
Relations ;; biological child
Home ;; griffengate

Physical --
Like her brother, Iris shares her father's stark black hair and fair complexion. Her features are more round, like her mothers thankfully. Her lips are full and prodominate, while her ears stick out at weird angles and her nose is a bit big for her face. Her eyes seem large and are surrounded by long, black lashes. Her eyebrows are qutie thick, a side effect of never caring for her looks, and her hair, while cut chort, seems messy and matted.
Build; lean and muscular. Her legs are long, while the rest of her body is in proportion.

Personality ;;
Unlike her elder brother, Andy, she is hates everything her father does, and everything she stands for. She is a very angry girl, angry at her father for killing her mother, and angry at the public for not picking up on anything. She swears off anything to do with her father, including her last name and has been known to cover up her black hair or in some cases rip it out.
She takes very little care of herself and thinks very lowly of herself and her siblings, often her inner voice would echo what her father used to say about her. She forces herself to be lazy and to procrastinate in a way to rebel even though she is truly very productive. She often fights with herself as well, since everything she does is out of spite because she doens't want her to be anything like her father and she doesn't want him to have any power over her, but in doing this, he indirectly has power over her.
She's very intelligent and honestly very manipulative, but also extremely honest and believes that her word is everything, so she'll never say anything against her father as she gave him her word she wouldn't speak of what she thinks happened to her mother.
History ;;
Threatened into complacency like Andreas. She wasn't home/never saw her mother's body but does have a good idea of what happened.
Plots ;;
Maybe become and assassin bent on destroying her father? She'd def try to recruit her siblings.