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FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - Printable Version

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FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - Brutus - 02-01-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify;"] The leaders have finished discussing their politics for the time being, opening the land’s metaphorical gates for many of their members to come and mingle. With the merge between The Ascendants and Sunhaven, the formation of Elysium was bound to be a hot topic.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - teef - 02-04-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


ah. first to be here. oh well. the golden oriental dragon, second vizier of the rosebloods, would be curled up in the sunlight, bathing in the warmth, scales glaring brilliantly in the sunlight.

//ack sorry its short//

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - Orion - 02-05-2019

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
The lack of interaction with Snowbound was nothing new. After their demise with Caesar, which John Marston had heard too much about from rambling pacifists, they slinked off to the middle of nowhere. ​Thankfully though, they were on the rise once again. With that in mind, John figured he'd be the first one to slide into the mass meeting with hopes of meeting some others from the 'big five.' Perhaps it could drag his new settlement into the scene once again. Otherwise, he'd be a free-range rogue again and he didn't prefer that fate whatsoever these days.

The timberwolf was second to wander in. Dark brown eyes captured themselves on Bai Shi's golden plated scales and marveled in it's beauty. Internally he wondered how much he could sell each scale for... That was another time though. "Why hello there," he rumbled in the direction of the stranger. "The name's John Marston." Here he went again with introductions. For once he was glad that his name wasn't known, otherwise it'd be like slipping poison into someone's drink. "You?"
tags - penned by orion
template by orion

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - teef - 02-07-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the serpent would look him over in greeting, judging hostilities. they blinked, gaze calculating as they took in the timberwolf male before them. they took in a deep breath and let it out, exhaling after taking in his scent from afar.

"Bai Shi, Second Vizier of The Rosebloods." they responded easily, bright pale blue eyes stuck to his frame. "the pleasure is mine, John Marston. which group do you visit from?" their voice rumbled outwards in a calm melody, saying nothing of the storm that raged within the beast. Calmly pushing down their own thoughts and letting another deep breath roll through their body, they let themselves relax back into the sunlight, "any news from beyond the big fives' noses?" he didnt carry any discernable scent that they knew, but that was just them, they couldn't tell as they had never caught his group's scent before.


Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-07-2019

She wasn't going to miss the mass gathering even if she had been far out of the group territories exploring again the draconic feline had flown two days straight to make sure she made this event. Better presence of her group? Was always a required thing. "I didn't see anything strange this time." Jiyu made the comment as her wings folded in to allow her to land beside Bai Shi tailing slowly lowering to the ground.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - Orion - 02-07-2019

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
The title 'vizier' was unfamiliar to the country man, but from how the golden dragon elegantly spoke and was decorated, it was obviously something higher up. That meant he had to remember that. John Marston just smirked. It was definitely a pleasure to meet Marston, along with Bai Shi. "Touché," he echoed back. "I come from the long forgotten Snowbound, but I have only joined them recently." Perhaps the Rosebloodian knew more than him on the topic. "Their numbers ain't that impressive." Nevertheless, it was not a problem. The less competition, the better. With the five gigantic clans breathing down the back of their counterpart's necks, they were bound to be a slow and unnoticeable uprising if they struck right. "Like I said though, I'm new. Not much I know about the place, but if there was any news, I would of boasted about it by now." A sharp snort left him.

As the draconian feline flew in, the timberwolf's eyes searched them up and down in curiosity. They were an oddity to him. "Mmm, never seen one of ya out in the wild before... So I s'pose you're the strange one," he sarcastically swooned in the direction of Jiyu. "Your name, miss?"
tags - penned by orion
template by orion

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - teef - 02-08-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a short slip of contented noise would escape bai shi as jiyu landed beside them, casually smelling the other with a deep intake of breath, "better to not see any enemies on the horizon than to see a bloodied sky." they responded in greeting. relaxing again, they turned their attention back to john, "snowbound? last i heard of them, the pitt had burned their territory into ash?" they were not so well-versed when it came to the political state and history of some clans.

"news is hard to come by these days, the carrion birds spread very little in their cries. the world is silent to listening ears, but perhaps, it just needs to shake the moss out from the rivers." something exciting would definitely make for good news and gossip, and they craved for something to dig their talons into.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-08-2019

In reflex of the intake from Bai Shi her left wing opened against her own desire to remain frozen and lined up to hover an inch behind his back, almost like putting an arm over someone's shoulder only not touching, and of course she was smaller at a little over three feet tall. "Not forgotten. I remember them." of course, she was one of the older animals around to chances were she remembered just about anything. Often the calico didn't want to remember the things she knew. "I mutate easily, this state was caused by regrowing wings." Because it totally had not been caused by loving someone who seemed to be able to see right through her deceit, nope, never. What did she have to lie about anyways? She was just a stone protector, nothing more, she took orders and kept others safe. Never mind the fact she actually had a full fledged hobby of her own now that took her away for mindlessly circling the territory all the time.

Jiyu hesitated on the introduction she didn't like those and if she got lucky Bai Shi would address her by name."Jiyu, same group and rank as him." her wing momentarily gestured to the serpent next to her, laying herself down with crossed paws, massive tail wrapping around to lay atop them. "If you really think I'm that strange you can look closer if you want, this form is nothing special it's just a hybrid of my lost wingless feline form and my new dragon one." at least it was nothing special to the saber toothed female she was used to being mutated thus often failed to realize how many specialized mutations she really had at points.

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - Orion - 02-09-2019

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
Like he said previously, John Marston had never invested himself in a place for too long. All he knew was that he had to avoid them after he left or else a bounty would be placed upon his head. Snowbound was no different. Nevertheless, he still felt some sympathy for their loss of shelter. "Mmm, heard of that," Marston drawled on, "Never managed to figure out who those hooligans were." A slight snicker left him. If Arthur or Dutch could gracefully update me on the state of The Pitt, that would be wonderful. After all, they got around. Information whores they were...

His attention shifted to Jiyu again. Another Rosebloodian? With the same rank? Perhaps he overestimated Bai Shi's status first time around, seeing that he had the fancy rank name and all. Marston's head craned off to the side with his dark gaze zoning in on the hybrid. "It's a pleasure to meet you," he enthused in reply. "Wouldn't of thought to have two of you." John offered a light shrug of his shoulders. A light hum left him as he decided on his next words. While Jiyu was an interesting creature, he found no interest in invading her personal space for his personal curiosities. Plus his original comment was a cocky joke. "I would rather not, miss Jiyu."

That said, John Marston attempted to switch topics. There was no need to emphasize someone's look. "So," he moved along smoothly. "Tell me about the Rosebloods, eh?" Furrowed brows rose questionably. "You've got to be some interestin' folk over there."
tags - penned by orion
template by orion

Re: FEBRUARY 2019 MASS MEETING - teef - 02-10-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


"interesting indeed." bai shi would respond in a drawing tone, head tipped to the side, studying him. puffing out a breath they yawned and stretched, giant talons digging into the ground as their body shuddered, bones cracking back into place and scales clattering together as they shook themselves out. "first being that we have two people holding the title of advisor to the head of our group. wolf pack dynamics would have us as betas." they chuckled, relaxing under jiyu's wing even if she wasnt so willing to extend her wing.

"second is our home, in a desert, of course. but that's about all I can say about the territory. times of war are abound, after all." content was in their tone, their head tipped slightly. they lived for battle, it was their greatest joy to partake in, aside from organizing the raids and battles of course.