Beasts of Beyond
you're beautiful but you're broken / ooc task, open - Printable Version

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you're beautiful but you're broken / ooc task, open - Nayru - 04-25-2018

"Nayru, on religious events, you shall be known only as Silentprincess. We mustn't confuse you with our great Goddess, Nayru," her father explained to her in a low tone, extending a singular multi-hued paw to hesitantly tap her upon  the head. She recoiled from his touch, a frown expanding on pale lips as she pondered what that meant for her and why, of all things, he had chosen that name. Besides being given as a nickname to the blue heart lilies that made the small forest of Akala their home, it was symbolic enough of her hopeless position as not only a princess, but one who had successfully let down everyone around her. The very idea of being labelled that even for one day revolted her. But she was too weary to fight her father and so, reluctantly, she nodded her head. [color=black]"I understand."

The day was bright and warm and Nayru, driven by boredom, had abandoned the town and headed upland to visit the forest. She felt most at home within it, reminded of a time not so long ago when she had been home and things had been, well, bad. She was so engrossed in a million thoughts that her paws nearly trampled the fragile thing but, in the last moment, she felt the sudden need to glance down and halted so abruptly in her path that she nearly fell over.

Before her, rested a newly blossomed blue heart lily, thriving somehow within this place. Immediately she was met with both welcome and unwelcome memories, a strange feeling settling upon her chest. As a child, she had been particularly fascinated with the flower, pouring herself into studying it's every detail until her father deemed it a waste of time. She had had no idea that her research could resume with the existence of this blossom and, suddenly excited, she released an enthused squeal.

[color=black]"This flower can't seem to grow in conditions other than the wild and it's so incredibly rare but here it is. Here it is! I'd pick it and press it if only I could find another," She exclaimed aloud, expressing more emotion in that very moment than she had her entire time in Tanglewood. She couldn't help herself- it was moments like these that her love of learning and nature was awakened and she felt that repressed child within her struggle to the surface. [color=black]"I need to try to grow one of these myself- I absolutely have to!"

Re: you're beautiful but you're broken / ooc task, open - Morgan - 04-30-2018

Morgan had recently been practicing with its senses when it noticed someone's presence nearby in the forest. It bounded off in the direction it had sensed, following a surprisingly exact trail its mind had made. The dog found itself feeling proud of its abilities as it found Nayru staring at the flower.

The samoyed trotted over to the familiar Tangler, only pausing when it was close enough to see the flower. It was an interesting little thing, sporting a soft, pure blue tint and a unique scent. In a voice as strange as ever, Morgan asked, "Pretty... Does Nayru want it?" It looked up from the flower to its comrade, tilting its head in wonder.

Re: you're beautiful but you're broken / ooc task, open - beck. - 04-30-2018

    The amount of times Beck resorted to wandering thanks to his plague of boredom had at least surpassed the thousands by now. He had done everything there was to do in the afterlife within the first few decades, and the next couple were spent haunting houses and rotting in front of a television screen. God, he would kill just to be able to watch the late night-early morning infomercials and horror flicks again. But out in the middle of a swamp, he didn't have anything. Maybe he should scrounge in the junkyard close to town for a t.v. set; he'd be able to repair and power it, right? Watching static electricity crackle across his unscathed paw with a scowl of discontent, Beck debated on moving from his perch between a mangrove's trunk and a low-hanging branch, idly swinging a hind foot off the limb. On one hand, he was bored out of his mind. On the other hand, there wasn't exactly anything better to do -- he thought leading an entire group would give him more to do.

    A familiar voice settled the argument for him, rambling out to herself as if no one was listening. Ears perking in renewed curiosity, the poltergeist nimbly clambered down from his branch, landing with little more than a rustle in the wilted foliage. Lantern-like eyes glinted from the brambles as he watched Nayru gush over a plain old flower, announcing his presence before he abruptly rasped, "What's so great 'bout a lousy flower?" While his tone was crass and disapproving, he stalked closer to squint down at the lily, pointedly ignoring Morgan as he shook thorns from his mangy flanks. It was true he hadn't seen the plant setting roots anywhere within the swamp's borders, but it was also true that Beck hadn't been paying any attention to the specific types of flowers sprouting all over. He wasn't that bored to go around naming off every little cattail and dandelion underfoot.