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Site Lore Discussion - Printable Version

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Site Lore Discussion - Orion - 01-27-2019

While we have discussed this previously many times, especially between staff, it has occurred to us that we still lack proper lore. While we do have a few things... we lack a genuine concept. This is seems to be contributing to plenty of things, really. The time has come to ask the community about these things, especially since it’s really what we need to focus on currently.

If you were to have lore for the site, what would be?
- History between the groups?
- Location?
- Power formation?
- Mutation formation?

Consider this a formal discussion to share ideas. We should be able to formulate an idea we can all have a part in.

Re: Site Lore Discussion - teef - 01-27-2019

how the powers were first discovered and detailing some history on how the powers were first used -- could be a cause of mutations?

Re: Site Lore Discussion - Orion - 01-27-2019

Yes! That could explain how they’re used today.

Some of us did previously discuss something with a post apocalyptic effect, mostly surrounding Tanglewood’s own lore with their radioactivity. That could be interesting to bring it up again?

Re: Site Lore Discussion - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-27-2019

I like the idea of it being post apocalypse however I believe a better term way to word it would be post-post-apocalyptic as the world has recovered to a degree enough it's very possible many currently living in it don't know of how it ended before. Radiation nicely explains mutations which could have given rise to powers. This story also explains why there are only a few groups in a select area as maybe the area the game takes place in was furthest away from the radioactive explosion thus meaning life was least affected and any creature who survived elsewhere moved to the group territories if they could. This would likely make tanglewood the oldest of the groups but I don't mind that.

This can also explain the history between groups nicely as well. I do recall mentioning vaguely in Jiyu's early posts that she was 'returning' to the rosebloods so if no one has any objections it may be nice to write in that prehaps the group was taken down in the past by a group that currently no longer exists or maybe even one of the existing groups making a more fleshed out back story for the groups. From what I understand The Pitt could be one of the last groups to migrate out of the apolypse zone which would further make sense of their behavior of them being the roughest group to my knowledge, as I can certainly see having to live in the decayed word longer than the other groups having caused that and prehaps also being why they're so comfy in the dessert? Sunhaven could have lived in the safe zone from the beginning explaining why they are not prone to attack or otherwise get into conflict. The thypoon could be creatures who settled from other continents where no safe zones existed. I also believe by this logic a group devoted to knowledge like the ascendants would be the youngest of the groups as in a post world end setting until recently there may not have been time for their pursuits?

I don't know much about the uncharted groups but I'm sure this can work for them too, I just don't know enough about their lore yet to weave anything. I like lore a little too much so this post may be exessive I saw lore and went nuts.

Re: Site Lore Discussion - teef - 01-28-2019

another idea if we take that post post apocalyptic theme -- maybe the radiation completely messed up some critters and stuff, like completely and radically messed up their biology and they're considered threats that are left in the radiation zone? idk lmao

Re: Site Lore Discussion - toboggan - 01-28-2019

i like the idea of pist-post-apocalypse. it would explain why a group of misfits would band together to try to survive, just as our groups do.

my real thing is the location of it all.

we know that bob’s universe takes place on an alternate, pangaean earth. but since that’s the case, it left me wondering why, and how?

if the planet is one huge megacontinent, it wouldn’t exactly make sense for there to be such a variety in cultures, species, etc.

does that mean the earth wasn’t always in this supercontinent state? what if it was some cataclysmic magical event that brought all the land masses together?


where on pangaea would bob take place?

where on earth could one find a desert, a swamp, a rainforest, a tropical island, and a snowy valley all in close proximity?

(the answer: magic, i guess)

Re: Site Lore Discussion - woody - 01-30-2019

HMMM i like the idea of kinda establishing that powers and maybe mutations come from something, some sort of deity?  maybe a set of them?  one for each power?  idk, im kinda clinging to that idea in general at the moment, i'll try to articulate my thoughts better soon

Re: Site Lore Discussion - tikki - 01-30-2019

having two or three dieties would be cool for powers. Like One for mutations, one for powers, and then they had some sort of child who controls the powers that also cause mutations?

Re: Site Lore Discussion - Orion - 01-30-2019

Dittoing [member=1696]Jiyu Simul Stamus[/member]  and [member=3043]teef.[/member] , I really do like the post-post-apocalyptic setting because it can explain the changes within the animals. Plus it would include some interesting background for the groups.

Hmm a deity would definitely interesting! I'm not sure how often they'd be mentioned / used in roleplay though, but it could be definitely interesting to take a look into it. Not sure how often the deity would be used, but perhaps if the Rosebloods ( [member=1752]woody[/member] ) were tied to it, there could definitely be some interesting lore with it.

[member=1536]toboggan[/member] Exactly why the Pangea option was ditched. It was a too confusing topic and the land mass was SOOO large. Traveling across the land (even in liquid time) was confusing.

Re: Site Lore Discussion - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-30-2019

We could just make our own map set, an entire fantasy thing allowing us to dictate the rules of things. I have a lot of material that could be used for locations due to how much I've been sketching recently, so long as no one minds be retaining the ability to use it for my own fun too. We can also use the blast or whatnot to explain why the environment is so wonky.

I have a lot more written now but before I finish touches I wanted to touch on the deity thing as I made the ones for RB so if Woody wouldn't mind I am perfectly alright with making some expansion to add additional aspects or an altered form of them as another deity for use in wider lore it would just take me the course of two weeks to do them properly due to a few circumstances changing rl this morning.  It could also maybe do some good to make a mass religion animals of the world could choose to follow and maybe one group admits the existence of one deity while cursing another or denying it giving more opportunity for conflict and perhaps even an event to formally introduce deities enmass.

The environment and such could have been caused by a massive magical explosion resulting from the deities breaking out of their own world into BOB wiping out most life on the planet, mutating other life into the monsters some people want to see, and forcing the surivor groups into their current area.