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singles awareness day / singles seminar - Printable Version

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singles awareness day / singles seminar - imali - 01-26-2019

ONLY MY LOVE CAN CONQUER—Imali was single once again.  Really she hadn’t much romantic experience, at least successful and long lasting experience.  It was only mildly depressing, she swore.  She didn’t constantly think about it this time of the year as love was in the air.  She didn’t watch others with their loved ones with slight longing that she could have that too, that somebody would actually want to spend the rest of their time with her.  Yep.  Totally didn’t.

…Okay, maybe she did long for that.  But she wasn’t about to let it show through her fun and goofy exterior she had set up.  That it was only seasonal, she promised.  She didn’t dwell on such thoughts year round.  Promise.

That said, she couldn’t be the only one suffering from such emotions.  After careful thought and planning, Imali decided she would use her winning personality and a nice casual environment to coach others like her, maybe she would even inspire some luck.  A seminar, she believed it was called, a gathering like this.  She had brief experience in the distant past on speaking like a leader, time to flex that half forgotten muscle in a newer time period.

She had set up shop outside of the main territories of any one group, in the newly discovered part of the land unclaimed by most and easy to set up events in.  There was a smooth stone platform she could speak from if she needed to do so to address the whole group.  The bobcat had taken care to set up a table with all sorts of snacks, from fruit slices to cooked meat to sweet candies.  A colorful punch bowl had been set up, and there was a cooler of fizzy sodas and drinks available.  No alcohol though.  If the participants wanted that they could probably find some at their respective homes.

There was plastic set up tables and chairs, scented candles dotting the center to establish a little bit of mood.  Imali had purposefully set everything up to encourage mingling amongst the members, to maybe start up a few relationships herself during this seminar.  The overall feeling was friendly and relaxed, the weather thankfully pleasant for this event which she hoped would also encourage others to come along.

The fluffy female would hop up onto the platform, feathery wings carrying her as she perched herself and puffed out his fluffy furred chest.  Imali would smile in a friendly manner, her sunny colored eyes bright as she scanned the area.  "Welcome everybody!  This is the place to be if you don't have anybody this Valentine's Day.  Mingle!  Eat!  Get to know each other!  Relate to each other if both of you have absolutely nobody this time of year!  Uh, hope that didn't sound too sad.  I want everybody to have a good time!"  The bobcat's voice was friendly and welcoming, her stubby tail twitching about as she slightly jittered on stage.  Would she find somebody?  Might as well keep an open mind.



Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - Orion - 02-05-2019

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
How was he the first one to take a look here? To John, it seemed like he (and whoever this unfamiliar host was) were the only two single people hanging around. Perhaps [member=3198]DUTCH[/member] and [member=3448]A. MORGAN[/member] could hop in too... Unless those two buffoons have secret mistresses he has no idea about. Arthur and Dutch were both a sucker for getting the ladies, but settling was not easy, just like how they could never stay in the same spot for long. Sucks, ain't it? Nevertheless, Marston was out on the prowl. His hopes to get a worthy prize (and mostly drink) were oddly high for tonight. A new scene meant new people and chances... Until the past caught up to him.

With a sigh, he brushed through the decorations and found his way to the stone platform. Imali, being the only one here so far, was his goal. "The good times come when I arrive then," he cockily joked as he sat down in front of the platform. "Names John... you?" A new friend couldn't kill him. Well, maybe if it was a fellow gang who wanted his head on a pike, but for now things seemed rather safe here. Snowbound, being pacifists, made him have a mellow appearance for once.
tags - penned by orion
template by orion

Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - A. MORGAN - 02-05-2019

Arthur and love went together as well as a snake in the snow- which they didn't at all. Arthur had had a few short altercations with women in the past but it never seemed to work out, them leaving him on account of his troubling lifestyle. The last girl he'd been very much sweet on- well their relationship went sour all too fast, something he doesn't like talking about much. It's a part of why the timber wolf never bothered to seek out female companionship, even if for the night. He doesn't think his heart could handle another shattering.

Singles Seminar. What a laugh. Lonely pitiful souls gathering in one spot to maybe feel a little less lonely and pitiful. But he's one to talk, considering he even bothered to show up in the first place. From the very moment he arrived he wanted to leave. But he was here and he might as well make the best if it, for whatever it was worth. The male meandered over to the snack tables, eyeing the punch with slight distaste. No alcohol. No way to get shit faced drunk and forget his own woes. Figures. But it did bring a new light on his own drinking habits. Alcohol and water. That really was it and thinking about it too long would make his self esteem drop considerably. So instead he takes a cup of the drink and nurses it hesitantly. It's not bad, just different. He only perks up once he hears Imali speak, announcing the festivities of the evening. He bites back a cold laugh at the girl's little speech and instead seats himself at a table, staring into the flame of the candle in the center. With a sigh, he sits back and lets his leather black hat tip down almost over his eyes. The wolf wasn't sure how long he was going to be here so he might as well get comfortable.

Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - Grimm - 02-05-2019

[div style="text-align:center;font-size:10px;color:#000; line-height:80%; width:410px; font-family:arial; color:#4f4f4f; padding:15px"][Image: crow-test.png]
the false healer tags written by hattrick
[div style="text-align:justify;font-size:10.5px;color:#000; line-height:112%; width:370px; font-family:arial;"]Love.

Simplistic the gathering of letters, given the fragile husk of breath caught upon the edge of tongue. It bore little matter the casing, what slight weight it held onto with tentative grip, touching lips from brief expanse of but seconds before it rose, dull the echoing ring of disbelief once it had been allowed its time. Yet it is nothing, the mere structure of impulsive reaction formed within the wake of chemicals touching about the surface of veins and nerve endings, a force pulled forth from the dark depths of a mind thought tamed.

Fine the darkness that bore the aspect of faint smoke clinging to a body grown frail, press of bone apparent where skin seemed nought but a paper covering, broken in uneven patching of ivory. Amusing almost the faint structure of a cross he bore upon his chest, shadowed where his head lingered low, vacant his mind of such things as the religious undertone such as this held. It mattered little the disbelief curling about the slow tumble of thought, soft the huff of breath parting the press of dark lips, lingering on blunted points before it arose. He knew the tales, heard of the one deemed Cupid who held tight the holiday drawn about the early days of a year new to this earth, yet he had not tread their terrain, felt the earth grown course and rigid beneath a chilled touch.

Winter wore upon a frozen brow its crown, clutched at the loose top soil until fragments of ice gave a low, dull song beneath the wandering press of claw, stole from trembling chest each breath. There was nothing here to speak of the affection attributed to the hum of chemical, imperfect its balance until base instinct found its place in the forefront, no arrows bearing points sharpened so through the skin they may break. No, the beast which made his approach was one lacking such things no matter the home the twist of a sharp smile made within the corner of his lips, split the surface of a ebony muzzle speckled with ivory, lack clear in the depths of brown.

Temptation touched in his eyes, brief its time as attention found the offerings, soft the sound parting his teeth, need within the huff of breath breaking apart into the gentle murmur of a bitten off whine. Strangers all, few their numbers though expected such a thing, lacking within this place the time to nurse woes over the forgotten aspect of romance. Press of tongue to lips, contemplation for the brief expanse of moments before sights were set upon one, larger then he, imposing his figure no matter the meagre offering of fat and muscle upon Crow himself. Slight the stray for little and far between the meals allowed, heavy the tone of flowers clinging to the wispy fineness of his fur, originating from a weight familiar pressing against his side. Old the tin of the milk can, worn until the white paint was largely peeled away from its surface, the dull sheen of silver visible in patches.

“If you are the best there is to offer then I am glad I brought something of my own, no offence -” his gaze moved towards Imali as the comment passed his lips, almost sheepish the grin fixed upon his lips “- but I find any sort of party boring without something strong.” Rasping wheeze escaped after his words, hollow the ring of mirth buried within the sound, drawn forth until his voice failed him. Twist of displeasure, moment of hesitant as he worried at the line securing his tin about his chest, though to its origin one may only guess. Apparent the issue with his voice, be it from disuse or something deeper then such time had seen fit to make worse, rasping croak rolling from his tongue with practised ease yet there was a difficultly in hiding the broken mess of his speech.

Extracted from the tin, large pressed to his skin though its size was proven near tiny when he placed it before him, a bottle near full with liquid shining with a sheen of golden brown. Held out once more Crow fixed a smile to his lips but smaller was this, honey sweet the twist of dark skin broken beneath the press of his, worried at in times when nought else may calm the beat of his heart. Accustomed to the taste was he but he knew the type of man he stood beside, rough about edges that had grown worn from a life that cared little for him, callous in a way he may never have wished for but rather was forced to become, ease within this situation learned from long days of having to insert himself into conversation without breaking the flow.

Use was there, so too within the other lupine grown more comfortable, the leather of his stetson settling comfortably which offered little of the sharp lines of his features, a disappointing fact but one Crow would allow to slip his mind for the moment, and so he would take it.

Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - Orion - 02-05-2019

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
The sound of sloshing caused John's eyes to shift away from Imali momentarily. To see Arthur arrive here was a surprise. After the damage done to his former mate, John Marston wasn't so sure that he was going to seek another lover anytime soon. Then again, that wasn't his decision to make. Plus, there was alcohol here. That thoroughly excited the both of them, hence why they both probably were here mutually. The two didn't exactly have great habits. Even so, one event wouldn't kill them... Hopefully. Keeping a low profile wasn't one of Dutch's instructions this time anyways. That led to more free time.

With his attention away from Imali temporarily, the Timberwolf made sure to nudge at Dutch's right hand man partially. After all, it wouldn't be proper to ignore him. After all they've been through, they were practically brothers in arms and children of Dutch (oddly enough). "Predicable as usual," John teased lightly in Arthur's direction. "Wherever there's booze, you're there." Then again, he couldn't exactly speak. "Touche, he made sure to mentally note before it bit him in the ass. Arthur, though predictable, could definitely pull a fast one on John and bite him right back. Too late, unfortunately. 

The arrival of a new and unfamiliar man met his attention. They moved with elegance and virtue, almost as if it was a performance for all to see. A dark gaze observed silently, falling innocent to their act. Pointed ears perked in interest as they spoke in their rasping voice, noting that John was interested what the stranger had to say. Truly, questions swirled in his mind. Nevertheless, their comments towards Imali were partially concerning. While they did undermine Imali's taste in beverages, he had a whole-hearted purpose in mind from what John could see. The honey-colored drink was delightful to the eye... and it was strong. Booze, to him, was essential when it came to parties. Imali calling this event a single's seminar instead of a free night where everyone could drink and hook up was silly to him. With loneliness came useless one-night stands after all.

His attention, instead of being focused on Arthur or Imali anymore, was now focused upon Crow. "Ain't gonna offer any over here?" he cockily intervened towards Crow. Unfortunately for Crow, he wasn't John's type. He'd get that bottle one way or another, even if he had to swindle it from the stranger's hands in front of all the beautiful ladies arriving. "M'names John Marston." While this was a casual event, (once again) Crow wasn't in John's interest group and preferred to be addressed fully. "And you, sir?"

tags - penned by orion
template by orion

Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - clarence a. - 02-05-2019

" i bear little resemblance to the king i once was "
DATE January 26
TIME Evening
PURPOSE Vale made me
I didn't know what to do. Vale made me go. Well, she didn't make me, per se. But she had been rather aggressive when she started talking about Valentine's Day events with the various groups around us. I'd never even celebrated the day dedicated to St. Valentine, mostly because I'd never had a reason to. It didn't make me sad and I'm not - and wasn't - upset about it. I have a wonderful night of watching the musicals that play on the glowing machine and some burnt cake planned and I intend to be incredibly pleased with the night. I'm not looking for any sort of partner. Things like there were... complicated and bring me more grief than joy to talk about or approach. But so much has changed and we have lost so much. I just figured I could at least attend this to make Vale happy. Just this, I told myself. Just this. It was one night. Well, with all the events, maybe several nights. In any case, I went to the party, that's what I'm getting at. I went to the party because, while I may be able to survive a bullet wound and being knocked off a ship, I don't think I could survive the wrath of my sister if I don't find someone I at least like.

When I arrived, I immediately stood off to the side. I could already hear Vale asking questions about why I didn't approach anyone and why I wasted a perfectly good night. She would roll her eyes and I wouldn't hear the end of it. So I knew I had to talk to someone. There were already a few people in conversation, but then I saw a man that seemed to want to be there just as much as I did. So, without much hesitation, I approached with what I hoped was a polite expression and spoke, "Hello, my name's Clarence Aston. I'm from Elysium. Well, not from Elysium, I'm from London but I live- well, you understand-" Why did I talk so much? This is why I don't talk to anyone at parties. I always say far too much. God, I hope Vale doesn't read this.

"It seemed to me you look about as enthusiastic as I am to be here, so I thought I'd at least say hello. My sister will be rather cross if I tell her I came and didn't at least try to make a friend," I tried to force out a laugh at this, although I couldn't help but wince at how bitter my tone was. I don't ever mean to be upset with Vale but... well, given our differences, I suppose it's only reasonable that we fall into disagreements now and again. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have spoken to a man. I should've found a woman. She would be far less critical of that. Maybe I shouldn't tell her about any of this at all. Avoid the questions. Then again, she always gets what she wants. She'll get the information in the end, I'm an awful liar. I've only survived this far with half truths and willing ignorance. I feel as though I'm writing in circles. Whatever the case, I'll finish writing this entry. God, just please don't let Vale find it.   

//[member=3448]A. MORGAN[/member] just wanted to clarify he's talking to arthur if that isn't clear!

Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - A. MORGAN - 02-05-2019

It took Arthur a moment to register Clarence's arrival and even longer to finally acknowledge him. Arthur could be rude, yes, but he wouldn't outright ignore anyone speaking to him unless they were boring. Although he wouldn't admit that Clarence was an odd fellow. Nervous. Fumbling with his words. No spine. That was his conclusion- Clarence was spineless. Or maybe he did have one, but he sure as hell didn't act like it. Not to Arthur at least. The wolf propped himself upright, tipping his hat up to get a better look at the other man with his stormy green eyes. He offered a simple grunt in response to his greeting, mulling over the words in his head before finally introducing himself as well. "Arthur Morgan." he greeting in his low Texan drawl. An extremely simple hello. He was hesitant to return the kindness of sharing where he was from. Usually people asking where they were was never a good sign, but in this setting... this man, he didn't some off as the sort to plot an attack or a raid. But then again looks didn't mean shit to Arthur. Still. Clarence was bold enough to tell him where he lived. Elysium. Hadn't the faintest idea where that was. Eventually he gave in to good manners with a low huff. "Snowbound's where I live. It's a pleasure to meet you Mister Aston."

The wolf seemed to warm up a little, letting out a low "huh huh" to Aston's comment. "I'm about as happy as a hick in the big city." he joked, flashing a quick grin to the other. "I'm only here to watch him-" He flicks his steady gaze over to John. "-an' keep him outta trouble." And because he'd been bored enough to get himself wrapped up in the event, much to his own displeasure. But maybe Clarence would make it worth his while. "Yer sister make you come here? Just to make friends?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his tone.

Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - clarence a. - 02-06-2019

" i bear little resemblance to the king i once was "
DATE January 26
TIME Evening
PURPOSE Vale made me
"You're American," my shock was hardly veiled. "A true American, not French or British," I continued. Perhaps I shouldn't have been so surprised to hear such a dialect, but I couldn't help it. I'd heard stories that some of the colonists were pushed towards the south and the west but I was never too sure about how far they were really getting. "I visited America briefly, but, ah, unfortunately most of my experience was the French shooting at me," I'm not quite sure how I was able to make light of such a situation. That terrible day was one that plagued my nightmares, and here I was, making light of it. I didn't think about it much then, but I should probably be a little more concerned about my coping methods. Perhaps I'll talk to Vale. More likely, though, perhaps I won't.

"I apologize. I know it's not a good excuse but I only arrived a few months ago and things here are still a bit-" My voice faltered here as I tried to explain what it felt like to be out of one's own time and world. "Well, I get caught off guard now and again. Although after seeing a dinosaur, I shouldn't be so surprised by an American," I admitted with another soft chuckle before clearing my throat a bit. "The feeling is mutual, Mister Morgan," came my quick response, conditioned by plenty of parties and small talk. "Snowbound... I believe your leader stopped by not long ago about an alliance with Ascendants just before we merged," I commented lightly. It wasn't really meant to mean anything. Honestly, I didn't think much had come from the conversation, but it could be a point of interest for the other man. Admittedly, I have absolutely no idea what the next sentence that came out of his mouth met, but I supposed a light nod and a chuckle would suffice as a response. Better to do that than ask what a hick was and risk making myself seem even more outlandish than usual. "Ah, now that I can relate to. I was oftentimes put in charge of making sure no one got in trouble." All the time, actually. That was my job.

Watch everyone get drunk and then take care of their hangovers and any odd bruises from a few punches thrown by equally drunk men. Even before that, though, I'd had to watch after Thomas. Sometimes he was too reckless. He'd want to go out too close to somewhere he'd pulled a heist just days before. It was exhausting but it was better than letting him get hurt, I suppose. Although I guess trying to make sure he didn't get hurt didn't really help in the end. I didn't want to think about that at the party, though, and instead tried turning my attention back to the man before me.

At his comment I released another laugh and quickly shook my head. "Of course not, but she'll be happier to hear I talked to someone than no one at all. Vale is convinced I need some sort of... companionship. I wouldn't be surprised if I arrive back home on Valentine's and she has a candle-lit dinner with the nearest poor soul she convinced to come along with her," I admitted. "Although I suppose that'd be an improvement from my last Valentine's Day. Still, I just don't think this is my holiday. I much prefer Easter." I imagined it was pretty easy to beat out the time I'd jumped in a frozen lake to try and save a dead man and was stuck in bed for week recovering.   

Re: singles awareness day / singles seminar - Orion - 02-07-2019

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
As Arthur's gaze flicked over towards John, the male furrowed his nonexistent brow and pursed his lips. "I ain't no trouble," he drawled mockingly. John knew his own words were a lie, but Arthur was throwing him under the carriage and he needed to keep himself on a higher standard that night. "Your ass is the one in need of watchin'." While Arthur just happened to be Dutch's right hand man, John was his fantastic (obvious sarcasm) errand boy. It was never a pleasure, but if it gave him something to do, he wouldn't necessarily mind. Especially if it involved shootin' the privileged and rich.

A snort left John as Clarence echoed Arthur. Another person who thought everyone was their responsibility, it seemed. "Don't ya think some people need to get out there and learn from a mistake sometimes?" he inquired curiously. If someone was protected from the world's disgraces for so long, especially within their childhood, and thrown to the wolves, they would have no sense of defense or remorse. "Hell, I ain't no saint, but I think everyone can be a sinner if they need to be sometimes." Depending on the purpose though.
tags - penned by orion
template by orion