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Love At The Docks - Printable Version

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Love At The Docks - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-26-2019

She wasn't the openly emotional sort anyone who had even briefly seen her even an enemy would be able to tell that with ease. However, proven by her new body someone recently had managed to move the stoic's heart. Mismatched optics stared into the water as she remained perched high above the inland lake she had found in land claimed by none of the groups. The place at one time was clearly a functional summer camp or camp themed resort meaning the lake had it's own dock, Jiyu had used this dock to line up swan boats she had found elsewhere. While she had no intention of getting anywhere near the water? She figured setting up something like this where anyone from anywhere could attend was her best chance at seeing Rosemary today, not that she actually wanted to see the ocelot today, this was a time for lovers, she didn't love anymore.

At the moment, she'd just help everyone here, make sure the swans, the baraque and such were going good. Prehaps set up a nice arts and craft sometime through the day.... After she was done her nap on the arch which marked the entry to the campground and docks.

Re: Love At The Docks - ROSEMARY - 01-27-2019

Jiyu may believe herself incapable of loving, but Rosemary saw the truth – those little flashes of pink in the woman’s aura revealed more than any conversation they had. When the ocelot spotted the calico on the shore, her steps quickened. The witch felt a smidge bad for interrupting the vizier’s nap, but… like hell she’d miss the opportunity to talk to the Roseblood vizier.

Sitting back on her haunches, the ocelot eyed the sleeping woman with her paw flexing in the air. “Hey, Jiyu, fancy seeing you here,” she meowed, her forked tail flicking nervously. Perhaps, without her around the Rosebloods these days, Jiyu’s aura might finally lack those little pink flashes. Or, worse, the vizier found someone else; how terrifying.

Re: Love At The Docks - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-29-2019

She had been lying to herself for soo long to preserve the smallest traces of sanity she had that Jiyu had managed to deceive herself. Not so suddenly once more completely unable to understand herself even though she believed she knew everything about herself! Of course, she'd always had identity issues seeing herself as a monster when she was so much more to those who cared for her, wondering how those animals even existed. Napping she saw nightmares flashing behind her eyes again, the same old thing as always something which had never changed for her. Jiyu made a career out of missing opportunities, or more accurately running away and hiding from them due to her inability to be honest with herself that she wasn't just broken she was terrified of and couldn't trust herself.

Mismatched optics flew open as she fell from her perch stretching her wings and angling her body to catch herself. Only before she could catch herself? The calico's muzzle touched to the tip of Rosemary's once more. "Sorry, I didn't catch myself in time." her aura was pink, and for someone who had flown before enough to make it through a storm, not being able to catch herself in time to prevent the 'kiss' was rather convenient. Maybe too convenient. Pulling back she looked at the ocelot, who looked much better now. Even if Jiyu's face was better than a poker master, her aura was grinning.

"Well the water does meet the sky here, so I guess it's just fate." she totally hadn't planned and hoped for this at the same time, nope, no way. Of course, her excuse was cheesier than if she had just admitted it but to her anything was better than telling Rose that she had made plans towards this outcome. "How have you been." no trace of question in her voice the dracat spread one of her wings to wrap around the other female.

Re: Love At The Docks - Orion - 02-05-2019

"People don't forget. Nothing gets forgiven."
From afar, the two glowed with intensity. John had never taken it into account that he, someday, could become like them and somehow encounter the fine necessity of love throughout the world. Perhaps this event was shifting his perspective. Though couples were rare compared to the amount of searching singles out there, it still meant there was a chance. Was there really a possibility he could settle finally? Or perhaps settle with someone? After all, Snowbound was treating him kindly and his fellow gang member seemed to enjoy the environment. Who knew what the future held. John only hoped for the best.

Instead of approaching the two lovers (he assumed they were), John Marston lurked off to the side of the docks with a dark gaze on the tides. Every now and then he'd look back. If only someone could personally entertain him. Otherwise he'd probably just stash some of the leftover booze around this place and wander off to find somewhere else interesting. In the meantime, he was forcing himself to stay for a bit longer in hopes of at least finding something to do. With a sigh, he turned his eyes back onto the tides again and let his ears fall back onto his skull.
tags - penned by orion
template by orion