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let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - Printable Version

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let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019

woo, finals are done, it's a new year, and i'm finally trying to attempt to get my shit together by actually trying to have any sort of social life, online and rl.
aka time for a new storage.

welcome to guppy's storage version who knows anymore. i make so many of these every so often so who even wants to keep count these days. this is a place where i store my messy codes, character notes/ideas, and simply a place to chat. feel free to talk to me about anything or simply say hi, i seriously don't mind. </3.

also there's gonna be a lot of bts content and probably other kpop- this place is just gonna be filled with a lot of kpop so beware ig

old storage | premade templates | art storage
boy roux | happycamper aestas

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019

also what a way to "start" off the year: being conflicted on which icon to use
i made all of these in one sitting send heL p

[Image: BIXjdTF.gif] [Image: 4a6f7W5.gif] [Image: mKJkbnF.gif]
[Image: C4JcWZs.gif] [Image: W0YEqss.gif] [Image: XV4dGcV.gif]
[Image: KUopI2E.gif] [Image: JICx9TZ.gif] [Image: JojLrkJ.gif]
[Image: Gn8hGN6.gif] [Image: LjmrYy8.gif] [Image: BupVV1y.gif]
[Image: KylXx2A.gif] [Image: PZTzE6K.gif] [Image: DiYvmpO.gif]
[Image: ZPpOauB.gif] [Image: I3goZdB.gif] [Image: 4cSfH6W.gif]
[Image: 18bbmmu.gif] [Image: DOGZ4ob.gif] [Image: qLBn7T1.gif]
[Image: y4JjeiG.gif] [Image: I5NS1qI.gif] [Image: 1vedPld.gif]
[Image: QIqzIXO.gif] [Image: 9y0eOYR.gif] [Image: CiEvKc4.gif]

also? ? my bias list upgrading from the rap line to the entire hyung line?? that ain't fake news dream, when u get here, show me how to cope with seokjin
and that look joon gives in the very last gif??
[Image: giphy.gif]

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019

[Image: xJQY84u.gif] [Image: Euh4hAw.gif] [Image: crZrDZt.gif] [Image: exCC4V7.gif]

it's been a little while since we've been together
it's been a little bit too long since i've held your hand
◜ characters ┆ storage ┆ premades ┆ art ┆ misc. ◞


[Image: OdhBOuY.gif]

[Image: FKrCVkq.gif]
[Image: F8AdStI.gif]
[Image: wGCNDis.gif]
what's the matter? have i really used up all the luck i had?
let's not worry so much for today
◜ characters ┆ storage ┆ premades ┆ art ┆ misc. ◞


Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019

[Image: QlY1NOB.gif]

PROMISE ME NOW / ━━━ ◜. . . .
no matter how many times you feel alone in a day, you won't throw yourself away. stop here for a moment, link pinkies, and promise me.

[align=center][div style="width: 415px; height: auto; font-family: impact; font-size: 18pt; color: black;"]PROMISE ME NOW / ━━━ ◜[b][abbr=characters: boy / happycamper][color=#255472]Ⅰ[/color][/abbr]. [abbr=premades][url=][color=#366e89]Ⅱ[/color][/url][/abbr]. [abbr=storage][url=][color=#4788a1]Ⅲ[/color][/url][/abbr]. [abbr=misc: masc. nonbinary (they/them & he/him) | high school ib junior | highly inactive & stressed due to school | bts trash - knj ult-biased - forever crying over rap line | imajinary/dream's dumb ass husband, she owns my heart and soul <3 | #1 MAMILY SHIPPER MY OTP][color=#58a2b8]Ⅳ[/color][/abbr].[/b]◞[/div]
[div style="width: 402px; height: auto; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; color: black; text-align: justify; line-height: 11px; letter-spacing: 1.14px; margin-top: 5px;"]no matter how many times you feel alone in a day, you won't throw yourself away. stop here for a moment, link pinkies, and promise me.[/div][/align]

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum leo lorem, laoreet sit amet hendrerit id, consequat in dui. Vestibulum ac nulla urna. Nam faucibus sed quam eget vulputate. Phasellus sed aliquam purus, at maximus lorem. Curabitur eu massa eget risus imperdiet lacinia et vitae orci. Sed tristique ante quis turpis iaculis vulputate. Curabitur fermentum, tellus vel maximus convallis, enim eros vehicula orci, eget hendrerit odio est nec magna. Curabitur molestie pulvinar justo, a scelerisque nisl scelerisque ac. Suspendisse tortor velit, tempor eu leo non, euismod elementum odio. In eget elementum nunc, et vehicula enim. Vivamus sollicitudin imperdiet felis quis lacinia. Donec hendrerit felis nibh, eget tincidunt ex scelerisque in. Integer vel scelerisque lectus. Nunc metus quam, tempus eu justo ut, aliquet porta ligula. Vivamus ullamcorper, dui in lacinia feugiat, massa est cursus nisl, quis suscipit velit libero eget nunc.

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; height: 300px; background-color: #fefefe; padding: 12px;"][table]
[tr][td][div style="width: 240px; height: 265px; background-image:url(; background-size: 110%; background-position: center right; margin-top: 5px; padding: 20px;"][div style="width: 202px; height: 227px; border: 1px solid white;"][div style="width: 200px; height: 225px; background-color: black; opacity: 0.30;"][/div][/div][/div][/td][td][div style="width: 240px; height: 265px; margin-left: 15px; margin-top: 5px; padding: 20px;"][div style="width: 202px; height: 227px; border: 0px solid black; padding: 5px;"][div style="width: 190px; max-height: 215px; height: overflow; overflow: scroll; font-family: verdana; font-size: 8pt; color: black; text-align: justify; line-height: 13px;"]text[/div][/div][/div][/td][/tr][/table][/div]

dunno what this is supposed to be. i guess an aesthetic way in keeping character notes? or a posting template? who knows, but it just came into my head just recently.

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019

BANG CHAN  —————--
LV 5  doesn’t matter if the world is a cold place 'cause i’m getting cooler

[align=center][div style="width: 375px; height: 300px; background-color: #000; margin-top: 60px; border-radius: 10px;"][table][tr][td][div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-image:url(; background-size: 110%; border: 2px solid black; padding: 3px; margin-top: -60px; border-radius: 10px; margin-left: -13px;"][div style="width: 90px; height: 90px; border: 1px dashed black; border-radius: 10px;"][/div][/div][/td][td][div style="width: 251px; height: 55px; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: -60px; font-family: arial; color: black; font-size: 15pt;"][b]BANG CHAN[/b]  [s]—————--[/s]
[div style="width: 251px; height: 40px; background-color: transparent;"][table][tr][td][div style="width: 25px; height: 12px; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: black; margin-top: 2px;"][b]HP:[/b][/div][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; height: 10px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 10px; margin-left: -5px; margin-top: 6px;"][div style="width: 50px; height: 8px; background-color: #768790; border-radius: 10px;"][/div][/div][/td][td][div style="width: 25px; height: 12px; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: black; margin-top: 2px; margin-left: 5px;"][b]EXP:[/b][/div][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; height: 10px; border: 1px solid black; border-radius: 10px; margin-left: 1px; margin-top: 6px;"][div style="width: 80px; height: 8px; background-color: #e44c1a; border-radius: 10px;"][/div][/div][/td][/tr][/table][/div][/div][div style="width: 251px; height: 20px; margin-left: 10px; margin-top: -15px; font-family: arial; color: black; font-size: 7.5pt; letter-spacing: -.9px;"][b]LV 5[/b]  [I]doesn’t matter if the world is a cold place 'cause i’m getting cooler[/i][/div][/td][/tr][/table][/div][/align]

a wip

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019


to-do list
- probably another intro thread i don't forget about
- plot thread
- redo profile
- redo tags (since i revamped some little details in his history, looks, and personality)
- ?? other things im blanking out

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-26-2019


to-do list
- joining thread (paradise valley)
- plotting thread
- do tags
- redo profile
- finish season three of camp camp just bc i need to see if rt has fucked with my forest man david or not

- david (camp camp / main )
- miles luna (rooster teeth/david's voice actor)
- jung hoseok (bts)
- bang chan (stray kids)

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - dreamiplier - 01-26-2019


uhhhh coping with seokjin is hard
you kinda just don't tbh

literally we've talked more than we ever have and he's making moves and it's just really obvious now and i'm scREAMING

i love u and ur codes wTFFFFFF

/ edit: i also went to matt & dustin's soccer game today and lemme just say:
/ edit edit: PLEASE go on disc if you can!!!

Re: let's collect bugs in the garden / storage - guppy - 01-27-2019

asdfghjkl iM JUST-
i swear, whenever i'm gone, matt seems to sense my lack of presence and is like "my time to strike"
but honestly my emotions atm are
matt: being obvious that hE LIKES YOU AND ACTING LIKE IT'S BIG NEWS
all of us:
[Image: large.jpg]

and asdfghjkl i love u more <33
get ready to see me suffering because im in a creative slump and it shows in my codes smh

also i was gonna say this once discord opened but
for the last 30 minutes, i was wondering why, whenever i clicked the discord button, imovie would open instead
and it was because i kept pressing the imovie button, which is purple, instead of the discord button, which is also purple. idk why, they're not the same shape or shade of purple, but asdfghjkl iM A TIRED FOOL