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candle queen — intro - Printable Version

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candle queen — intro - candorosa - 01-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width:80%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px;"]After Snowbound kinda went down the shitter and burnt to the ground, Kauko was left homeless. That...was not a very fun time for him. It took half a month before he tried crawling back to his parents, who promptly shut the door in his face. 'What a bunch of old assholes,' a frustrated Kauko had thought with tears in his eyes. But like most of his emotions, that too had faded into a cool emptiness in time. Physical and metaphorical tail tucked between his legs, Kauko retreated deep into the wilderness.

And that is how Kauko died at the ripe age of eleven months. God. He wished. Living on his own was miserable and no offense to the swamp hillbillies, because they were cool and they had crocodiles, he didn't want to go back. They seemed like they were too...extreme for him. He wasn't badass enough to join them until he could fight someone and not get his ass kicked. So, he struck it out on his own, celebrated his first birthday alone and cried to himself as he ate a rancid birthday cake he salvaged from a trashcan. He was pretty sure that gave him food poisoning but he wasn't a fucking doctor so who the hell knew.

A few months later, Kauko, now fourteen months, could safely say he was absolutely not used to being on his own. It sucked ass. So, he embarked on a journey to freeload off another group once more. And whaddya know, he found Snowbound. Again. After it got turned to ashes. Really, what the hell? Did they go, "All is not lost yet!" and recreate the group while he fucked around in the trash? He'd be annoyed if that wasn't so exhausting. Instead, he just shrugged and moseyed into the territory. Technically, he never left Snowbound—Snowbound went Flamebound and, well. Yup, he was 100% a member and if nobody believed him then that was on them.

Actually. Last time he was here they gave him hot chocolate. He wanted some. The cold didn't bother him since he was built for it, but he wanted something sweet that wasn't five months past the expiration date. The tomcat slunk over to the base of the rocky spire, which was impressive by the way, ears angled toward one of the bridges. There had to be someone with an extra flask in there. "Heyhey, can I please have some hot chocolate? I'm dying." Kauko yowled, furry tail swaying to and fro in anticipation. It was the only body sign that betrayed his emotions, since his face, as usual, was totally deadpan.

Re: candle queen — intro - charactercemetary. - 01-23-2019

Anael had not known anyone that had originated from Snowbound, though she knew the story. Since they had been so, so passive, not doing anything wrong, a group that hated them burnt down the group when few members were left. Anael had left her own family situation, after not being able to find any parents, she was taken in and shaped by a cult. After months of doubts and faith, she left. Now, she was the leader of this group. It was small, but it was much healthier than what she deemed as family.

The Angel hears the call and sighs. It was loud, and a bit annoying, but they had every right to be excited.
Anael moves to Kauko, gently placing a mug at his paws. "Who, exactly, are you?"
out under the sky

Re: candle queen — intro - A. MORGAN - 01-24-2019

Arthur doesn't know anything about this man. He doesn't know his story or why he was here, but what he did know was that he wasn't much taking a liking to the fellow at all. A stranger wandering right into the heart of their camp and Anael doing nothing except give him what he wanted planted a seed of anger in the canid's gut. Growing up in a group of his own, Arthur had learned to be wary of strangers. That's why they had set up orderly patrols around the camp; making sure nobody got too far in before being met with one of their own to interrogate. Snowbound was... different, but still developing. They all had a lot to learn.

The wolf strode forward to stand next to his leader and bit back a comment about the situation, but his fierce expression said enough. One wrong move and you're dead.

all opinions ic//