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Questions no one can answer -

Isolation. Sometimes getting away from a place was good for one's mental health depending on the person's current health. While when it came with others, it could drive someone insane and they would be able to even know about it until it was too late. He had thought that isolating himself a little bit so that he could get a hang of the world around him would be the best idea. It wasn't uncommon for him to venture out by himself and take a good while before he returned. Especially when he was human and took his time when it came to dealing with private jobs from his own clients. Vagabond didn't just work for the crew, but he had his own side business so that when they weren't doing anything for the crew they could simply do something by themselves. He wasn't always a team player, at least, he hadn't been a team player for a very long time, but the organization that he had once worked with had shaped him.

To say that he was coming back sane was out of the question. Of course, he had never really been sane dealing with the gang that he had joined over the years before arriving in a place that could easily drive him mad if he wasn't careful. The Hellhound had busied himself with finding victims in his way, not bothering to learn more and more about the world around him. Since he had so much time on his hands, it meant that he was able to figure out different torture methods that he could play around with if he needed to. Being alone though meant that he was alone with his own thoughts, and to say that was a bad idea would be an understatement. It had gotten to the point where he refused to take off the mask that he constantly wore on his face, having it almost cemented onto his face. On top of that, he was starting to hear a strange voice in the back of his head. His own personality fighting against the influence of whatever the hell it was. Vagabond did know about multiple personalities, but he never thought it would happen to him and was fairly certain that he was perfectly fine and that he was just in a condition where he needed to be careful. That was all. He was stubborn in that regard, and he didn't know where the rest of his crew was. They could easily take care of themselves, as they had proved time and time again that nothing could potentially knock them down. He wasn't their babysitter, and they had probably adjusted well with the new world that they lived in.

Vagabond was still struggling with everything, and since he had disappeared for a while, he didn't know about the move. Or the uproar that had happened talking about the murder of a Tanglewood member that had been him. Did he remember something that had happened months ago? Nope. He didn't even know the group's names either. So, what was the reason for him to try to find this place again? He needed to find another base of operations, and he was tired of having to run around all the time hoping that everything would be okay. It was a pain in his ass and he hadn't had any normal interactions with anyone in a very long time. Scars littered his body in different places and claw marks covered the metal mask that covered his face. The elongated human skull mask still pressed up against his features as he made his way toward the buildings. How did he find this place? Easy. He kindly asked for directions. In a manner that he believed to be kind. The creature had a swift death after all instead of being tortured for information. The massive 6ft tall Hellhound flicked his ears as he looked at the buildings in front of him, remaining quiet. He was a lot quieter than he used to be, and he had several tricks up his sleeves if anyone wanted to mess with him. The massive brute simply decided to stroll between the buildings, rolling his eyes slightly with how dated the buildings were. What he would give to live in an actual city again.

Re: WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED | RETURN? - teef - 01-22-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a golden form would watch the hellhound from on high, the oriental dragon spending their time manipulating the air to float above their territory. they would glide down, body slithering through the air currents, coming to a rest as they landed, looking at vagabond with a mix of emotions. they were happy to see him, wary because he had disappeared and controversy had erupted over his career choice. "vagabond, welcome home." bai shi would murmur

Re: WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED | RETURN? - candorosa - 01-22-2019

[align=center][div style="width:80%; text-align: justify; padding: 1px;"]Kimu knew a bit about isolation. After all, he hadn't shown his face around the group until just a month ago. Even then, he often kept to himself. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't lonely but he understood that the feeling was his fault. If he didn't want to be lonely then he needed to be better, and that was that.

However, the topic of loneliness wasn't on his mind when he spotted Bai Shi speaking to a Hellhound. In fact, he in the process of getting around more when he happened across the duo. Kimu quirked his head for a few seconds as he observed the two before bouncing over. He stopped right next to Bai Shi, head angling to look up at the much bigger creature. Wow, it seemed that everyone and their grandma was taller and meaner looking than him. ...Yikes, he needed to move onto another train of thought before it depressed him.

"Um, what are you doing, Mr. Vagabond? A-And welcome back!" Kimu quickly added with a sheepish smile. He had never seen the large male before but Bai Shi clearly had so Kimu assumed Vagabond was around before he was.


Questions no one can answer -

Home? This wasn't his home. This was far from his damn home. He would never consider this place home as long as he lived. Had they realized what the crew had been up to? He wasn't quite sure, and honestly didn't really care either. What did he have to lose? His life? He had lost that once, and after spending several months in this world he doubted that he was here exactly for redemption after being killed while he was a human. Vagabond didn't care about anyone that was in this group and would quickly kill them if he had the chance. Could they stand a chance against him? He wasn't sure, but again, he didn't really care. The massive beast probably would have said something snarky toward the dragon, who he had recognized as Bai Shi since the raid that they had dealt with a couple months back. Who was it again? He didn't remember, as that was far too long ago and he had other pressing matters to deal with. Would Rimmy and Goldenboy still be here? That was honestly doubtful. He wished that they were because it would make his life easier, but he wasn't really concerned about their well being either. The thought of the world that he was still in was certain jarring and some aspects of this world he didn't really get over very quickly. His metal masked face turned to look up at the massive dragon that was in front of him. The creature probably could have killed him with one movement of its legs to stomp him into the ground. Yet it didn't. Vagabond's stark blue eyes were cold, but the coldness wasn't directed toward Bai Shi, but instead, it was just a general feeling.

He flicked his ears at the welcome back, which he was surprised slightly by. His head looked around at the buildings that were around him, obviously having noticed the change in scenery. The last thing he remembered with this group was the entire place being on fire. Vagabond's twin tails seemed to fidget behind him as they moved over one another and he shifted his weight, the muscles around his shoulder shuddering at the movement. "Thanks" Vagabond said in what sounded like a deeper voice than what it had been the last time the two fo they had spoken. Of course, he wasn't thankful for the welcome, but standing in silence probably wouldn't really help his case. His darkened eyes turned to look at a figure that ran toward them. His head looking downward at the creature and noticed that it was a youngster. At least he thought it was. While he was a human, he knew about lions on the simple factor that most gangs used them as their symbol to make it seem like they were brave and strong. So much that did when they were squealing under his knife as soon as he started. The kid was certainly respectful, addressing by saying 'Mr.'.

The twin tails behind him stilled slightly, and the canine didn't say anything for a couple of moments. He hadn't really had any conversations with anyone unless he was torturing someone for information. The Hellhound knew that he had a name for himself in these places, or at least, they knew of his presence as no one had figured out what he had done with all the killings. Luckily for Kimu, Vagabond had a soft spot for children. He wasn't completely insane to at least know that much. "Taking in the scenery. The last place was a bore." Whether or not he was talking about the last place that the Rosebloods lived, or the last place he had taken shelter, was up to the everyone interpretation. He hated the desert. There was still sand here, but at least he avoids some of it by going through certain areas. The killer would tilt his head slightly as he looked at the cub, and there was a pause before he spoke again. "Name?" Vagabond questioned the child, his voice keeping to a low and dangerous tone with every word that left his mouth.

Re: WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED | RETURN? - sephiroth - 01-23-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The threatening scent of Vagabond was familiar and it sent the Pharaoh cantering towards the small assembly that had gathered about the returning creature.  Sephiroth hadn’t exactly had pleasant encounters with the beast, and the lion’s natural distrust of most was amplified doubly so by Vagabond’s presence.  He didn’t let his emotion leak into his face however as he approached, but took note of the tone Vagabond addressed his son with and found himself not liking it.

”Welcome back.”  Sephiroth’s voice was low and emotionless as he took steps foreword to quite literally stand over Kimu, his stance and body language obviously highly protective.  The most unnerving part was that the silver lion did not let his apprehension spill into his tone of voice, controlled and collected as ever.  He glanced at Bai Shi for a breath before looking back at Vagabond with a intent gaze, alight with eyes that seemed like living beings of their own with their intense color.  ”Might I ask where you’ve been this whole time?”

Re: WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED | RETURN? - teef - 01-24-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


ah. sephiroth had joined the group. they had a private smile at the stance he took over kimu, knowing the cub would have an alright life. their gaze now turned back to vagabond, watching him curiously, speculatively. they could practically feel the hormones rolling off of sephiroth in his protective stance, edging away to give him the room he needed.

they would have to talk to him later, about mentoring kimu. they seemed to be one of the few that sephiroth could throw a pawful of trust at, and they decided that they should help out. being a single parent was no easy feat, and they didn't quite have the experience but they knew.

shaking themselves out, the golden beast would look over the proceedings, their jaw set. they knew that everyone had their suspicions about the murderer, and that a lot of them believed the murderer to be vagabond, as the killings had started when he came by and ended when he disappeared. it was some pretty damning evidence, truth be told. yet, they would only speak up when sephiroth needed their judgement.

Re: WE WEAR RED SO THEY DON'T SEE US BLEED | RETURN? - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-25-2019

Isolation. That could be such a beautiful word sometimes, she regularly indulged in it lately taking trips to explore beyond the territories and also work out what changes came with her new body. Discovering if she needed to eat other dragons to survive? Was something she preferred to do far away from those she endeavored to protect. Jiyu was returning once more from isolation flickering out of invisibility as she morphed from full dragoness into the draconic feline form she occupied most days at home. Her larger body? Consumed much more energy, even if her hybrid form was not exactly small at three feet tall it consumed only a forth of the energy when compared to her five foot tall and several yards long dragoness body. With the reduction in her wingspan she quickly angled downwards, figuring she may as well get involved in whatever ongoing she found first.

The first thing she noted was the form of vagabond who while large and useful was also somewhat of a danger to the group so far. He was back? Likely, she'd need to keep her eye out to make sure he wasn't doing anything threatening to someone else in the group again like he had before, but she didn't hold being bristly against him. Once upon a time, she solved every problem she had by eating someone's heart, regardless of if she would throw the heart up later or not.

With having just returned from a long fight the lithe draconic feline was in a better mood than normal, swooping down so that her front paws carefully settled on the top of sep's head, her hind legs settling between his shoulder blades her wings moving slowly to keep most of her rather minuscule weight off him. "Any objections if I settle here? I've been flying since last night so I'd prefer to not have to hover." for some reason she seemed to have developed a sharp objection to landing on the ground.

"Did you get to see outside the territories." it was a vast area, she had found that out herself in her recent flights, it was actually a good experiance for someone to have. Plus? Life was much harsher out there from what she had encountered so far, it could do him some good, perhaps teach him to value the group a little more than he seemed to.