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no glance and glory // raid from rb - Printable Version

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no glance and glory // raid from rb - teef - 01-22-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a sandstorm would build out on the horizon, winds sweeping the great cloud of debris and sand towards the pitt's territory, spurred by something, an almost unnatural source. the sandstorm itself would provide cover for the advancing group of rosebloods, a shimmering giant serpent at the head of the raid party hidden by the sand. they were using their manipulation of wind to stir up the dust and sand to cover their group's advance.

the recently promoted vizier was ready to rain hell upon the members of the pitt, having already sent ahead an advance party to steal food from the pittians as well as to dump the poisoned water that they had in their watering hole, into the pittian supply. they were ready to go to war, but they knew to not do too much to the other group, not until given the okay by their pharoah.

they would wait until their advance party returned to them before they followed the storm that they had created, their eyes slit against the harsh nighttime chill. the elders and the innocent were to be spared, but if they could send allies into the tunnels and break up the tunnels ... that would be spectacular. instead, they called their group to a halt, waiting for the cry to go up in the camp before them, waiting to hear the alarmed cries of some as the sand swept into the area.

Re: no glance and glory // raid from rb - sephiroth - 01-25-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth had loyally followed Bai Shi into the heart of the enemy.  Ever since he rescued the serpent from this horrid place, the Pharaph had to admit himself he was eager to sink his claws into the enemy.  But he didn't let that show, his expression stony and eyes cold as always as he advanced about the territory with one of his viziers.  The plan had been approved by him, and he gladly went along with it.

The sand whipped about his ethereal silver form as he stayed at Bai Shi's side, glancing his sharp eyes up towards them and offering a tiny nod, a shift of his quicksilver mane before he turned his face back foreword, claws out and flashing along the ground in a dangerous yet subtle motion.  Sephiroth was ready to face down the entire Pitt if need be.

Re: no glance and glory // raid from rb - ninazu - 01-27-2019

Fuck, she could see them; from the central marketplace, the lioness spotted the familiar golden scales of Bai Shi and the other creatures moving alongside them. If they wanted a surprise attack, clearly the Rosebloods failed; parading a giant dragon around in the brilliant sun simply wouldn't cut it. "PITT, WE'RE BEING RAIDED -- EVERY ABLE BODED BEAST, FUCKING FIGHT!" she roared, the order carrying through the air. Ninazu didn't wait to hear anyone's bitching and moaning; immediately, the earth swallowed her up.

Only to spit her out directly underneath [member=2030]sephiroth[/member] as the sands splattered every which way. Her fire mane flared defensively, as she attempted to snap her teeth around his face.

Re: no glance and glory // raid from rb - sephiroth - 01-29-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The lion had been running foreword when suddenly something burst beneath him.  Sephiroth only had a heartbeats worth of time to react in the form of skidding to a stop as he lurched to the side, feeling teeth and hot breath snap at his face.  He felt the attack hit, fangs cutting into the fur and skin along his muzzle and under his eyes, any closer and it would have been a debilitating wound but his quick reflex had saved his vison.  He could still feel blood ooze from the wounds on his face, tossing his head as to make scarlet fly in the air, as he trashed to the side.

Ninazu.  The leader herself, a perfect opportunity to strike the Pitt down.  Sephiroth’s eyes blazed like dangerous fire as he swung his silver framed face towards the lioness, the perfection of his aristocratic and refined features marred by the blood weeping down the side of his muzzle.  He took a mere pair of heartbeats to assess the situation, to figure out how to attack, before he pounced.  Sephiroth lunged with front facing paws unsheathed, aiming to sink his sharpened claws into the flank of [member=2040]NINAZU[/member] with great force, avoiding the flames of her mane and instead attempting to slash the vulnerable flesh of her side and perhaps knock her over if the attack was forceful enough.