Beasts of Beyond
Thoughts/what would bring you to Snowbound? - Printable Version

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Thoughts/what would bring you to Snowbound? - tristitia - 01-20-2019

I recently started reviving Snowbound with the help of some friends and people who want to see it prosper again. However, I don't want it to die like it had done before and was wondering how to get new people in to make sure that it wouldn't happen again, or things to make us more interesting. For the current guide, please look here. Any and all opinions are welcome!

Re: Thoughts/what would bring you to Snowbound? - toboggan - 01-20-2019

before, since the group was incredibly pacifistic and tended mostly to avoid inter-group conflict, the lack of huge plots sort of killed motivation?

tanglewood does the same thing as snowbound; they like to keep to themselves, mostly. to keep activity up in a seclusive group, many events are held, and there are many plots involving the group’s mysterious territory.

having a character in an actively changing environment is incredibly enticing, in my opinion. every thread has potential for something new. before, snowbound’s snowy valley was more of a backdrop, rather than an interactive habitat. this time around, maybe that could change?

(this is not to say that snowbound’s territory is bad. in fact, it’s one of my favourites on site. i just think there’s way more to be done with it)

Re: Thoughts/what would bring you to Snowbound? - Sympathy - 02-06-2019

soft track + bump