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Oh hello there! Welcome to Snowbound! Did you walk all the way out here? You'll catch cold standing out here in the snow all day. Come inside quickly; the caves and company are much warmer. We love having new arrivals. I'm sure you'll be a great hit with the kids. they've been looking for someone to bug. Only partly kidding of course. We have hot chocolate inside. Won't you join us for a while?

With the destruction of their old home, Snowbound moves to the frozen lake in the territory. They are nestled within a mountain range, which is covered in snow for most if not all of the year.

Snowbound's MAIN CAMP is a rocky spire in the middle of the lake, which is accessible by bridges. There are wooden staircases leading to higher levels of the spire, and people often have huts hooked to the spire itself. Some may choose to nestle in small dens carved from the spire. The only thing one must watch out for is slipping due to the ice that forms underneath the snow.

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The FISHING HUTS are for those who cannot brave the climb to the spire, or for those who would like to go fishing -- ice fishing or regular fishing. These take the appearance of cabins, nestled on the shores of the lake, and of the river that feeds it. These offer a warm, cozy home to those who live there.

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The MOUNTAINS surround Snowbound, partially providing a natural barrier. They are also meant to be the hosts of fun games, such as snowboarding, sledding, etc. The mountains often appear blue, purple, or black in color, however they are most often blanketed in snow.

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The HOT SPRINGS offer relaxation. They are often considered the warmest place within the territory, a place carved out of rock where hot water floods. Most of the time, they're a blue-green in color.

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In Snowbound, titles are given to members in the form of pendents. These pendents are then put on a necklace, which Snowbounders are expected to wear to meetings and other significant political events.

Snowflake - Duckling pendent - Given to new members who show promise.
Recipients: Arthur, Shoto

Blizzard - Bear pendent - Given to members who have shown great bravery and prowess in battle.
Recipients: Izuku

Icicle - Rabbit pendent - Given to members who are exceptionally outgoing and go out of their way to make others feel welcome.
Recipients: Izuku. Arthur

Sleet - Raven pendent - Given to members who have proven to be skilled strategists. Whether it comes to battles, gathering information, or infiltrating an enemy camp, these are the ones who devise the plans.

Evergreen - Bee pendent - Given to members who have shown skills in healing, whether or not they have a rank for it.
Recipients: Izuku

Solstice - Dolphin pendent - Given to members who frequently present new ideas and help with various events in the clan.

Snowball - Tortoise pendent - Given to members who have been actively involved in Snowbound for six months.

Whiteout - Dragon pendent - Given to member who have been actively involved in Snowbound for one year.

Glacier - Lion pendent - Given to members who have gotten all of the above charms.

Frostbite - Arctic Fox pendent - A limited edition title given to members who have completed all prompts in a Character Development Challenge (CDC)!

Tempest - Wolf pendent - A limited edition title given to members who have risked their lives for Snowbound! Usually given after (but not required) they have earned the Blizzard title previously.

The people of Snowbound are free to practice their own beliefs, so long as they don't bring conflict with them. On the other hand, those who are tied to the tribe may choose to follow a loose form of animism; the belief that people, plants, objects, and weather phenomena hold a spiritual essence. In short, some believe that nature in itself should be treated with the utmost respect and should never be carelessly wasted or destroyed.

1. Hot chocolate is a staple of Snowbound, provided almost 24/7 to everyone and anyone who wants a warm treat. Joiners and visitors from other clans are given cocoa as a sort of peace offering.

2. For their titles, Snowbound gives each member a necklace and as they earn the titles and they get different animal pendents to put on that necklace to represent which ones they've received. 

3. On the nights when Aurora Borealis- or "the Dancing Lights"- can be seen, each and every member leave their homes to go camping out in the snow, setting up tents and coming together as a family. During this time, it is possible for the living to commune with long deceased ancestors provided by a spiritual veil gifted by the Aurora. At sunrise, a flurry of games and activities set up by a chosen few are put into motion, kick-starting a full and joyous day of festivities.

6. At the beginning of every month, Snowbound visits the lake and has a bonfire and shares scary stories with their allies and neutrals. This event is called a Mass Gathering.

7. Snowbound also believes in superstitions, mostly used to tell scary stories during the Mass Gathering. Believing in these creatures are not mandatory, but it is funny to see others' reactions about them! These superstitions are detailed below.

Hailcaller (HP); The leader of the clan. They are in control of everything, and are meant to help others. Their word is law.
Anael played by [member=42]muddymutt[/member]

Snowseeker (HP); The second in command and aid to the leader. They take control of Snowbound once the current Hailcaller dies. They have all the same powers as a Frosthealer and Lionheart but may also approve event ideas and schedule weekly tasks/prompts. They also act as a mediator in any fights between the factions of Snowbound.

Frosthealer (HP); The primary healer and often older in age but may also be young. They report to the Snowseeker and Hailcaller regarding anything to do with the healing faction of Snowbound and organize the medical team as a whole. They may also accept invitations and approve events.
Izuku by [member=62]arcy[/member]

Arcticplayer (HP); Another head of the Polarhearts. They help delegate the Polarhearts themselves, asking them to do certain events or deliver baskets or other welcoming activities. They're also supposed to keep a close eye on innerclan relations, trying to make everyone feel welcome and making sure all members are treating one another appropriately. If they notice any specific problems, they're to report to the Snowseeker or Hailcaller. They may accept invitations and approve events.
Arthur played by [member=12]Sympathy[/member]

Icestriker (HP); The Icestriker presides over the Polarhearts and contact the Hailcaller and Snowseeker regarding anything to do with politics (whether it be for defense purposes, internal conflicts, or alliances). They also are in charge of gathering information on Snowbound's enemies and allies to maintain the tribe's safety. They may accept invitations and approve events.
Shoto played by [member=197]Una.[/member]

Polarheart (sHP); A small amount of specially chosen members who have proven to be an integral part of the tribe, and act like a welcoming committee. They may accept invitations and hold weekly tasks/prompts. Upon promotion, they may choose to become an Arcticplayer, Icestriker, or Frosthealer (if holding the Evergreen title).

Eaglehunters; Members of Snowbound.
Padfoots; Young members of the clan in training to become a warrior, gatherer, or potential tenderfoot.
Thunderhearts; Mothers and Fathers confined to the nursery while they care for their children. Relieved of tribal duties until their children become an apprentice.
Elkheart; Elders.

1. The Hailcaller's word is law.
2. Harming a tribemate in any way- mental and/or physical- will result in punishment that will vary depending on the severity of the crime.
3. Only use physical violence when its absolutely necessary.
4. Be kind and courteous to your fellow tribemates.
5. All BoB rules apply.

The Ascendants, Sunhaven

Tanglewood, The Typhoon, The Rosebloods

The Pitt
template © kicksie
Credit to Sympathy, Apricity, Maple, and Arcy for the information!


[align=center][Image: HkEp5sp.jpg]

Leigh's Reign:
Jacob's Reign:
Atbash's Reign:

In the Banquet Hall, there is a list of current high positions and title holders, as well as a list of former members of the ranks and former title holders. The current Hailcaller will update this list as soon as they can, as the goal is to keep the list as recent as possible. In addition to the former rank holders, there is a list of former ranks that describes what they had done and what happened to the rank, if there have been any changes to them.

Of course, with the Banquet Hall being destroyed, these papers have, unfortunately been lost.

template © kicksie
Credit to Symptathy, Apricity, Maple, and Arcy for the information!

Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - Leigh - 03-15-2018

Tracking on sub. + Everyone is now free to track the guide! c:

Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - vvintersoldier - 03-15-2018

track !!

Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - Ivylee - 03-15-2018

track! c:

Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - april . - 03-15-2018

trackers B)

Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - Beatles. - 03-15-2018


Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - jacob w.c. - 03-16-2018


Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - tinsel - 03-18-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify; line-height: 15px; font-size: 8pt;"]
hella late track

Re: SNOWBOUND OFFICIAL GUIDE - cry - 03-19-2018

track o: