Beasts of Beyond
dont look back [♥] introduction - Printable Version

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dont look back [♥] introduction - galexiux - 01-20-2019

  Gwen had a strange habit of loosing her memory. It's happened a few time... or... was it only once? she couldn't tell honestly.  Though, being a flightless bird probably tied into that somehow. She must have hit her head one too many times. Though, her current adventure has found her to a place called Snowbound. A new place? An old place? She wasn't sure. But it was....... early familiar.

  The bird hopped in the snow. The group was small, consisting of only a small band of travelers. They kept whispering about... revival and... rebirth. Gwen didn't understand these concepts. She was just around to have a good time. Maybe eat some good seeds. Sit next to a good fire. The simple life.

  The jay yawned, stretching her beak wide. It was too cold here. She was a little off the ground. She knew how to climb, but she never made it high up in the trees or bushes. She was currently perched uptop a barren bush, shivering. The bird blinked. Wow. So much for fun. There was nothing here to do.


Re: dont look back [♥] introduction - arcy - 01-20-2019

Life in Snowbound had been more simple than anywhere else Izuku had ever lived. He had to worry about injuries, borders, and people. Not his life, or anything. Izuku didn’t mind. He still got a taste of the wild side of things now and then. ... He meant occasional inter-group drama, but yes, Izuku did still seek fights now and then. Don’t worry about it. It was a lot less than it used to be. He was settling into his skin at last.
"Uh, hi!" Izuku hasn’t had time to meet his new clanmates yet. They were all so ... different. He misses Atbash, and Cry, and yes, the clanmates he hadn’t known so well, too. He’s not averse to getting acclimated all over again, though. He was more familiar with the world than he was when he was a kitten. The maine coon’s tail is swishing as he blinks at the jay with round eyes. He’s like, 90% certain she was non-feral, which was a fantastic percentage, in his opinion. He tilts his head. "Um. What's up? Who are you?" Fuck, he doesn’t know how to make friends. Or conversation. The bird was young, though, so he just ... tries to make him look bright and open to make up for it. Approachable. (he looked kind of like a teddy bear, but all the scars made for a kind of conflicting ‘approachable’ image, unfortunately.)

Re: dont look back [♥] introduction - charactercemetary. - 01-20-2019

Anael knew that sometimes life here got uneventful, but that just meant for a chance to spice things up. The most she did was leader duties, plus scanning the area so their home wouldn't get burnt down. Again. However, she knew things like snowboarding, er-- possibly shield surfing, snowball fights, and so much more could be had here.

The group had potential, it just needed to reach it. The wolf that appeared to be like the northern lights gazed at the jay, flicking her tail. Sitting near Izuku, she lets him speak before she adds anything onto it, "...Would you like a warmer perch?"
the great unknown, where feet may fail