Beasts of Beyond
fire / introduction - Printable Version

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fire / introduction - Character Graveyard. - 01-19-2019

It was cold.

Normally, it would've been comforting to the bi-furred male, as he was used to lower temperatures. This time, it was almost painful. It caused his bones to ache and he found himself barring his teeth as he marched through the snowy lands. Wounds covered most of Shoto's body- bite marks and scratches mostly. It was very difficult to stay out of trouble in this world. Shivering, he decided to start digging into the snow, hoping to find dry ground. Once he had accomplished that and made a hole large enough in the snow to keep him sheltered, he decided to lie down on his red-furred side, so he might be able to blend in with the snow. Heterochromia-eyes shut tightly, Shoto allowed himself to relax.

Re: fire / introduction - arcy - 01-20-2019

Izuku has never been so glad to be cold before.
He’d gotten used to warmer temperatures. In all honestly, re-adjusting had been hell. But he was ... he was so glad to be home again. There were none of the same people, it wasn’t even the same place. But it was Snowbound and Izuku would see it through. He hops and bounds through the snow, a flask of hot chocolate around his neck. His paws are cold. He doesn’t mind in the least that his body falls in so deep.
At least, not until he runs into somebody. It’s a shock, of course. He stumbles, the scent of something familiar reaching him. Somebody else. The blood was familiar too, of course. Izuku takes a moment to take this in. Pauses, tail twitching rapidly.
They seem to be hiding. It used to be easy for Izuku to pick out pelts against the snow. It was an important skill in Snowbound, see. But after his injury, well ... he’d never been able to see as well, after that. And that’s okay.
"H -- Hey, you don't have to hide, you know. We won't hurt you," He promises to thin air, desperately scanning the snow to make out any irregularities. He doesn't manage it. His fur puffs up. Not in ... in anger, or anything, but he sighs, soft. "I -- I can treat your injuries, too. I bet you're cold," He's practically pleading, but it isn't like Izuku had any pride to begin with. With all this said, however, Izuku isn't sure how to continue pushing. So, he waits, ears pricked and alert, eyes round.

Re: fire / introduction - charactercemetary. - 01-20-2019

Oh, jeez. What was going on? Hearing Izuku's voice, the wolf comes forward. She had not known the green maine coon for long, but she knew that he was a caring soul and cared about everyone deeply. As such, he was a good fit for their healer, a rank he was allowed to keep. It was funny, really. She could see him becoming an angel if he were to pass away, or if God so deemed it.

Such as this case: someone he doesn't know, and he offers to help them and is a good Samaritan. Yet, Anael had a habit and a heart for helping others as well. The wolf walks over, looking somewhat tired, but eager and willing to help. Her wings ruffle somewhat, and she adds onto Izuku's statement, "Yes, plus we have shelter, food, and water. No need for you to rest in a hole in the snow."
the great unknown, where feet may fail

Re: fire / introduction - Character Graveyard. - 01-20-2019

A somewhat familiar scent hit his nostrils. It was comforting, but he didn't know why it was. Ears folded back and tail twitching slightly, Shoto lifted his head to glance at Izuku with wary heterochromia eyes. Something about the green Maine coon was so familiar that it almost hurt. He forced himself to stand, though it was becoming difficult to move. He wasn't sure if it was his injuries or the cold weather. Pain searing through Shoto's body, the male stared the Frosthealer deep in the eyes calmly. "No need to treat my injuries, I'm fine Save your medicine for somebody that actually needs them." The bi-furred male insisted stubbornly, before he turned to Anael. His fur prickled at the sight of the wolf, since she was larger than him and the other feline. Kindness. Some viewed it as a weakness, but others saw it as a strength. Shoto didn't consider himself to be kind, but he wasn't a heartless bastard, like he may seem at first. Shelter. Food. Water. As he listened to Anael speak, he felt his stomach churn. Shelter sounded nice, but food and water wasn't appealing. The last couple of weeks, he hadn't been able to keep much food down and ended up hurling most of the time. He was in bad shape, with his ribs showing beneath his pelt and his injuries didn't make him feel any better at all.

"I'll come with you, I suppose." He said, before erupting into a coughing fit, spitting out blood on the snowy ground. Giving a warning glance to the two nearby so they didn't attempt to help him, he looked towards the tall spire, with what appeared to have huts on it. "I assume that's your camp?"

Re: fire / introduction - A. MORGAN - 01-24-2019

He was late, but he arrived in time to catch Shoto's protests to getting treatment. The wolf looked over the boy, eyes narrowing slightly at his condition. Pitiful. "Boy, you ain't gonna be of any use to us or yourself if you don't let them patch you up. Unless dyin' in the snow sounds more appealing to you?" he argued. The kid was injured and freezing to death out here. He might as well be asking to die if he wanted to keep talking that way. Regardless, Arthur couldn't deny his actions were noble. Stupid and rash, yes. But noble.