Beasts of Beyond
taking a peek - Printable Version

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taking a peek - etkri - 01-18-2019

why hello there!
came across your site from an aff request to another site i'm on.

i'm etkri! i've been roleplaying animals (primarily canines but SHRUG) for about 12 years now. i consider myself a well-versed roleplayer but i tend to be on the busier side so sometimes i have to be selective about how many characters i make/roleplays i join. i love to draw and doodle, and my characters often give me muse to do so.

irl i've got two pets, a cockatiel and a cat, and i live in the great wilderness of alaska. i travel a lot though, or try to. i've got two jobs so i can sometimes be a bit slow (you can always reach me on discord tho). idk i guess i'll end it there instead of ranting endlessly.

i'm curious to linger around, it's not too often you find a well-rounded rp site. c:

Re: taking a peek - Orion - 01-18-2019

ahh welcome to the site dude!

that's a long time to be roleplaying! i'm about half of your time now that i think about it... yikes, i'm old. nevertheless that's super impressive!

ahh thats absolutely lovely dude! sounds super chill <333

Re: taking a peek - tikki - 01-31-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-align:justify"]I know I'm a bit late, but welcome to the site! I've been roleplaying since 2012, so not as long as you have, but it'll be interesting to roleplay with you if you decide to stay on the site, and hope you like it!

If you need any suggestions on where you can get started or even what anything is, feel free to ask any of the staff members here, or make a thread in the help den to get some answers <3 <3

Re: taking a peek - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 02-18-2019

Sweet you've only got an extra year on me! Nice collection of animals too.
If you want someone to kick off plots with don't be afraid to contact me. <3