Beasts of Beyond
「 CATCH ME — O, MASS MEET & GREET 」 - Printable Version

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[align=center][Image: REWjIqe.png]


[div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; margin-top: -15px; cursor: url(, auto;"]Things had been rather quiet in Sunhaven lately. That was both a good and a bad thing. Bex didn't know whether to feel calm, or to boredly wait for something more exciting to happen. Either way, she was always going to be searching for something to do. That's when she decided that it might be a good idea for all of Sunhaven to engage with each other, and for those to introduce themselves to those which they did not know yet. Social gatherings were Bex's cup of tea, so naturally she thought it to be a good idea of hers, and wandered to the center of the village with a bright smile and a wag of her fluffy tail. She knew that there were probably some newcomers that she hadn't had the chance to speak much with yet, and it would be nice to talk with the clanmates that she did know as well. "Sunhaven, gather for a mass meet and greet!" She called out excitedly, gazing over the other animals that began to arrive to introduce themselves. "I thought that we could all get to know each other better, so go ahead and introduce yourself, and just say whatever you want to say about yourself," she explained with a nod. Simple enough, yes? Simple was how she liked to keep it. No need to overcomplicate things. "I'm Bex, the Helion here. I enjoy most social activities and parties, and I think I may have a slight obsession with pizza." Slight was an understatement. Who was she kidding?

Also an ooc m&g! I'm kicksie, a former mod of BoB. I am currently in my first year of college, and I'm constantly dying all the time. It's okay though lol xD I have my doggo, Lou, to help get me through it all. I'm obsessed with the shows the Good Place and Andi Mack, and I love Marvel movies. I enjoy drawing but I'm not that great at it, but I think I'm constantly improving? Idk. Anyways I seem to like to waste a lot of time doing nothing and I'm trying to change that, so I finally got around to making this meet & greet thread. Yay!

Re: 「 CATCH ME — O, MASS MEET & GREET 」 - buckingham barnes - 01-23-2019

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Silence was supposed to be quiet, but it roared loudly in Buckingham's ears. Silence roaring loudly in his ears-- that's a weird way to think of it, isn't it? Typically, silence is peaceful, as it's the absence of noise. But it can also feel loud, louder than anything in the world. It can be noisy, distracting, and bothersome.

He didn't feel calm while padding throughout the territory or during his time spent in the village. The clan felt empty, their numbers dwindling by the day. He was getting tired of the absence of livelihood, the silence becoming too great. The male frowned slightly as he quietly made his way over, ears pricking up at the single voice ringing out through the village. Bucky generally wasn't a huge fan of meet and greets. They just didn't feel natural, but in times like this, they were desperately needed. Sunhaven isn't communicating with each other, and the lack of communication makes the silence even worse. "I'm Buckingham Barnes, "Bucky" if you'd prefer. I'm formerly Helion, Bex's preceder. I'm a former assassin and I've called Sunhaven my home for the past few months," He meowed, with a flick of his tufted ear.

[ Hi there guys!! I'm Sky, a former senior moderator & leader of Sunhaven! I roleplay Bucky here, a little more casually now since I stepped down, and I have two dnd elf characters named Balkian and Faelyn. I am a freshman in college, and I'm still unsure what I am going to major in. In my spare time, I love to write, draw, listen to music, watch movies, and read more fanfics than actual stories(i'm trying to work on that lol). I absolutely love Marvel, Fullmetal Alchemist(manga & brotherhood), the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and so much more! ]

Re: 「 CATCH ME — O, MASS MEET & GREET 」 - AUGUST - 01-23-2019

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]A "meet and greet" sounded like a good way to reintroduce himself back into Sunhaven after being gone for a month. He doubted that he missed a lot in his absence, but there were still some unfamiliar faces to get accustomed to. At least Bex and Fairylights were still here.

The wolf pup made a beeline for the small gathering, and he took a seat upon small haunches. He looked to the others as they spieled; it was somewhat comforting to hear their voices again. [glow=black,1,400]"Hi, I'm August."[/glow] Said the former Hearthkeeper, flicking an ear as the attention was suddenly focused onto him. [glow=black,1,400]"I like the beach, and I like to read, too."[/glow] That was all that came to mind at the moment, though there was certainly more to him than just those two things.

[ heyo, i'm beatles!! i've been roleplaying since 2012, first on feralfront and now on here as well as bearbones ( you may know my characters pinballstar, lucky luciano, and jerseyboy ). i'm from southern california haw yee and i'm currently a high school senior. music is m'liiiiife, i play the drums in a band and i love classic rock ( mostly 50s-90s ) but also?? modern music is good too. u h h h i like the office, friends, stranger things, harry potter, star trek, star wars, and a ton of other shit tbh. feel free to hmu on discord or onsite to plot! ]