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HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - Printable Version

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HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - megiji - 01-16-2019

HI im meghan and i really like to draw. im funding fire elementals for my yoshikage kira-based character im making but i need like 73000 gems to buy it so i figured why not do some art!

* i generally add a simple, solid color background (like a circle or triangle or just filling in the canvas behind the character) free of charge. i can also leave it out for free if you would like!
* i can draw human and animal characters. my gallery has many human examples.

avatars (always headshots!) (example) will be 2000 gems minimum

fullbodies (example) will be 3500 gems minimum

sketchpages (example) will be 6000 gems minimum

+ shading is an additional 1000 gems!
+ if you want another character, it will be an additional 1800 for an avatar, 2200 for a fullbody, or 5000 for a sketchpage. the additional character will be in the same composition as the character in the composition you are commissioning for, this is NOT a separate commission.

i just have a few terms and conditions before you order from me. they might feel strict but it is just what i have found, from my experience, to be the best way of doing things.

1. these are first come first serve
2. i have a slots system. please don't post your order until at least one slot is open, even in a spoiler!
3. i will not draw nsfw content
4. i can draw mild gore? but i dont prefer to? so
5. the more complex the markings / accessories for y/c are the longer it takes to draw. i might add to the cost if i feel i need to, but i will let you know before you have to pay so you can still say no!
6. i accept payment BEFORE i draw the commission
7. i will only accept one commission from you at a time! this way everyone has a fair chance at a slot

1. galexiux
2. orion

my form is ffa. i just ask that you tell me...
+ what kind of commission you want, and any additional items (like shading or an extra character)
+ provide a reference (i prefer pictures, especially drawn references of your character specifically, not just pictures of a cat from real life. but, i can also work with written descriptions, it just might not be as accurate. the more specific you are, though, the better the chance the character will come out accurately to how you imagine them)
+ provide a small personality blurb (this helps me figure out poses / expressions suitable to the character)

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - Imortapose - 01-16-2019

username. Imortapose
commission type. Fullbody with shading, please!
character name. Karma
gender. Female
reference. Link to ref image (it's the only art she has, sorry)
personality. Karma is based after the literal law of karma, wherein you receive what you give out to the world. Karma thinks she is immortal and the enforcer of this law. She believes that, because she does an equal amount of good and bad deeds, she has perfectly balanced karma and therefor is free to continue her "judgement" of the creatures in this world without any retribution. Karma will pay to receive information on others so that she may judge them accordingly. If she believes that someone has done more bad deeds than good ones, she will seek that person out and make them pay with bad deeds similar to the ones they committed. If Karma judges someone to have done more good than bad, she will reward the person.
To sum up her personality, Karma believes herself to be the physical embodiment of karma and has made it her life mission to enforce it. She believes herself to be above the judgement of karma and can come off as cocky because of this. She will only act once she has received reliable information on another person and will then punish or reward them, based on their past deeds.

other. Art and design was made by this person on Chicken Smoothie [I can't get into my account so I can't see their username, apologies.]
Would it be alright, if you accept this form, for me to post this art on her page? If so, where would you like me to credit you for the art?
Also (I'm sorry for adding so much here) but if you would like to talk on Discord about details of her design, feel free to send me a message!! I know her design is tricky so I'd like to help you out as much as I can with quick replies. <3

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - megiji - 01-16-2019

ah i love her color scheme!!!
id be happy to do it for 4500 gems!!
& i do have just one question about the design- are the green rectangular markings by her ears a buzzcut hairstyle?

EDIT; and yeah i dont mind if u post it on as long as you credit me!

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - Grimm - 01-16-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]character : keyne
type : fullbody
ref : link
extra : these are optional, he wears a pendent like this and has lightning scars on his right shoulder and leg that looks similar to this
personality : after his incident he has closed up some but is slowly opening up once more, again becoming a more happy go lucky kind of kid yet is a bit of a daredevil, pushing beyond his boundaries without care for the fact his body is weak and is very frustrated when he can't accomplish what he has set out to do. for the most part he is courageous and does his best to appear joyful to the world, even if it means putting on a small smile just to make others think he is alright no matter what is going on in his head

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - galexiux - 01-17-2019

hey do you take off site characters? :>
I "left" a while ago but i peek sometimes cuz i wanna get rid of all my gems before i truely leave.

if so i have like 53k gems id give you for any art of these kids lol:

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - toboggan - 01-17-2019

tracking!! Smile)

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - arcy - 01-17-2019

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]tracking!! wuv u meg

Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - vvintersoldier - 01-17-2019


Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - tristitia - 01-17-2019


Re: HOMEMADE DYNAMITE - art shop (gems only) - megiji - 01-17-2019

[member=1357]grimm[/member] i'll accept yr commission for 3500! just get me the payment and then i'll get started :- )

also [member=830]galexiux[/member] if u want me to i could do a sketchpage of the gorlfriends..... it would just be expensive? like 11000 gems if that is okay