Beasts of Beyond
i'm gonna love you inside out — o - Printable Version

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i'm gonna love you inside out — o - Belladonna - 04-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Now this was something you don't see every day. Belladonna was practically glowing as she padded through Tanglewood's town, a spring in her step and of all things, a brand new hat above her head.

It was rather oversized and flopped on the sides from the broad brim, but the navy blue hat suited Belladonna exponentially - it had a purple sash and she'd tucked a sunflower into it. But it was obvious that the hat had been handmade - and not by Belladonna.

Any sharp-eyed Tanglewood member would have noticed Happycamper and Belladonna hanging out the last few days, but this was one of the first times for a while that Belladonna was by herself - and unaware of the verbal bombardment she was about to receive, she sat down on one side of camp, beneath a ragged, twisted, mutated willow, to retrieve her book from her satchel, and to open up her humongous tome to read.


Re: i'm gonna love you inside out — o - Nayru - 04-25-2018

Nayru was not a hat person.

Actually, scratch that.

Nayru was not an accessory person.

Besides the choker that hung around her neck, she shied away from the very idea of wearing anything that was not natural. Despite her general distaste for it, a little part of her feared that she looked bad in anything save the sterling silver heirloom of her family. Belladonna, on the other hand, rocked the hat as if it had been made specifically to rest upon her head.

Flicking a tail, the cream tabby casually joined the other girl, gazing first at the stylish new accessory before letting her eyes fall to her face. [color=black]"Your hat is nice," She decided aloud, sitting down, [color=black]"Did you find it somewhere?"