Beasts of Beyond
im a picture perfect face with that wild in my veins / joining - Printable Version

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im a picture perfect face with that wild in my veins / joining - imali - 01-14-2019

ONLY MY LOVE CAN CONQUER—Oh all the places she had been, a swamp wasn't exactly number one on her top vacation destinations, buuuut hey variety was the spice of life so might as well change it up a bit.

A soft black shape could be spotted in the sky, carried along by equally fluffy looking wings.  She had been traveling in the air for a while now, deciding that finding a place to settle and put some roots would be beneficial.  The feline, with her thick pelt and bright eyes and somewhat odd features, would swiftly descend from the skies to approach the marshy ground, flapping strongly as she came in for a landing.

"AHHH gross gross gross."  The surprised female voice of the bobcat would sound out with a loud squeak as she made contact with the wet ground, prancing in place for a good few seconds as her paws struggled to adjust with the ground.  Imali would shake her dark fur out, slightly jostling the small knapsacks she had strapped at her side with rattled slightly with the few contents inside.  She was just at the edge of the Tanglewood's border, which was her clear destination.  She would swipe her tongue between her thick saber fangs, her bright sunny eyes looking deeper in the swampy land ahead of her.  Her smile was lopsided but friendly.  "Uhh is that rude?  Sorry, first time in a swamp."  She said to nobody in particular, but the words were spoken in case anybody heard her small outburst.  "Is it going to ruin my chances of joining here?"



Re: im a picture perfect face with that wild in my veins / joining - Crow Roux - 01-15-2019

[align=center]action — "speech"thoughts
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Someone in Crow's vicinity touched the ground with sloppy execution, then came the inconvenienced whine of repulsion from the creatures jaws, and he could not help but let out a snicker of amusement. Each individual response upon arrival to the bog was different in laughable ways. Some were indifferent, but some, like this case, seemed to care quite a lot, which brought a question to mind. Why go to the swamp if it was as abhorrent as they seemed to make it?

The feline approached noiselessly, balancing himself on the roots of the towering trees. It was something Crow had picked up to keep his paws safe from the dank undergrowth of his homeland. Then, settling on a low lying branch, he opened his mouth to speak. "I mean, its true, so not rude..." he began nervously, eyeing Imali with anticipation, "so really the only thing that can ruin your chances of staying is causing big trouble, so don't do that."

"Name's Crow. Who're you?"

Re: im a picture perfect face with that wild in my veins / joining - suvi. - 01-15-2019

[div style="width: 430px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: palatino; font-size: 11px;"][align=center][Image: cS6r7WD.png?1]
— kiira | tanglewood | medic —
Snow paws materalized close to the sound of voices, gray ears perked with faded curiousity.  The small creature, growing more fluffy as the cold sank in, attatched seemed to be see-through.  An unfortunate fact, as it seems though her paws decided to remain corporal the rest of her had not.  A pair of unmatched hues -- clashes of autumn leaves and winter ice -- flickered, dancing like embers with brief panic before she grew more physical.

Shyly, paws kneaded the ground, shifting one over the other.  The moist ground rarely bothered the vixen now, if only as an obstacle to avoid dropping her books on.  The mud dripped off her scrawny form whenever she glitched, and that happened more often than not.  As of now, her paws alone sank into the swamp floor, losing their pristine snowy color.

"N-no," soft, stuttering words answered in agreement with Crow, an ear flicking.  "W-welcome to Tang-Tanglewood... I-I'm Kiira."
[color=#da1633]— N̶̶OW͟ [color=#c32452]WE͢͜͞'͜͟͞R̸̡E LO̷͟Ś͜͞T S[color=#ad3271]O̷UL̵̛S̵҉ AL̛͏[color=#9e3a85]L ST[color=#8f449a]U̶CK I͞͠N T҉̵HE͡ PA[color=#804cae]S̷̶͘T̕͟ —

Re: im a picture perfect face with that wild in my veins / joining - imali - 01-23-2019

ONLY MY LOVE CAN CONQUER—She had company!  The bobcat would shake out her pelt once more, ebony fur sticking out goofily as she settled her eyes on the first stranger, Crow.  Her eyes flashed in a friendly manner.  "Well good for you all, i'm pretty chill."  She would say with a lopsided smile, accented by her thick and long fangs.  Did they make her look scary?  She hoped not.  "Name's Imali.  Glad to be joining 'yall."

Imali, after introducing herself would adjust the knapsack to settle on her back between her wings, tilted her head as Kiira walked up next.  The female's smile was a bit softer now, her tufted ears twitching slightly.  If her features did make her look frightening, she was trying her best to avoid appearing like that.  Really, she was just here to have a good time and settle in what seemed like a peaceful group.  "Thanks kiddo."