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where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - Printable Version

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where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - sephiroth - 01-14-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sephiroth was not too familiar with the Pitt territory.  But, upon searching from a distance with his enhanced senses, he found it not too different from the older territory that the Rosebloods inhabited.  It was a simple enough layout; move through the desert, claw his way through the heavy foliage, and find where his Nomarch was being kept.  Courage, perhaps of a foolish and headstrong variety, bubbled in his chest, as he found himself stalking through the throes of twilight all by himself.  Moonlight emphasized the silver of his body, and he moved quickly and quietly through the night.  He kept his senses stretched out for this task, making sure he was not spotted on the outskirts of Pitt territory, nor at the edge of the jungle he soon slipped into.  He had masked his scent was something more natural and earthy before he left, he pale fur streaked with earthy loam and plant fiber he had taken a good roll in before he left for his personal mission.

He was a clever beast, and when he was focused on a goal he set to put it into motion without any hitch.

Sephiroth was searching with his senses further despite the headache that would follow once he got home, specifically the scent of the serpentine Nomarch.  He found himself caring for Bai Shi, a tad more then the other Rosebloods he had dominion over.  If any harm came to them...well, the Pitt was going to have to watch themselves because the Pharaoh would most certainly rain hell down upon them.  He reached the quiet edge of Pitt land, his eyes searching, his ears hunting, for where Bai Shi was being kept.  He moved with all the grace he possessed through the growth of the jungle, working out where exactly the prisoners were kept, where he could find the dragon.

There.  He was fairly sure he found Bai Shi's prison, catching a whiff of the familiar scent from under, from some depth beneath the main grounds.  Would he risk it?  For Bai Shi, definitely.  That and it was the middle of the night, the likely-hood of being discovered right away was somewhat decreased.  He would be sure to make this quick however.  Sephiroth would cling to the shadows as he carefully, oh so carefully, slip into the interior of one of the larger temples that made up the main base.  Was it used for battle?  The faint smell of old blood and the massive size of the room inside seemed to say that there.  He followed the familiar scent of the Rosebloods towards a tunnel entrance; he had heard that the Pitt had an underground cave system, perhaps this lead into it.  Were prisoners kept down here?

Apparently so.  His nose lead him to what appeared to be the entrance of a dungeon, making Sephiroth's stomach tighten slightly.  The cold, the empty, it stirred up something in the depths of his half forgotten memories that made the fur along his spine itch.  The lion, pushing through and keeping his steps and movements soft and fluid and quiet, moved into the interior of the dark dreary room.

His blue-green eyes illuminated in the dark, casting the softest glow on the shadows around him.  The scent was strongest here, the scent of home and desert and Bai Shi, and it made Sephiroth's face lift and eyes widen.  He felt his heartbeat quicken strangely, even more so as he took a pair of pawsteps foreword, soft and quiet with more care and grace then he knew he had.

"Bai Shi."  Sephiroth's whsipering voice was quiet, low, even more so then usual.  He kept his shoulders hunched, his muscles tensed ready to turn and strike if anybody came looking for him.  The Rosebloods leader was quiet, they shouldn't notice him for a little bit at least, so long as he was quiet and careful.  So long as he found his Nomarch and got out, there wouldn't be much to worry about.  He was a brave creature, perhaps that was a fault of his but right his mind only had one goal.

(@ pittians, please wait for bai shi to reply before posting!)

Re: where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - teef - 01-14-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the serpent in question was curled up in their cell, the little area where they were kept away from the other prisoners. they were asleep, garnering what little rest they could before she came by again. they stirred as soon as a scent fell over their nose and scent glands, one that they knew better than anything, but refused to believe. they could barely hear him, thinking he was an illusion.

uncoiling from the ball that they had curled up into the night before, the dragon could be heard moving. even if it was an illusion, it gave them something to do. yawning, they slid over the ground, dragging themselves to go confront whatever had disturbed their sleep. arriving at the front of their den they looked out, eyes catching on the silvery form.

"...? sephiroth...?" they breathed, moving to leave the cell before the bars restricted them. they grunted at the touch of chill in the air, muzzle wanting to bump open the doors. they could smell him clearly and they felt themselves growing thankful yet wary. why was it only him? where was his backup? had he been captured as well?,

they pushed their muzzle against the door, breathing in his scent and hammering down the panick that it brought with it. they licked their lips, wanting to join him in freedom, claws flexing against the ground as they made a noise of curiosity and pain,

their bright baby blues were glued to his form, to the safety it gave off. they didn't know if this was real, or if it was fake, but they wanted to be smothered in his presence. shifting against the bars they sighed, sadness tainting their tone, longing. they pushed down and away the memories that were tangled up. even the fear of being sacrificed could not keep away the hope they felt near him, not the undeniable beating of their heart.

he was the second one to ever make their heart lurch in such a way that brought them short of breath, that made their heart squeeze in agony at the thought of losing him. the thought of sephiroth being caught made them want to throw themselves against the door until it gave away. the thought of him coming to rescue them, made their heart play a tune they were not ready for.

the very idea of him being there, also inspired trembling of their body, a blind panic that they felt in their very core. it terrified them, woke the flames of a fear so unnatural that they quaked. it brought upon the mangled memories of falling from a great height only to have teeth and claws rip into their flesh and to hear his voice from on high delivering some fate. but at the same time, it called to them, did battle with the dark thoughts and memories, combining into a mess in their mind.

they just wanted him but he scared them at the same time and they didn't know how to react to him anymore because of it. they ached to be close to him again, reassured by his strength and presence and scent, but they wanted to be far from him, afraid that they would be thrown as the next sacrifice. crouching down they mumbled in a shakey breath, "not real ... not real. he wouldn't come for you, you're disposable." they murmured, convincing themselves it was all some wild dream from the pain that they felt, the fire of the blade burning through their body still, leaving them feverish and prone to hallucinations.

Re: where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - sephiroth - 01-15-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The male's features lightened as he heard the voice of the serpentine beast, taking a more confident pace as he shouldered his way into the murky room and turning his gaze towards the familiar voice.  Sephiroth's aquamarine gaze glowed, approaching the cell with sharp and expressive eyes.

"Bai."  It wasn't like Sephiroth to shorten names, to do something so casual especially in a situation like this which required concentration and caution, but the male felt something warm in his breast as he felt something he could only describe as relief.  They were safe, they weren't dead, the Pharaoh had gotten here on time.  Not quick enough though, he could pick up the old charred scent of wounds and clearly something mental had been done to the Nomarch.  The lion creased his brow, before taking his dagger-like teeth and working at the door, gnawing roughly until he felt it slightly give.  He lifted his eyes back up, staring at Bai Shi intently through the bars as they approached.

"Bai Shi."  He repeated in a quiet whisper, taking a step closer till his nose brushed the cool metal of the prison.  "I was not about to leave you here."  Sephiroth's voice had honesty about it that he didn't usually show, and his eyes glittered with the same emotion.  The lion once again took his fangs and managed to finally get the door to a place where it be could opened up.  He quietly took a pale paw and pulled the door wide open, stepping carefully to the side.  His expression gentled as he looked at the dragon; nobody else was around, nobody else could judge him for showing the rare human emotion.

Sephiroth would blink slowly, a rarity, as he gestured with his silver framed head to move out of the cell.  "We need to be quiet."  He whispered, turning his head towards the door of the room to make sure nobody was there.  "Nobody followed me, it's late at night.  As long as we're quiet we're safe."  The lion explained plainly, before he turned back towards Bai Shi with a more relaxed posture.  "You're safe with me."  A gentle and reassuring murmur was his voice, realizing faintly that something very deep had been done to his Nomarch, and while his body language showed that he was calm and collected he felt anger towards the Pitt in his gut.  Once this was over, he would be sure that vengeance was enacted.  Right now, he was just relieved that Bai Shi was alive.

Re: where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - teef - 01-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


when the cell door was pulled open, the serpent slipped out, their scales rasping over the ground. to hell with not showing some sort of reaction, they were alone. alone, together. and bai shi for one, was very grateful, for being rescued, and for being a moment of solace with their Pharoah.

pushing at their horrors and fears, they shifted closer, bumping their large nose into him gently, taking in a deep drag of his scent, enough to ground them as they uttered in a quiet voice, "thank you..." they ached to just curl around him and nuzzle him in their excitement to be free of such bonds.

the assurance that he gave them did wonders in helping them relax, the dragon moving to his side, still protective of him even if they were the one being rescued. it was their duty, their core purpose. if they were captured again, so be it, so long as sephiroth could get away back to the rosebloods.

resisting the urge to show their overwhelmingly affectionate physical reaction, they took one more deep breath of his musk to center themselves, a part of them wary to be near him just because they cared in a way that they shouldn't, but they didn't want to listen to the instinct saying it wasn't their place to feel such things for him, for their god in the flesh, for their beloved pharoah.

dipping their head they looked back out the tunnel, giving him one last touch, running the edge of their jaw against his shoulder, wanting to express their gratitude, before they moved towards the tunnel mouth.

Re: where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - sephiroth - 01-16-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The Rosebloods always had a certain scent about them.  A mixture of the distinct heat of the desert they lived in coupled with the traces of whatever flower they had assigned to themselves.  It was noticeable enough, though Sephiroth’s own scent was even more unique.  Rich and dark with what a trained nose would detect as rose and vanilla, deep and alluring.  It added to the otherworldliness of him.

The male felt himself stiffen uncertainly as Bai Shi pressed their muzzle into him, eyes shifting towards the serpent’s face blankly.  Sephiroth hadn’t exactly been appreciated like this, if anything he believed his group wasn’t satisfied with his leadership, and it felt alien to him.  Despite that it felt…good.  He hadn’t understood what ‘bones to water’ meant before but now he felt it crystal clear.  Sephiroth had to resist the urge to lean into the long and warm body next to him, to lay himself down with a contented rumble in his throat like a pleased pet cat, and keep himself professional.  His muscles did relax however.  Was that right to do?

Sephiroth would dip his head appreciatively as Bai Shi pulled away, unable to keep his eyes from closing in a pleased manner as the dragon brushed against his powerful shoulder, before he turned as well to follow his Nomarch into the gloom beyond.  He stretched out his senses a bit more, making sure that they weren’t caught as he moved to stand close to Bai Shi, almost brushing his pale fur against golden scales as he looked foreword.  He would crouch a tad bit, taking a cautious and careful couple of steps foreword as he started down the winding tunnel.  ”Follow.”  The lion’s voice was a soft whisper, looking over his shoulder before he continued foreword, focused ahead in a determined manner.

Re: where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - teef - 01-16-2019

the pup was new, and still relatively young, so tracking down the big silver lion had been something fun for her to do, until he disappeared into the deep dark tunnel and she stopped tracking him, sitting by the mouth of the tunnel. she was too young to understand that he was the enemy, and that he was sneaking in to get a groupmate. she just thought it was some weird game of hide and seek.

but when the big lion appeared with a big golden dragon towering over him, she felt herself shrink back, trying to hide yet awestruck by the two beasts. how they could be so mystical and gorgeous, she didn't know. swallowing down her awe, she looked around, wondering if she should get an adult before deciding that this was probably some strange sort of hide and seek.

darting forward, she aimed to bump her head against the dragon's foreleg, trying to avoid the smell of blood that clung to the dragon. "Go! Before everyone else sees that you got found! It's no fun if you get caught when you're going to hide again!" she breathed, thinking that it was a big game of hide and seek. Oh what her innocence would cost her in the long run.

Re: where the light shines red like blood / rescuing bai shi - teef - 01-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


// I swear I'm not happily sobbing //

the dragon had to stifle their own rumble of pleasure, rolling deep in the tracks of his scent and warmth, wanting nothing more than to stay there beside him, not pulling away or anything.

dipping their head quietly, they started after him, head close to his flank, limping when they needed to walk, safer than using their air element in such a small cramped place such as that. finally reaching the outside they took a deep breath of the nighttime desert, clogged by the pitt's scent, their eyes stalling to a canine standing off to the side, the pup watching the two magnificent beasts emerge from underground.

they felt a strike of fear race through their heart as the pup turned as if about to call for backup, heart thundering in their chest. a child. a child would be what sounded the alarm. they were startled when the girl bounded over, especially when her head made contact with their good leg. they were almost amused by her soft growl, but tucked their head, gently breathing out over her head, heeding her advice. "okay, okay, child. you go hide too, okay?" they murmured to her, eyes blinking before turning back to sephiroth, wanting to get going.