Beasts of Beyond
PIED PIPER | prompt, open - Printable Version

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PIED PIPER | prompt, open - CAIROS - 04-25-2018

these last few days had been horrible. cairos had spent countless centuries alone and yet, right now, surrounded by various members from tanglewood, he'd never felt more alone. he'd come here in search of his long lost love only for him to barely even recognise him, the pale jaguar had sunk into a sadness after that. the little he did sleep, he was plagued with nightmares, he'd dream of husani when he was ill back in egypt. his cries and sobs in the night as the sickness consumed him without mercy. there were flickers of other memories too, things cairos didn't quite recognise. blood stains on his white paws, bright violet eyes caught only briefly in a reflection. anytime he caught sight of those violet eyes, he would suddenly jolt awake and find himself unable to sleep for the rest of the night.

a sense of gloom seemed to follow the white jaguar around, and whenever he saw amunet or amun, that seemed to only intensify. it was after a few, solemn days of solitude that the demi-god had finally dragged himself back out into the world. he needed something to keep his mind off of everything. what had been soothing to him when he was younger? there was a memory that resurfaced only momentarily, a figure, possibly his mother was humming a lullaby. music. it had been his saving grace back in egypt, the songs of his people. whether it was while they worked, or fought, music had always been around. how long had it been since he'd heard music? an idea had sprung to his mind and for the first time in days he showed a spark of motivation. he slipped from his room, hazel eyes alight with a strange excitement as he slipped away from the camp.

he disappeared for hours. not a trace of where he'd gone to could be found but, upon his return, it seemed he'd had a spark of creativity. when cairos returned, it was with a bizarre creation held gently between his teeth. thick, wooden, cylindrical sticks had been modified and string together by a vine, each wooden pipe a different length to the last. the idea had sprung after he recalled an event from when he was racing through the heavens. he'd seen it, a god of some sort had, had the instrument strung around his neck, a lively tune dancing from the wooden pipes. he only hoped he could recreate the instrument that he had seen the god or deity playing. cairos stopped by his room, sitting quietly by the side of his door as he studied the instrument he had created with great curiosity.

well, there was no point just looking at it. hesitantly, he began to play a tune, testing out the sound of each pipe before he grew comfortable enough to slip into a tune. it was a soft, sweet tune, one from the egyptian's past that he had once forgotten.

// sorry this was rushed towards the end, basically, he made a panflute and is now playin it

Re: PIED PIPER | prompt, open - Morgan - 04-25-2018

Morgan's ears perked up as the unusual sounds grew loud enough to reach them. It was hunting, having nearly caught a rabbit when the noise distracted it. Rather than anger, a strong sense of wonder bloomed in the samoyed, who tracked it down to its source. Though it did not know Cairos well, the dog did recognize the jaguar's silhouette as it approached. "Hi," it whispered, wagging its tail to the rhythm. The pan flute's melody created a feeling of beautiful nostalgia that the samoyed could not place. It was enjoyable to say the least, and the canine craved more as it felt every aching feeling that Cairos conveyed. Confused yet intrigued, it thought for a moment and came up with an idea to help.

Morgan sat down next to the feline before allowing its armor, mask, and anklets to return to a watery form. It breathed deeply as it shaped the water into a full loop. The shape's top half became larger than its bottom as it steadily completed itself. The samoyed finished by letting the loop's top continuously fall onto the bottom, which rushed back up through the loop to refuel it. This effect made a sublime, ambient splash as company to the serene flute.

Careful not to overpower the pan flute, the dog instinctively began to sing. Giving no attempt to speak a language it could not understand, Morgan's passionate vocals had no lyrics. Instead, its singing simply mimicked Cairos' tune with some minor variations. A grand catharsis found its way into the cream samoyed's mind as it focused only on the water and the music.