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little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - Printable Version

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little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - teef - 01-14-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the nomarch was in dead silence as they walked towards the oasis, supporting usagi on their right shoulder. "first things first, we'll work on your prowess with your element. i traded some scales for water from a friend of a friend. don't waste the water, or you'll be pulling it from the ground." they warned her, fox body still painfully small for them to handle.

reaching the oasis they gave a breath out, relief running along their spine. safe. silent. alone. private, mostly. turning around, they dug out a few small bottles from their side pouch, settling a look onto usagi as they set them on the ground, calling away their element from keeping the water in with a blockage of a cork.

"try to feel the water's power. tune your senses in, all of them, to the water in these bottles, until you can feel it running through your own body. once you have achieved that, focus on shaping a small bubble of water and pulling that out and levitating that." they instructed calmly, the fox laying down among the dying reeds, their head on their paws, taking the time to reflect upon some things inside of themselves. mainly, the first thing they had to figure out, was how to react to sephiroth.

ninazu had shaken up some memories, and a few from the sacrifice of the lion before, the one that they had seen. they hadn't cared for the brutality of it, but it had been necessary to keep ignis off their backs, to keep the aspect slightly humbled and content. but what the ardent of the pitt had done, had reached into those memories as well as their memories of a past life, a past body, and mashed them together. she had made it so in their mind, that they were the one being sacrificed to the aspect, the one to fall to their death and be ripped apart by the giant leviathan-class snakes in the pit that the sacrifices were sent. it had become one of their waking nightmares, and they were not fond of the experience.

it reminded them of their younger years, when they first learned how to fly, and how often they had fallen from great heights because the air was too thin. they could remember their father being ready to catch them. this was a different life, a body before this, before they had come from the hellscape to deliver some message about war to their dame, to their adopted 'mother', their other father, jerisidie. whatever. they reminisced, floating in the memories of crimson eyes and white hair, a man's deep rumbling laugh and the press of scales against their skin. they remembered running down big fancy halls to show the man that caught them, a few golden scales, their own white hair flying around them in their excitement. those are old memories. the damage has gone far ... they thought, unable to explain the loss, the separation, the helplessness of looking back upon memories that didn't belong in this lifetime.

shaking their head, they settled to watch usagi, eyes half-lidded, grooming their legs and forepaws. "say, could i speak to you about some matters of the heart ...? some, sibling to sister talk, or sister to sister, if i was feminine." they laughed hollowly, needing someone to speak to, even if they hadn't gotten off on the right foot.

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-14-2019

As she had been told to she began trying to feel the water. The power of it she had felt when she had accidentally used it or when she had fumbled arround with it trying to help calm bai shi but she had never truly had control. So this time she allower herself to settle down and relax her hind legs in the heat to help stifle the pain and concentrate more. Usagi opened her mind and closes her eyes instead of thinking letting herself feel and open up to that familiar power. She slowly began to open up her senses one by one. The air began to smell of an oceans breeze,the air growing moist on her coat and letting it run over and cool jer from the blistering heat. The sound of waves began eminating from seemingly nowhere as one by one she attuned each sense to that water and when she felt she was ready slowly and carefully began trying to raise rhe bubble. It was shaky and barely held..that Is until bai shi began to talk to her, startling her and breaking her concentration, the sensory effects immediately ending and the water falling with Usagi barely being able to lash out with her power and redirect it to the bottle with only a small amount having hit the ground.her mind instantly racing that she had dropped some,bai shi's words having seemingly been forgotten"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to dro-......."Her words cut off as she looks up and sees bai shi's expression, all thoughts of training getting thrown out of her mind and Vai shi's words coming back to her. Carefully but quickly she licks herself up and goes beside bai shi,nuzzling against the fox-dragons shoulder comfortingly "O-of course we can i-I did promise you could come to me with a-anything didn't I?"She was worried now. Worried for bai shi, her sibiling which she had begun to care for despite takao's influence. She might not be the best at this but she would try to help.

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - teef - 01-14-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


they waved away her apologies, giving one of their own in turn for accidentally startling her. setting their head down they hummed, "s-sorry. I just ... have some emotional stuff to sort out in regard to someone I think i like." they rushed through their words, waving their paw before their face in a shy and embarrassed motion.

yup. this was going to be interesting conversation.

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-15-2019

She nuzzles against their shoulder and rests her head on it"i-its ok p-please talk to me....sometime h-having s-someone you can talk to r-really helps instead o-of trying to f-figure it out yourself"

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - teef - 01-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


a shy and embarrassed look was quickly sent her way. "n-no taking back your words! theres this guy I like, and he lives here. I see hi  everyday, and I've only just realized that I have this huge ugly crush on him and ugh. my heart and mind dont get along and i know I shouldn't feel like this, but I do and I dont like it!" they sighed, pawing at their muzzle in frustration, shame and embarrassment.

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-16-2019

She keeps her head resting on her shoulder listening intently and staying quiet for a few moments as she processes and figures it out"m-may I speak freely?"if she says she can [color=Orange]"i-Is it sephiroth?...i-I don't want t-to sound mean b-but I don't think it's smart..... f-for one i-it's guard and master a-and from what I understand i-in a relationship one sh-should not have power over the other....a-also a-as kind as he might be h-he's kinda scarry a-and m-maybe a bit unhinged a-and I'm worried how stable he really is...."[color=red] she takes her head off bai shi's shoulder and rests her head on her paws tired/saddly[color=orange] "i-I'm sorry i-i sh-shouldn't....i-I'm overstepping aren't I?"

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - teef - 01-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


they shook their head softly. "y-yeah. it's sephiroth. i ... i am a weak person. i just need to breathe in his scent and my heart's already pounding away in my chest. thinking about him doesn't make it any easier, i hate being like this. he makes me so conflicted and I'm positive that he has never felt anything like this for anybody." they responded lightly and miserably. maybe they needed to see he wasnt the only fish in the ocean for them.

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-17-2019

she shakes her head a bit"y-your not weak y-your one of the strongest people i know."She glances at her hind legs slightly as she talks"i-it takes strength and courage t-to forgive someone for attacking you and to then help them....I-i think i understand what you mean a-at least a little bit... wh-when i found out jer was my father....i-id never had parents before and ive always wanted one...m-my mom died wh-when i was born a-and i had no dad i j-just had to fend for myself almost all the time...m-maybe yiu should ask him...i-im sorry im not very good at this am i?"

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - teef - 01-20-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


bai gave a temperate sigh, smiling at her. "I'll see what I can do. Father still grieves his losses, and he is not quite the same anymore. when my dad died, he was silent, broken. when astéri's father died, it was much the same. his partners from now have all but disappeared without a trace and he is burdened. the crown is a curse, dear sister. it is nothing you would want to have." they murmured softly, licking her cheek in an affectionate way.

their eyes on the sky, they closed their eyes and let out a pained breath, their own losses coming back to remind them of the brutality behind everything, including life. "[b]is there anything you would like me to teach you?

Re: little lies told by loose lips // usagi & gossip - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-20-2019

She takes a minute to pause and seems to think for a moment however she probably sounds way to rehearsed like she had been thinking of it for days"I-I want you to teach me how to fight....i-if I get attacked i-I'm less than useless a-and.....nevermind i-I need to know how to fight..."