Beasts of Beyond
Possible Ascendants reorganization? - Printable Version

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Possible Ascendants reorganization? - vellichor - 01-12-2019

So!! it has come to my attention that maybe the current way of running a clan in Ascendants (and on BoB as a whole tbh) is not effective for the actual audience here, but instead intended for a younger, much more active audience. So I decided to try reworking some things to better reflect the community here. These are all just a bunch of suggestions to help out with Ascendants and will hopefully help improve RPing here and the overall expereince! This is an ongoing discussion in the Ascendants but I also wanted to get overall site opinions and all that jazz. So basically I’m just looking for any thoughts/opinions on all this!

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Re: Possible Ascendants reorganization? - arcy - 01-12-2019

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already posted in the asc thread so just tracking here ^^!