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polygon dust .✧* mirabella's storage - Printable Version

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polygon dust .✧* mirabella's storage - calliope - 04-24-2018

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Re: polygon dust - mirabella's storage - calliope - 04-24-2018

note to self;; change text color to match current speech ++ possibly redo tags since i don't like how these look anymore.
FULL NAME mirabella
NICKNAMES mira, bell - she prefers to have a nickname over her actual name.
CLAN/GROUP[b] tanglewood
—ranking nurse
ambiguous/undecided - is at least a young adult
—mental age mentally a young adult
—aging ratio decelerated to no aging.
GENDER cis female
—pronouns she/her
has quite a bit of medical knowlege, and likes to consider herself a nurse, even if her ranking doesn't reflect it.
pretty germaphobic, though it's mostly due to her not wanting herself or anyone to get sick.
has a cough that's with her pretty consistently. it will occasionally get super bad, but it's currently mellowed out. it's been there for as long as she can remember.
extremely cautious when it comes to getting close to people, due to her major trust issues.
despite her shy nature, mira will not hesitate to scold or warn people when they're doing something unhealthy. she doesn't do it for every situation, though, and only does it because she's concerned about others' health.
health status -[90%]
SPECIES[b] serval
[b]DESCRIPTION[b] with long limbs and a lanky body, mirabella is almost unmistakably a serval. although, her coloring is rather abnormal for her species. her fur is covered with blacks and whites, as well as corresponding spots over her fur. her eyes are a pale pink color. her front legs and one paw appear to be missing at certain points, with one of her front paws appearing to float. the same goes for her tail, with it disappearing halfway and coming back. this is all due to her very poorly-controlled invisibilty, and she can't seem to get her entire body to be normal again.
—accessories she occasionally wears a surgical mask when she's sure someone's sick and contagious. also, she often carries around a bag with medical supplies.
—smells like bleach and rubbing alcohol
—scars no major scars
—injuries no current injuries
[b]BODY LANGUAGE[b] she has somewhat stiff and more reserved body language. she tends to be a bit jumpy and tense, especially around people that she doesn't know.
—posture she has really good posture, and sometimes scolds people who are slumping or showing signs of really bad posture.
mtbi - natural alignment - hogwarts house
quiet - meek - shy - loud
coward - crybaby - pushover - protective
organized - easily stressed
—interests she honestly has no hobbies, since she keeps herself busy with the constant cleaning and whatnot.
ORIENTATION[b] demisexal, panromantic - she rarely does get into relationships, even if she has feelings for people, though.
[b]STATUS[b] single
—crush none
—friends none currently
—family none
—enemies  none currently
won't start fights - may fight back - won't kill
SOCIAL DIFFICULTIES[b] iffy, since she's honestly pretty hard to put up with
—platonic relationships if you can get past her constantly freaking out, befriending her isn't too hard.
—romantic relationships hard, considering she avoids romance at all costs, no matter how she feels.
—rivalries it's hard to get her to hate you [though it's super easy for her to fear others], but it can be super easy to get frustrated and annoyed with her.
[b]DIFFICULTY[b] easy
—physical difficulty easy
—mental difficulty  easy
mention [member=509]mirabella[/member] or [member=25]fab[/member] if needed!

Re: polygon dust - mirabella's storage - calliope - 07-24-2018