Beasts of Beyond
gotta be a martyr // corpse hanging - Printable Version

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gotta be a martyr // corpse hanging - teef - 01-07-2019

this was going a little far, but to be honest? she fucking lived for this type of danger. without the thrill what was life? some wasteful existence, just like the corpse that dangled from the tigress' jaws. poor fucker. not that she cared.

hah. caring. what the hell was that? not something that she did, obviously. stalking into the jungle that reminded her of childhood, she was quick to take to the trees, a loop of rope resting around her chest and shoulder. leaping from tree to tree, up in the highest branches she sought out the largest and most visited tree.

finally finding it, she paused for a moment before snorting a dark type of laugh. how ironic it would be, to hang the corpse of the dead predator in the main center of the pitt. she was almost tempted to do it. no. not the right risk tonight, but maybe something for tomorrow.

focusing back on her task at hand, the mercenary set the corpse on the limb of the tree she stood in, unraveling the rope from her shoulder and securing it around the main part of the bough. tightening the knot with a hard tug, she set to tying it around the body. finally, the female would carelessly kick the tied up corpse down from its bough, the body dancing in the air as it slowly came to swing and finally stop, hanging like a puppet.

a note was tucked into the NPC lion's mouth, his eyes gouged out and tongue missing. there were a few scorch marks along his pelt, cauterized yet open gaping wounds. done by a glowing hot knife, one left to sit in burning coals. the letter was addressed to the pitt in general, but more specifically to the ardent and other high positions. an open threat from an undisclosed enemy, seen as the tigress carried no scent with her, masked by natural surroundings.

'keep your eyes open, there's a cautionary tale to follow. being a martyr sucks. I don't take kindly to snoops in my shop, assholes.'

after watching her work hang, the merc left as she came, silent and without a scent to follow, only leaving deep gouges in the tree next to the body, the sap running dark like blood through the sharp and jagged claw shape and 'AL' scrawled in the tree's bark. a calling card from the killer.
