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apex predator / war plotting - Printable Version

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apex predator / war plotting - sephiroth - 01-05-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]This had been a long time coming.  The male did not like being pushed around, and especially did not like that reflecting badly on his group.  It was about time they did something about the Pitt, who crowed and boasted about they were so much better then the group that Sephiroth led.  He would be amused by the obvious compensation if it wasn't aimed at him.

It was not a roar but more of a loud snarl that called the desert dwelling group to attention.  Sephiroth's eyes gleamed seriously as he prowled to the throne room he had occupied recently, though this matter was not on the same scale as a meeting but was without a doubt as important.  The lion would turn around to face anybody that followed him inside, his brow low and his shoulders squared and tense.  His eyes had that faint glow about them, the kind he gained when he was in a volatile mood and meant business.

"On the subject of the Pitt."  Sephiroth's voice was low and deep and intimidating.  "I will not allow my group to be mocked and toyed with by them any longer; I hope the rest of you are in agreement."  He shifted to sit at the foot of the platform that housed his throne, too focused on this to seat himself upon it.  "We must organize our forces and strike back.  I was thinking a classic raid for starters, to snatch up who can and haul them back here to send them back as an example.  Though if anybody has a suggestion to improve upon this idea, I would like to hear it."

Re: apex predator / war plotting - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-05-2019

The lithe dragon cat was laying on a warm rock nearby her claws tapping against it from beneath her tail which was wrapped around her body like her wings. Battle, was the place she really shined though her powers were not all in effect right now it made no difference she had been born on the field it was in her souls blood. "Yeah, instead of making an example we skip straight to hurting them." war was not the place for grandstanding and games, one didn't fear those who played games and they were to be feared. If someone wanted to torture another? That was all fine, but those who were tortured recovered, the dead came back sometimes. "The raid should occupy most of them, while another pair sneaks in on the other side to do some real damage like they did with our water." there had to be something they could do, but reckon would be difficult considering the target. The Pitt had to value water as much as they did but that was an eye for an eye if Jiyu was going to hit them she was going to take both remaining eyes and their mouth.

Re: apex predator / war plotting - teef - 01-07-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the dragon rumbled their agreement to jiyu's words, their eyes at half-lid. "we need a pinscher attack. something that will demand their attention, that will distract them. a raid is a little cliche, and if we invite tanglewood to join a raid, they'll be in the firing range." they spoke.

shaking their mane they relaxed in the sunlight that they could catch. "they live in a desert and jungle. I suggest we burn down the jungle. collateral damage. set up blocks for the fire from spreading to other territories. we only want the pitt to be our target." a little rationality was necessary even in the strangest of places. "if we have a water elemental among our ranks by the time we make the attack, we could steal their water and replace our water with theirs? block off the river. use our earth elementals to turn parts of the jungle on them? collapse their tunnels? don't forget. we have two members that come from the pitt. we should include them in this." they added, "I can use my wind elemental to wrap our forces in what looks like a sandstorm. it will be a perfect coverage for us."

if they were going to war with the pitt, it was going to be a legendary battle. screw taking their eyes. take their skins while at it.

Re: apex predator / war plotting - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-08-2019

"i-i dont know if it would work b-but i c-could try seperating the water f-from the poison h-here and then maybe we c-coould use the poison on their water? i-ive been p-practicing a-and maybe i-if that doesnt work w-we just t-take some water f-from here and use it t-to poison theirs....i-if i-i had small w-water bags or something i could sling o-over my back t-that i could use as a reserve f-for the fight th-that c-could be useful... i-ive been trying t-to practice more and more using my powers for combat a-as im small a-and not too good when it comes t-tooth to claw...."She looks down a little sheepishly[color=red]

Re: apex predator / war plotting - sephiroth - 01-13-2019

[Image: tumblr_pkofcj42CR1vp132no1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]The male's eyes flickered over to Jiyu first and foremost, allowing an ear to flick quickly.  "Fear and shame are powerful tools in war."  Sephiroth would gently remind, his voice soft and measured as he gazed down at his Vizier.  He enjoyed mind games of all sorts, though one must make sure not to mistake that as a fear of getting physical.  "Though I must agree.  Life is an eye for an eye, we do to them what they did to us."

Sephiroth looked at Bai Shi and Usagi next, his face contemplative and considering.  "Hm.  Fire is always a good tool of destruction, but if they have water elementals and we are not quick enough it is something easily thwarted.  Putting our poison into their water...that sounds incredibly promising."  Despite his mistrust of them, Usagi seemingly had a good idea about them.  "Fire is something they can move from, water is much more vital.  We should start with that as well, destroy their resources and weaken them.  Beat them down and then break them."

"On that subject."  The silver framed face of the Pharaoh lifted up to look ahead at nothing in particular.  Mysterious as ever.  "A while ago, before my time as leader even, a Pitt member came along in the night and stole our food supply, we went hungry for a lengthy period of time.  If somebody more stealthy then I-"  As much as he liked to think he was perfect, Sephiroth's large and very noteworthy appearance weren't exactly meant for being sneaky.  "Could sneak into their territory to steal or destroy their food supply, it would be a lovely act of revenge.  I suggest this is done soon; either during this planned raid or sometime in the night where you cannot be caught."

Re: apex predator / war plotting - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-14-2019

Fear and shame were a child's tools within warfare, neither created the terror nor shaken core that were truly required for victory. Sure, if someone was mentally skilled enough they could scare or shame someone to death, she'd done it before, but it was so small that it couldn't affect an entire army unless the target was chosen beyond carefully. Jiyu had waited long enough, she was in no mood for playing games with her prey, she was just going to eat them whole this time around, especially since she had a capable body on top of the lack of empathy she'd always possessed. "I was there, said we should have struck back than, that job is mine now that it's been cleared." however destruction wasn't sweet enough justice, it needed to be a bit more poetic. "Secure our own food, I won't be destroying their stock, my attack will be day after tomorrow as I have to make a trip first to secure something needed to do this to inflict the most pain." it wasn't enough to take their food, no she'd let them have their food, but they'd pay like hell for consuming it, nothing fatal due to the fact children may consume it but enough to weaken them.

"The raid should come sometime after they will be weakened by what I do." why destroy the food supply when she could poison it? She'd already touched water for Rosemary if she got the ocelot to hand her poison even that derived from plants, the dragoness was sure she could do the job. If all else failed she was fairly sure her own salvia would be poison enough considering what she ate and how she never brushed. "Everyone else should prepare for whatever you will do, at most I'll take one other person with me for this, being able to go invisible and intangible are musts." stealth was something she was skilled in as most of her actual kills were quick when she wasn't in the mood for playing around with her target, plus her body wasn't designed for muscling down someone but for slicing their throat. "I have to go make preparations." with that comment she took to the air in order to speed back to her house to make the requires preparations for the trip she needed.

Re: apex predator / war plotting - teef - 01-16-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


"alright. their food store and decimating that has been taken care of. got it. we should focus on our own forces. where are we sending them into enemy territory? the tunnels that the pitt has, could make or break us." they rumbled, remembering the dark passageways under the dirt.

their gaze swept to usagi, "before tanglewood, you were with the pitt. do you remember the territory?" it was an offer to redeem herself in the eyes of sephiroth and themself a bit more.

Re: apex predator / war plotting - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-16-2019

She looks up surprised not really having expected to be called upon or have her plan taken seriously and she clears her throat slightly"i-i wasnt with them too long i-i stumbled in there initially on the verge of collapse looking for help.... i-it was harder to fight takao back then.. i passed out and they chained me like i had begged but takao took over and challenged jer...jer broke the chains and beat takao back and i eventually regained controll bu-but then he denied me as being his daughter and turned his back, saying only to call upon him if takao came back...i-i left a short while later after i was able to get a few random supplies so i wouldnt die as i wandered. i dont know them too well because i wasnt there that long b-but i should be able to make my way arround somewhat decently...i-im sorry im not really i great help i guess"she lowers her head slightly and submissively and it would take next to no ammount of skill or intuition to realize that she was somewhat nervously rambling on, though her eyes seem somewhat shinny at the mention of Jerisidie claiming she was not his daughter, as much as she tries to hide it.

Re: apex predator / war plotting - teef - 01-20-2019

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=#7E354D]BAI SHI

" my own illusion come to be "


the dragon shook their head, "its okay, sister. dont apologize. i thought that you might have some knowledge." they murmured, gaze turning back to the others.

sketching out a rough map of the pitt's territory they wrinkled their nose, "this is all I can remember from being taken back by ninazu, and from my father's reports." they murmured gently, eyes pained for a moment at the memory of the torture that afflicted their mental state.

clearing their throat with a growl they gazed at the map, licking their lips. "since jiyu has the food, why don't we collapse the ground from under them? we have a few folk with the earth element, if we can sneak them under the camp in the tunnels, we could get our elementals to drag the earth from under the pittians. we could do this in an area where they store their weapons and their warriors sleep. we should leave the children and mothers alone, they might be the enemy, but they havent done anything to hurt us." they suggested, "it will be of high risk, but it is possible. we need to find out where the sleeping and storage places of are, we should send a spy into their middle."

Re: apex predator / war plotting - Usagi Smallpaw - 01-26-2019

As they talked a thought came to her mind. It was a terrible one that could do more harm than good. but it could help....possibly. she shouldn't even voice it like she was about to but....but it was for Bai and the pain would be worth it to help her.Perhaps if they were lucky takao wouldn't be effected from her injuries."I-i have a-another idea i-if i may.....wh-what if o-once i release the poison.....wh-what if i let him out wh-while i was in the heart of their territory?"