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watch it grow ☀ prompt - arcy - 04-24-2018

Izuku likes to think he's been a cat long enough to know his limits. A few months gave him enough time to figure out everything he could or couldn't do, and most of it was just because of Izuku's lack of hands. He'd figured out work-around for a lot of them, though. Like -- he couldn't write, anymore, he didn't have fingers, but he could dip his paw into ink and then write like that. It made the letters big and blocky, and he smeared the ink a lot, but it was a suitable stand-in, at least. There were other things too, of course, but he couldn't think of them at the top of his head.
There was -- something, that Izuku wasn't sure of yet. That happened to be his quirk -- it hadn't worked properly in passing, but he didn't have the guts to properly test it out, considering the risk to his own wellbeing. He'd break his bones if he wasn't careful, and Izuku didn't exactly have a safety net to fall back on here. (he hadn't broken his bones so far, not even in fights, and Izuku wasn't keen on breaking that streak, at least not now.)
This leads to where Izuku is now -- which is literally nowhere. He's in one of the less populated areas of the territory, more because he didn't really want anyone nearby while he tested and trained than out of fear of hurting anyone He only hurt people by accident when he was using the higher percentages, and that was absolutely not the plan. What the plan was, was to try and wield One for All, his quirk(not power, thanks. He'd call conjuration or whatever a power any day, but not this one), and see if it worked, as it hadn't been for ages. There was still the electricity, which really shouldn't be there and definitely hadn't been a part of the quirk originally, but it was definitely better than nothing, and had probably saved his hide a few times. Still, that was step one. Step two --
Izuku breathes. Activating his quirk is harder than it used to be, even before it'd malfunctioned a month or so ago, and he squeezes his eyes shut as he focuses. And then -- nothing. A little crackle of electricity on his front paw, but that was all. A flash of annoyance, and Izuku tries again, metaphorically reaching out for just something. Anything. He'd worked too hard to control it for this entire power to just be gone, what the hell. For that matter, his quirk was the only reason he'd even survived so long in the first place. It'd allowed him to make up what he'd lacked in skill or grace or anything in just -- power and speed.
But there's nothing. All there is in its place is the the gradually swelling crackle of electricity. He feels hollow. He can feel little sparks of pain as it catches in his fur, causing it to stand on end, and he can't even have this, can he. He'd been turned into a cat, dragged away from at least two different homes, and he'd even had his quirk intact up until recently. What'd changed, between his old group and here? He can't think of anything, absolutely nothing at all, and he just feels so vulnerable all of a sudden. Everything was just being -- taken from him. If not all at once, then piece by piece like this -- he'd noticed the malfunction a long time ago, of course, he hadn't thought the hollowness meant it was gone. What did he even have to remind himself of home, aside from Aizawa's presence alone? No, seriously, what was there? He had his journals, and his native language, and maybe a few home-made trinkets, but other than that, not even a picture. Not even his quirk, which, even after only having it for a year or so, had become such an ingrained part of him that the loss of it, even if he'd thought it'd be more temporary then, had shaken him. His paws are shaking right now as it is. He's not -- he's not completely dependent on it, his quirk, except for that he definitely is, when it comes to fights. He'd never had the grace or the skill or the fighting spirit to put up a good fight, had definitely nearly died a few times before he closed the gap using Full Cowl(just an alternate use of his quirk), but he just -- you can't really blame him. He's just one little clumsy cat, with minimal fighting training, definitely only a few months of experience on four paws, and he didn't want to die, not like that.
Izuku takes a few deep breaths to calm his hysteria. No, no, this is salvageable. He just -- had to figure out how to better weaponize his electricity(it was better for literal shock value as it was), and also put more focus on battle training. He'd been focusing on his medicine research, if only because of his dislike of this style of fighting, and also, he was so close to finishing his last few books. But, well, he knew way more than he needed to as a regular padfoot, especially since they already had a medic, Jacob, right?? He takes in another few shaky breaths, still shaking just the slightest, and does his best to ignore the insistently crackling electricity around his paws. Electricity wasn't even his thing -- it was intellect, and honestly, defensive brute force. He didn't get it. He didn't get any of this. He doesn't get why he died, or why he's a cat, or why everyone in the distant wilds had been so territorial and willing to fight, or even why Todoroki had dragged him off, only for them to get separated. He doesn't get it, he doesn't even know why he's here or what he'd done to deserve all of this. Okay, okay, whatever. Why's he being so dramatic about this, what the hell -- (his attempts at calling himself out don't help him. at all. To be completely fair, it was more about the side affects than the loss itself.)

//tl;dr my boy was in denial abt his quirk/not-power(which is basically a super speed super strength thing) not working and gets a wake-up call. he immediately has a Crisis. rip.
this is a hell post and i hate it. asfsgdsf its bad and also i meant to do something lighthearted??? what happened here


Re: watch it grow ☀ prompt - Whisper - 04-25-2018


DREAMS MADE TO BE USED - WASTED ![div style="width: 90%;overflow: auto;text-align: justify;font-size: 8pt;background-color: #212121;font-size: 8pt;text-align: right;"] IZUKU "DEKU" MIDORIA - SNOWBOUND - STORAGE
The turkish angura was well aware of power from a very young age. Since he was a kitten he watched others in power with stars in his eyes. Childish dreams and the ability to be born with a quirk- with some hidden power hidden just under her skin created an alamgamation of childish hope, his stubborn pride keeping that dream alive until the feline reached the ruins of a crumbled city. When he saw just how dangerous people with powers were- his first ever villian didn't even use their quirk on him- but they didn't need to get his point across.

He learned many of things that day. That there was no such thing as a black and white world, villains were martyrs to their own cause, and a 'hero' was just someone unable to see that. Too busy curbing casualties to go for the root of the problem. That power was corruptible, and the more power you had the more corruptible you were. Deku was too aware of himself to not realize that the hope- crushed into the ground, grew something in it's rotten roots. Something that was made from fear, stemmed from hate and tasted much too bitter on his tongue. Contempt. Maybe there was a chance for the black feline to grow into a new power- maybe he will someday find his own power thrum under his skin one day. But he had stolen that right from under him, and deku had given it up freely.

As his world broke he found a new dream along the shards of it. No longer idealizing what he could not have, he turned his attention purely on himself and what he could do. He vowed never to be ignorant to even a villain, and his cause was not as selfish as some petty power-freak trying to seek validation by killing someone so misunderstood. It was a careful world he lived in, armed only with his determination and willingness to learn he took to the first ever 'villain' that ever taught him the world was wrong. And shadowed them until there was nothing left to learn.

Along the way he had killed many. People who only wanted to help and desperate people he could not save. Dangers that threatened him and what he built for himself. He was still young, still a child- technically. But he had seen too much to be considered innocent any longer. Too Preoccupied with keeping whatever grasp of the power other's used mercilessly for himself. For others secretly. To save the unsalvageable and damn all the rest.

Bright neon green hues spotted a familiar offset of green along the white tundra he now called home. Izuku panic rolling off in waves- even from this distance, it was like a taste of chocolate on his tongue. Bittersweet and sour. The Powerfull being crippled- brought down a peg made him feel satisfied. Justified a little bit in his own cause. But this was a clanmate, someone who greeted him with a smile even as nervousness rolled off him in waves. The Turkish angoura knew better than anyone what it was like to have a dream crushed, it just so happened his counterpart would have to learn that after getting everything he ever wanted.

Deku prowled closer, cautious but sure. "Izuku." It wasn't as if he were powerless like Deku. The brush of electricity that zapped along his pelt was enough to sign of that. and it set his teeth on edge still. To see power so blatantly used, a child so easily corruptable he yearned to tap into it himself. To pull the other kid- much like himself onto his side. But power was addicting, Deku knew better than to let the thought- the hope of friendship last longer than a moment. "You look a little lost there."

Re: watch it grow ☀ prompt - jacob w.c. - 04-25-2018

WHAT A PRIVILEGE IT IS TO LOVE — Jacob had never had powers and he'd never really been bothered by that. Most of the people he knew didn't have powers anyway, people like Harrison and Vito and Jersey. None of them had powers and they were still all powerful in their own right, particularly his Babbo and his Pa. In the city, they had just as much power as the leaders here did, if not even more. Jacob was intended to take both those positions but he'd been against the idea ever since he was little. At first, he'd insisted that he'd be a detective but that all changed when he met his Ma. From the moment she started training him, he knew he'd like to be a doctor. He wanted to help people, not destroy them. He wasn't sure that he would define the work of his family as specifically an attempt to destroy other people but they certainly weren't afraid to do it when there was money to be made or power to be earned. He wasn't sure exactly when but he'd decided he didn't want any part in all of that. Jacob was more interested in helping people than he was in working for his own personal gain. Besides, he wasn't much good in teaching large groups of people, he just wanted to heal them. That was all.

His thoughts were disrupted when he heard a voice nearby and caught more than one scent. He made his way over, hiding a grimace as he arrived. His legs had been bothering him more than usual today and he knew it'd be time to head back home soon enough. Still, maybe relaxing would help a little. He settled down and looked towards Izuku, a light frown on his maw. It was easy to see his clanmate was distressed but he wasn't sure it was such a good idea to pry into why that was. He knew if he was upset about something, he probably wouldn't tell someone he hardly knew and Jacob couldn't say he knew Izuku well. "Izuku, ya' don' look like you're feelin' too well. Do ya' want somethin' ta' eat or some tea? I was 'bout ta' head back anyway," he offered lightly. After Izuku had helped him back to camp when he'd fallen, the least he could do was try to look out for the boy. Besides, beyond it being his job to look after the clan's well-being and the debt he owed Izuku, Jacob didn't like to see anyone distressed. —A GREAT HONOR TO HOLD YOU UP


Re: watch it grow ☀ prompt - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-27-2018

(Heck no!! Your post is beautiful and amazing!!)

Some may think that Killua was mad with power, but they couldn't be more wrong in that regard. If anyone was mad with power it was either his father or Illumi that were close to something like that. The assassin didn't care about gaining power all that much anymore due to the factor that he was incredibly strong already. He doubted that any clanner would be capable of taking on the likes of him without risking their own life. Those that lived in Snowbound and had come across the horrific scene a couple weeks ago now realized this as he could easily kill those that could try and attack him with the intent to kill. Of course the scene had been stated that it was an accident and nothing else. Instead, in actuality, it had been the factor that he had killed those two innocent animals and had practically left nothing behind for them to leave their loved ones. Killua had nearly vomited after that moment when he had returned back to his cave only to leave again so that he could recover himself at that very moment. Killua did desire some form of power when it came to the thought of taking care of his brother. The black tiger was a lot more powerful than maybe he could ever be, but if he doubted himself for too much longer he would probably drown in his own grief that no matter what he did he couldn't come up against his brother. He had to do something, and his recent training had been minimal for the most part. The way that he trained himself was a lot different than what the clans would most likely use int hat regard. The assassin had no reason to show other's how he was training, as again that would give them leverage on who he was. A factor that he couldn't have left in the open if his family decided to pay him for a visit in any shape or form. Killua also had been training a lot less because his body simply couldn't handle it. The wildcat hadn't been eating or sleeping, and sometimes that wouldn't be that much of an issue. However, his condition had been going on for the past several days so that it was actually affecting his body where it was making it almost impossible to train himself. He knew that he was doing this out of the fit of guilt out of the crime that he had committed. Still, most of thosoe that lived in Snowbound didn't think ill of the deputy, especially after what had happened with the Typhoon. Some maybe even considered him to be a hero for saving them against the Typhoon, but Killua would have laughed in their faces if they had used that term to describe a murderer like himself.

The young male was strong enough to take down creatures that were several times his size already. Some of his powers weren't working at the moment, but that was fine with him because he could easily work around a strategy to make sure that he couldn't be overtaken that easily in a fight. He had killed dragons, mythical creatures, all of them were in the same as anyone with some anatomy knowledge would be able to have the ability to kill someone. It wasn't exactly hard in that regard, and something that he clanners seemed to forget altogether. Compared to those that acquired powers over their lifetime, Killua, such as rest of his siblings, had been born with a couple powers to start off with. Those powers being his air elementals and his conjuration. One was a simple power while the other one was used as more as a utility to help him travel and to avoid being tracked constantly. Being born with a power meant that there weren't really any proper means for him to be able to use such a power in the first place. It was incredibly difficult for him to become an expert with the power, but over time he was able to get a handle on it. The assassin was a prodigy after all, which meant that it wasn't extremely difficult for him to accomplish. Using those two powers were almost the same as breathing for Killua, as they didn't require any thought to be able to work at the same time. With the way that he fought others, Killua relied on his speed and his claws to do the work for him. Facing larger opponents he couldn't rely on brute strength alone, but if it was an animal that was smaller or around the same size as him, he wouldn't mind throwing that specific opponent around or figuring out how to break a bone either. He was a ruthless fighter, and most of the time he fought to kill compared to a clanner who would fight to try and knock out an opponent or just try to make them run away. Wars weren't won with mercy after all. Something that Killua knew all too well, especially with the field that he had been in. Killua knew Izuku, although he didn't know the other all that personally all things considered. Not a surprise as he didn't know a lot of others except for really their name. He had no reason to learn about where they came from or who they were unless he perceived them as a threat in the future. Killua was the type that would simply go exploring the territory in order to get his mind off of something. He had already mapped out the large expanse of the territory by heart now and knew the different landmarks that were placed. Which now was almost becoming a bore to him because it was the same stuff happening over and over again. The assassin wondered if he should go exploring other territories again. Maybe the Ascendants. They were nice enough to let him explore the observatory so maybe they would allow him to do it again. Either way, as he was patrolling one side of the territory, he heard voices in the distance rather than smelling Izuku right off the bat.

His air elementals doing its work as usual as he leaped from branch to branch before he spotted three animals off in the distance. Two that he knew and one that he didn't. Compared to Izuku, Killua had his own means of using electrical elementals. It was basically his staple as a power, but right now he wouldn't be able to use it if he even tried. His body worked like that of a battery, so he would need to charge himself up using an electrical device to be able to his powers, and he could only use them for a short amount of time on top of that. The assassin did have a handicap when it came to his powers, but it was because electricity was fairly lethal in that regard. If the other's didn't feel the electricity that was in the air, making the air feel almost charged, then the other's were blind to that factor. Oh? Who had made the air feel like that. Izuku? Maybe, or it was the other male that he didn't know. The one that looked kinda similar to Izuku but not exactly. He didn't like the vibe that the other was giving off. The albino serval laid himself down on a branch that was directly above the group, assessing the situation. It was obvious that something was going on with Izuku, but did Killua care enough to care to figure out? Even if he didn't, it was still information that he could use for previous interactions. "You look like you're about to have a mental breakdown more like it." The deputy would say in a calm voice as he looked at the maine coon. He flicked one of his large ears as his metal claws shined in the light of the sun. Maybe he was a little bit too blunt, but that's how he always was. His sapphire blue eyes did turn to the angora though. "And who are you?" Killua questioned the other. He usually kept tabs on who came through the border, so this meant that the other had arrived while he wasn't around. That made Killua uncomfortable, but he didn't show it.
snowbound -- snowseeker -- male -- 8 moons
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