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black mark on her heart // joiner - Printable Version

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black mark on her heart // joiner - teef - 01-02-2019

a pair of silvery cold eyes look around the area she has found herself in, the hyena walking along the coast in a tired fashion. her head was low, looking weak, yet she smelt of blood and pain. her fur blew in a ripple against the wind, raising her head with a pull of her lips, snarling.

"was it really worth it, shatter? sending me away like some common criminal just because she said i was a danger? you best be dead by now ... especially after the attack i warned you about." she snarls, clawing the sand beneath her paws before breathing out.

she was en route from her old home which she had watched go up in flame, satisfaction curling in her belly. she calls the event armageddon, the end of the world for the village she once knew as home. it was glorious really, watching the entire plaza of structures and buildings burn down into coals and ash. she was internally pleased by how it has turned out.

shaking out her pelt, reconcile sweeps her gaze out over the ocean, drifting in her thoughts. really, there was no way to run from the destructive past, only to embrace it and grow stronger from it. and that is what she would do, what she would hang onto with nails dug in. she was going to survive, and the first step of that? finding a new home and a new group to call her family. next? live.

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - PEPPINO - 01-02-2019

Peppino was in the process of gathering some last minute supplies for the evacuation when he caught the scent of something that wasn't from the volcano or any of his clanmates- at least, he hoped that the blood on the wind wasn't theirs. He expected there to be injuries considering the situation, but he had nonetheless held out on some lingering faith that they would manage to keep themselves together long enough to make it out of immediate danger. Drawing in a calming breath, the young canine tucked one last plantain leaf into a jar, settling it carefully in his satchel, and then he went to find the origin of the new scent. Fortunately, it wasn't a Typhooner.

Unfortunately, this stranger had found a bit of a bad time to show up on their doorstep. Then again, Pip wasn't certain how much longer they'd have a doorstep.

He gave the hyena a quick once-over, frowning faintly, though more thoughtfully than disapprovingly. "Ah, excuse me, did you need something with The Typhoon? We've got a bit of an issue with the volcano, so we're going to be evacuating. Do you need medical attention?"

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - teef - 01-03-2019

a surprised look befell her face, the hyena's lips splitting into an easy grin, "my scrapes'll be fine. do you guys need an extra hand with er,, evacuating?" she responded, waving away the concerns.

"just wa' traveling through the area. didn't realize no nothin' bout an explodin' 'cano." she spoke suddenly, concern coloring silvery eyes. tail flicking, her ears stood up, muscles tending under her coat. well, looked like it was time for her to settle down, or rather, settle on the move? she didn't mind, it brought extra excitement.

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - suvi. - 01-04-2019

[div style="width: 527px; line-height: 1.4; text-align: justify; font-family: constantia; font-size: 11px;"]suvi ó faoláin
Perhaps impending doom had yet to set in.  The golden pup keenly felt the urgency of her crewmates, but the child seemed just as she normally did; curious and prone to wandering.  As such, the pup found her paws carrying her towards nearby voices.  One belonging to a crewmate -- the one who always smelled of plants -- and a stranger.  Warm hues flickered shyly, ears perked as she caught the last spoken words.  A potential joiner then.  At least, that's what 'extra hand' sounded like to her.

Her tail began to wag to and fro, relaxing as she recongized the stranger has a new member.
[align=right]mhaighdean uasal bhàn

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - teef - 01-05-2019

her gaze fell to suvi, of whom she gave a gentle and warm smile. children? she didn't mind youngsters, they were much more entertaining than adults could be and they didnt judge you for no reason either.

"ello lass. what's 'ur name? my name's reko. would you like a 'lower?" she asked curiously, procuring a small quaint daisy from a well-disguised pouch laid along her body.

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - PEPPINO - 01-05-2019

Could they use help? Most likely. Pip wasn't overseeing the evacuation, however, so he had no way of knowing what needed tending to beyond his own responsibilities, and while he wasn't opposed to help, it would be better if he went about it alone. If the situation worsened, if the eruption took a very abrupt turn for the worst -what could be worse than an eruption he wasn't certain, but he didn't want to find out- he wouldn't want anyone stuck out with him. The best idea was to have everyone on the boats. "Not much to be done now," the young canine said after a moment, with a slight shake of his head. "We have some boats prepared. I can show you to them- it's best if we get everyone accounted for, but thank you for the offer."

He didn't imagine she would have known about it- they hadn't told anyone, as far as he knew. Perhaps they should, but he wouldn't unless Goldie permitted it. "It's not common knowledge, no. If you would rather...leave, it's understandable." At the sound of steps, he turned his head, finding a child- he wasn't certain he recognized her. Reko -as she revealed her name to be- seemed one of the few people who could manage the younger ones, offering a flower, and a small, barely there smile found Pip's face.

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - teef - 01-07-2019

she shook her head with a smile, "leave? nah. not 'hen there're childr'n in the cross'airs. what's 'ur name, lad?" she responded fiercely, looking at him.

she might be brand new to the area, and have some skeletons in the closet, but she wasnt a bigoted self-serving prick. she wouldnt have wanted to leave in the first place, danger was exhilarating! but now that she knew children were involved? double on the not leaving. now this boy here? he was of concern to her heart and instincts.

"I can 'ait on t'e boats, lad. nob'dy left be'ind, rig't?" she laughed, smiling at him as she stood by suvi, already protective of the youngest of the trio. "a 'cano got not'in' on t'e wars. relax. I can be extra sp'ce f'r carryin' supplies."

-- leave? no. not when there are children in the crosshairs. what'syour name, boy?
-- I can wait on the boats, boy. nobody left behind, right?
-- a volcano got nothing on the wars. relax. I can be extra for carrying supplies.

(sorry,, talking weird fits for her char)

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - Whisper - 01-10-2019

[Image: a.gif]
got a taste for jungle fever? - an antagonist with a silver tongue , a pirate with nothing to loose and everything to gain . Vaas wants fame and fortune and power. Ambitions bleed between silver plated teeth. Something wild burns deep inside his eyes. He craves the anarchy of the wild and the need to burn it all under heel. Those in his way will burn, and the rest will get shoved out of the limelight You hit the ground
the customary greeting a stranger got was cold and callous, because most clan's couldn't afford the luxury of trust, not when there were other clans out there sending raids and strangers into the frey. All in all it made the clans seem more rude or generally callous towards newcomers. But the point being it got the job done. It kept loners from wandering into their territory and leaving just as quickly- with tightly kept secrets or whatever true cause they had for being there. People could easily still lie when asked, but it was all the more easier to push someone out with the same callous words used to greet them if they were already in the mindset of could be an enemy.

There was already a group around the newcomer, and a quick glance told him that they already got through customary greetings, but the fact that the stranger hadn't been asked why they were there was on the tip of his tongue. Green eyes locking on reko as she polightly talked with everyone. The stranger was kind enough to offer help, but vaas was taught this rule young- never to truly trust someone willing to help unless they have a reason for helping. Maybe it was to join, maybe, it was something else.

"You planning on stayin' then?" the tiger spoke, his voice upbeat as he slipped into the conversation. still it was nice to see such generosity form a stranger, but that did not mean vaas would lower his guard. "Lava's slow goin' as of late, but it's growing. We could use a paw or two to help those who have stayed here longer."

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - teef - 01-12-2019

silver eyes traveled to the tiger, gaze roving him head to toe. sizing him up? probably. she had no reason to fully trust just anyone, not even her formerly loved ones. she was in the process of changing and that had to include changing her current approach to things.

taking a breath she steadied her thoughts that ran in circles back onto themselves. breathing out, much calmer than her mind tried to tell her she was, she put on her easiest smile, "if I wasn't here to join, I probably would be on my way. 'course I'm gonna pitch in, ain't nobody innocent ought to be left behind." yikes. thanks for the guilt, memories.

//no accent oof//

Re: black mark on her heart // joiner - raziel - 01-12-2019

An interesting time to join, for sure.  Perhaps unsurprisingly upon the appearace of Suvi, a much larger wolf showed his face. Raziel had quickly begun to realize that, like her cousin Keona, Suvi had a habit of disappearing, simply drawn out by an insaitable curiousity to explore the world.  He had to keep an eye on her, especially given the state of things.  The fae flicked his ear absently, aiming an affectionate nudge his little pup's way.

"Her name's Suvi," he offered with a warm smile, inclining his head to the child as he introduced her.  Perhaps he ought to teach her sign language. "And I'm Raziel.  It's nice to meet you, Reko.  Welcome to the Typhoon."