Beasts of Beyond
Jiyu's Adventure Notes. (Updated Often) - Printable Version

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Jiyu's Adventure Notes. (Updated Often) - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-01-2019

Precursory Note: If anyone is interested in their character going on an exploration with Jiyu just pm or discord me and we'll arrange it short of drastic IC circumstances preventing it or an overload on me OOC. 

The Cabin
Settled just outside of the currently claimed territory of the border sharing groups this cabin is located in a seasonally diverse conifer forest. The actual building has no easy access on the ground, only accessible to those without flight via climbing the structure beginning at the base of the small cliff its located on or traversing a very lose rocky path to make it to a rock large enough to grant access to one of the windows. This is the home base of Jiyu's explorations, thus making this also where most of her records and maps are stored.

Due to it's close proximity to the edge of main group inhabited territory it is fairly easy for others to come across this cabin. Luckily thanks to it being in unclaimed territory the dragon hybrid rarely reacts aggressively to visitors. In fact? The interior of the cabin is somewhat fashioned to be able to accommodate guests when she receives them! Sporting a loft fashioned with several bunk beds for that exact purpose. Jiyu's room itself is in the back corner of the cabin typically locked by a key she carries on her neck, this room is rather run down expect for the in progress maps, notebooks and such kept there between adventures. The room furthest towards the cliff is empty basically a place to land and sleep, the kitchen just as simple merely a storage space. Out in the main living room there is a single coffee table and tons of seating, with a large bookshelf on one wall containing anything she doesn't mind sharing with everyone else, basically a free travel guide for outside the territories far as she's traveled. The contents following are those books.
*Note anything marked like this is also in a bookshelf within rather her roseblood house or somewhere else on their territory.*

Re: Jiyu's Adventure Notes. (Updated Often) - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 01-02-2019

*Secondary Note, if someone finds a reason something here is wrong because of some official site lore or something I am unaware of please let me know*

Volume One
The Rocky Forest
Settled just at the border of the northern most border of currently inhabited territory lays this vast woodland consistently mostly of confier tree varieties with broad leaved tree's thrown in allowing the landscape to change somewhat over the seasons. Due to existing on the southern side of a mountain alongside having a rather sizable lake in the center, plus mutliple small creaks/rivers, this location fogs over heavily in morning and evening. It should be noted that while the mountain range directly north of the forest is clear around noon, it fogs over much heavier than the forest from shortly before dusk until sometime after dawn making it very dangerous to attempt traversing without someone experineced during that time. End entry, further exploratoration pending to the west, east and over the mountain range.