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love me dead ➵ ???? - Printable Version

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love me dead ➵ ???? - arcy - 01-01-2019

//didnt know what to title the thread, sorry gfsdfdsds
As a general rule, Link should never be left to his own devices in a place where people lived. Sometimes it was fine -- sometimes he just cooked, or occupied himself. But othertimes, he wreaked havoc. One time he accidentally set a town on fire via Shiekah(it didn't have a name, so he just called it by the tribe's name), and it took ages to put out. This ... was one of those times. Not a fire, thank god -- though it's ... something, nonetheless.
Link is the entergetic type, see. He's quiet, softspoken, sticks to a small space, so it wouldn't seem it. But he is. And, in all honest, he's already going stir crazy. He'd been going on adventures, leaving the territory, but it wasn't enough. Maybe someday he'd get used to it, but today was not that day.
See, Link's room was decorated when he got to it. Abandoned, probably -- there wasn't any scent to it, after all. So he just put up small little trinkets he picked up, and left it at that. .. Perhaps the bookshelf was problematic, though, given Link's nature. He'd been trying to put something up, see. A dream catcher he'd picked up from somebody nice. He hadn't planned to put it up, but he was bored. And .. his ceiling was a bit high up. So ... well. Let's just say he climbed the bookshelf. He even hung it up successfully! Way above his sleeping space that he doesn't use to begin with, but there nonetheless.
Which ... brought up the dilemma of getting down. He considers this. He'd used the shelves to climb up, but dogs did not have enough dexterity to go down. ... ... Like a shrine puzzle, maybe? There'd be a shrine that'd involved a turning cogweel and he'd had to climb to the right side before gravity sent him careening to the ground, where he'd have to star over. So ... maybe. So, thoughtlessly, Link's paws latch onto the edge of the shelf, and then, with his back legs, he kicks off from the wall. Quick as a flash, he's up, using the back of the bookshelf to slide down, uninjured, as the bookshelf crashes to the ground. Needless to say, the sound it made was deafening, as the weakened wood cracked in some places. Link barely flinches, but he does wrinkle his nose as he hops to the ground, shaking out his paws. A few books were scattered across the room, now. He had a bookshelf near-broken on the ground, but hey, he was down! He'd count that as a win, just as always. He turns away from it casually, as though nothing happened. He probably wouldn't end cleaning it up -- as long as Link could find his stuff, he didn't care how messy or truly, absolutely disastrous his room was. Even if there was an inconvenient broken bookshelf on the floor.

"we will not be torn" —-- link / ascendants / misc

Re: love me dead ➵ ???? - Warringkingdoms - 01-01-2019

  [font=trebuchet ms]As Rin observed the bookshelf on the floor and its owner beside it, it occurred to her: in this world, destruction of property was often more severe than the destruction of people.

  It seemed counter-intuitive, but she did not mean to imply that inanimate objects were more valuable than living souls. Rather, the containers for those souls were far more replaceable. If you set a book on fire, unless your memory was perfect, you would never be able to replicate that book exactly. If you were crushed by a boulder and killed, no big deal; you could just come back from the dead and possess a new form, and you would still essentially be the exact same person.

  The observation that death itself was essentially meaningless was freeing, in a way. The knowledge that any dead person could come back to life if they wanted to made it easier to distance herself from the fact that it happened so often. She was not fate's puppet- she would not be a clueless actress in its demented play. Why shed tears for someone who would most likely be back in a while anyway?

  Subconsciously, she had long since decided to stop caring. There was no point. If she could not drive the plot, then she would not follow the stage directions. Aside from healing and protecting people in the very few situations where she could, she had no further obligations.

  Not that it mattered. The bookshelf was still intact, the books were intact, and the feline that had rode the shelf down appeared uninjured. "Nice dreamcatcher," Rin remarked, glancing up at the object hanging from the ceiling. "Where'd you get it?"

  /spontaneous return to activity and sudden character development all in one, nice

Re: love me dead ➵ ???? - ORPHEUS - 01-03-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]/ i'm laughing oh god please link no
+ rin oh my gosh,,, welcome back w her!!

Okay now listen: Orpheus had been a reckless child too. He was the type to climb up his dad's back and jump off again, sit in a tree and scramble down with his heart racing. Were he capable of it, the child would have been the type to hang upside down and call himself Spider-Man. He liked adventures and he liked having fun, but things had changed over the course of these last few years. Most importantly, the lion had grown up. He wouldn't call himself old, crotchety, grumpy, or anything else, but he was a little more... well, call him a little more concerned with the safety of others. When he hears the crash of the bookcase, his first thought isn't "someone's having fun" or "it was probably an accident". No, his mind screamed "murder" and "they're hurt" and all sorts of other paranoid things. He abandons what he had been doing in his room to race towards the noise, soft paws failing to catch nicely on the smooth floor when he finally finds himself there and tries to stop.

Once his mind settles and he sees that nothing is wrong, he lets out a shaky breath. "Kid." Though gently exasperated, relief softens the call. Perhaps just to settle himself, Orpheus sits near the doorway and turns his attention to the other person who had followed the noise. Warringkingdoms isn't familiar, but if he knew what she was thinking they surely would have argued. Perhaps it's his own personal experiences with death — the people he loved didn't come back. Everyone else got the opportunity, the privilege of trying again with those they cared for, and here he was, stuck with the permanence of it. The grief of having that yanked out from underneath him never healed. He can't understand how she skates over everything that had just happened. "How are you so calm about this?" Confused and still slightly out of breath but calming quickly, Orpheus weaves through the mess of the room to be closer to Link, glancing him over again. "You're not hurt, are you?"

Re: love me dead ➵ ???? - arcy - 01-04-2019

The way the stranger acknowledged the dreamcatcher instead of the broken bookshelf really speaks with Link. His ears perk and he noticably preens. He nods his head in pleased agreement, though noticably fumbles when the other asks about where he got it. He makes a strange sort of sound -- a whine and something else, before making a strange sort of motion. A motion towards Warringkingdoms, and then throwing a paw out. somebody away. That was the best he could get without talking, really.
Link chirps to Orpheus in greeting, relatively unphased. He's not surprised he attracted a little attention -- noises were pretty attention-grabbing, after all. He's a little more confused as to the tiger's concern, though. There's an obvious, oblivious tilt of his head as he blinks at the other, trying to make sense of it. He's been concerned about other people in the past, but it hasn't been ... for the person. For their life, for the people they know. To prevent another death. And that was ... that was all. He'd learn someday, maybe, just ... not right now.
Was he hurt, though? He makes another soft sound, lifts a paw halfway up experimentally, puts it back down. It aches -- stings of pain at the joints that he's sure will be gone in a day or a few. So he shrugs, and then, realizing that wasn't very convincing, shakes his head. It was nothing to be concerned about, he's sure.
//disaster boy ............
+ ditto!! welcome back dude!!! fdsfdssd