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Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - Printable Version

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Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - Orion - 01-01-2019

To hit off the new year and welcome some of our newest users, we have decided to host a mass meet and greet to introduce everyone or perhaps reignite some old friendships. We highly recommend communicating further through PMs or possibly even Discord.

Hey guys, my name is Orion. Some of you may also call me Star, but Orion is definitely preferred. I go by he/him pronouns! As of right now, I am the head administrator of Beasts of Beyond and hope to continue doing such a lovely thing for y'all. Outside of this though, I am a special effects artist and a huge computer enthusiast (hit me up with your PC builds!).

Re: Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - toboggan - 01-01-2019

howdy folks, im toboggan, but you can call me tobo if you’d like. over the past, ive gone by names such as gnome, fire !, burrito, bolide, and butterscotch, so feel free to address me as one of those as well, if you’d like!

ever since fate brought me here (some higher power MUST HAVE been involved judging by how events played out), i’ve been reconnecting with some of the folks i’ve hung out with on feralfront, and even crittercosmos. i mostly hang around tanglewood, but i’m also present in the typhoon, sunhaven, and an awesome backboard group called paradise valley.

im not super talented, to start off; all my writing is done on mobile, i can’t hold a pencil without getting blisters (so drawing is out of the picture), and i criticize too many things that are unfamiliar to me. however, i have many passions. i love skiing, i absolutely love music (and i’ll happily shill some amazing artists that you never heard of in your direction), im epic gamer, and even though i may not be the best at it, writing is really fun. im really liking design as a whole, so i may have a future in either sound design or advertising.

umm, some characters i may be known for from ff are oakstrike from trad. tc (trad was a mess lool), wendell from ext. windclan (whom i play right now in sunhaven), and doug from blizzardclan. right now, i play leroy in tangle, wendell in sunhaven, marco in the typhoon, and tomislav in paradise valley.

2019 is looking to be an amazing year for me, and im hoping the same for everybody else!!

Re: Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - tempest - 01-01-2019

hewwo! im tempest, but many have called me temp or tempy, so feel free to refer to me by that if you want!

i don't remember exactly how i found this site, but tbh im glad i did! i've seen so many people from feralfront that i recognize here, and it's great to know that some of you didn't just drop off the face of the earth djdlskfk

i also roleplay on feralfront, though not as extensively as i did before. if you recognize me, it's probably from arcanepaw, as he's definitely one of my more prominent characters. i've had other characters too, though (i a lot of places back then sjskkd)

so ye ;w; i'm not very  active here on bob, but i'd still be willing to chat with you guys! happy 2019 <3

Re: Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - Beatles. - 01-01-2019

hey, i'm beatles!

i'm bad with introductions but uhhh. i've been here since p much the beginning and on feralfront since 2012. my most notable characters on there have been pinballwizard, titan, snakehiss/star, and jerseyboy ( who i currrently play on bob ). i also play lucky in the pitt! please hmu if you'd like to plot or whatevs c:

Re: Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - arcy - 01-01-2019

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]hi!!! im arcy!! but i get called arc smtimes which is also cool. i joined p early on!! i think i found it via a friend at the time but i dont remember? i used to be on ff since like,, 2015, and also bb for a while!! i played chars like uhh,, solardust(blizz, bone), videogames(sylvan), and dean/karma(sunclan)!! i have a list of others smwhere though gsdfsd. i play link in asc and jim in tanglewood!! im a BIG fandom nerd. if you ever want to know my main interests you just have to look at my based characters gsdfsdfsd. i really love art!! (if u ever wanna art trade just hmu, but make sure to remind me xsdfdsff)
this all being said!! hey!! if anyone wants to talk to me ever, id be super happy to! u cld msg me like we're already friends and i'll reply the same way and thats just how it Is. or plots!! im always open to plots abt ANYTHING. this all being said!! i hope you all have an absolutely wonderful 2019!! or ELSE.

Re: Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - tikki - 01-01-2019

[align=center][div style="width:60%;overflow:auto;font-family:verdana;font-size:11px;text-transform: lowercase;text-align:justify"]hello hello!

My name is tikki, and I'm a junior moderator on the site! I go by she/her pronouns and I am twenty years old, and a college dropout ( if you can handle it, go to school, if you need a break like I did, take one! ) I applied for a job today to be a person who transcribes audio clips and am really hoping that I get it, because that'd be an awesome job to do imo, and I am also trying to be a streamer on twitch!

Outside of all of that, I play videogames ( overwatch and rainbow six mainly at the moment ) and I like to draw digital art.

Re: Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - Grimm - 01-04-2019

[align=center][div style="max-width: 420px; line-height:120%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8.5pt; text-align: justify; margin-bottom:5px"]hey i'm grimm but some may know me as hattrick from ff

i've been writing for a good ten years now and enjoy it a great deal, it is one of my big passions, and currently write keyne in the ascendants and sage in tanglewood so if you ever want to plot please feel free to message me, i might not be the best conversationalist but i am happy to chat with anyone as well. i'm a horror and gore lover, along with i listen to way too many podcasts so if you want any recs feel free to ask

Re: Site-Wide Meet and Greet! - HopesWings - 01-04-2019

Hello everyone.

My name is HopesWings, but I mostly go by Hope or Hopes. Some of you may know me from feralfront(I was/am Hopes~Wings on there). I joined the site late last year when some of my feralfront buddies moved to this site. A little bit about me is I work a job and I'm going to school. I love to read, write, and watch movies. Two of my biggest fan favorites are Harry Potter and Star Wars. I'm a nerd(and proudly so) when it comes to movies, books, and so on. As for roleplaying, I currently only have one private roleplay I'm involved in on here. I like advanced, medium paced threads. If you have one or have a plot you're interested in doing, I'm all ears!